Typos in dungeon.txt:
- reference to jammed doors (obsolete)
- "a warm of half drunk warriors" (swarm)
- reference to General Store selling scrolls (obsolete)
- "not all weapon types will be tocked here" (stocked)
- "taves" (staves)
- "afe" (safe)
- "how dungerous that level is" (dangerous -- although this one is very funny)
- "ince" (since)
- "ave" (save)
- reference to jammed doors (obsolete)
- "a warm of half drunk warriors" (swarm)
- reference to General Store selling scrolls (obsolete)
- "not all weapon types will be tocked here" (stocked)
- "taves" (staves)
- "afe" (safe)
- "how dungerous that level is" (dangerous -- although this one is very funny)
- "ince" (since)
- "ave" (save)