is there a code?

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  • jozmon
    • Jul 2014
    • 18

    is there a code?

    Okay I finally got 3.5.0 working thanks to kaypy!!!
    My question is i wanna try the debug mode with 'ctrl a'
    im not intrested in the high scores or anything. I am trying to make artifacts appear at my feet but if i type them in using 'ctrl a'+'shift C' it always says no artifact by that name is there a code i put in or just the name of the artifact? if theres a code to put in can you link me a page or post them if not teach me how to do it right? thank you for your time.
  • debo
    • Oct 2011
    • 2320

    This is one of the more awkward things in the wizard UI. I think what you have to do is use the 'repetition' command to feed an integer into the artefact creation command.

    In Sil, the command to repeat things is R. I'm not sure if it's the same in Vanilla. However, the idea is the same regardless.

    Let's say you want the Necklace of Dwarves. If you look in lib/edit/artifact.txt, you'll notice the amulet has an id of 6 (N:6 line at the top). So, if you do R, pick '6' as your repetition count, and then type Ctrl-A C, that will create the Necklace for you.

    Make sure to shout 'hadoken!' when you've successfully punched in this command chain.
    Last edited by debo; July 30, 2014, 14:02.
    Glaurung, Father of the Dragons says, 'You cannot avoid the ballyhack.'


    • kaypy
      • May 2009
      • 292

      Vanilla 3.5.0 is a bit simpler. It asks you for a number, rather than needing to go through the repeat command.

      So Ctrl-a C 1 [enter] gets you the Phial and so forth

      The number you need is still the one from the artifact list, though.


      • Derakon
        • Dec 2009
        • 8820

        Can't you also type in the name of the artifact? So e.g. you'd type "Galadriel" for the Phial or "Dwarves" for the Necklace of the Dwarves.


        • jozmon
          • Jul 2014
          • 18

          i typed in all names i could


          • kaypy
            • May 2009
            • 292

            Poking around a bit more, the system uses a substring search (of minimum length 3), so eg whacking on the home row for
            Ctl-a C asd [return]
            will get you the first artifact in the list with "asd" in the non-case-sensitive name ie Careth Asdriag

            Using a short length means less chance of a typo if you don't remember the name exactly. (Although you may get a different artifact if two match the substring)

            If course the confusing thing here is that the item type is not considered part of the name, so "phial" wont get you the phial. And of course if you are using randarts you have to play guess the name (or just go back to numbers)


            • kaypy
              • May 2009
              • 292

              Hmm. Randomly searched for wer and got "The Ring of Power of Power (The One Ring)". It's like the Ring of Power (The One Ring), but it goes up to 11?

              Is this just cause of playing with debug, or is it a lurking randart bug that hasn't been noticed because no-one ever finds the one ring of power (of power)?


              • jozmon
                • Jul 2014
                • 18

                okay, well rolling around on the ground crying!!! your helping me but by looking at the artifact txt i punch in the numbers and it gives me something different and trying the words random three letters works but doesnt help me get what i want, so unless i go through the numbers one at a time im screwed.


                • Derakon
                  • Dec 2009
                  • 8820

                  Could you tell us the exact steps you're performing, and the item that you're getting, and the item that you expected to get instead? Something's going wrong, but it's hard to know what without more information.


                  • jozmon
                    • Jul 2014
                    • 18

                    N:60f Fëanor
                    I:boots:Pair of Leather Boots
                    A:1:40 to 127
                    M:Your {kind} glow{s} bright green...
                    D:This wondrous pair of leather boots once sped Fëanor, creator of the
                    D:Silmarils and the mightiest of the Eldar, to fulfill his hero's challenge
                    D:and do battle for a Middle-Earth held in thrall. "Dear-bought those songs
                    D:shall be accounted, and yet shall be well-bought. For the price could be
                    D:no other."
                    so the # should be 60 right? wrong! 60=bar chain mail of ardanelor


                    • Derakon
                      • Dec 2009
                      • 8820

                      There is no Bar Chain Mail of Ardanelor in the game. You're playing with randarts turned on. And as kaypy said: "And of course if you are using randarts you have to play guess the name (or just go back to numbers)".

                      It is flat-out impossible to create standard artifacts in a game that uses randarts. If you want to create Feanor, create a new character who has randarts turned off.


                      • fph
                        • Apr 2009
                        • 956

                        Originally posted by kaypy
                        Hmm. Randomly searched for wer and got "The Ring of Power of Power (The One Ring)". It's like the Ring of Power (The One Ring), but it goes up to 11?
                        Reminds me of this song by an Italian "parody metal" group
                        Dive fast, die young, leave a high-CHA corpse.


                        • Zireael
                          • Jul 2011
                          • 199

                          Originally posted by kaypy
                          Hmm. Randomly searched for wer and got "The Ring of Power of Power (The One Ring)". It's like the Ring of Power (The One Ring), but it goes up to 11?

                          Is this just cause of playing with debug, or is it a lurking randart bug that hasn't been noticed because no-one ever finds the one ring of power (of power)?
                          Whoaah, cool! Did you dump it to the ladder? would have loved the stats on that baby!


                          • AnonymousHero
                            • Jun 2007
                            • 1322

                            Originally posted by Zireael
                            Whoaah, cool! Did you dump it to the ladder? would have loved the stats on that baby!
                            Here's a dump with a character with The One Ring. I don't think its stats have changed since this dump was made:


                            • kaypy
                              • May 2009
                              • 292

                              Yeah, but that's just the Ring of Power. This is the Ring of Power of Power. It's that much more "of Power", you know.

                              (Even if the stats are identical)

                              WRT ladder- why would I bother? It was done with the debug commands, you can do it yourself in 5 minutes. You can make a macro, fill your inventory, fill all of town with the many many One Rings.

