Question about replacing all the monsters

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  • Zambaku
    • Dec 2007
    • 80

    Question about replacing all the monsters

    Is it safe to remove all the monsters in the monster.txt and then add the new ones? I'm in the mood to try and do a Phantasy Star flavoured variant.
  • Philip
    • Jul 2009
    • 881

    You're better off commenting them out, really. Less likely to screw something up badly that way. Otherwise, the edit files are really easy to edit.


    • Derakon
      • Dec 2009
      • 8820

      Originally posted by Philip
      You're better off commenting them out, really. Less likely to screw something up badly that way. Otherwise, the edit files are really easy to edit.
      Ehh, you should be able to safely replace all of them. Note the QUESTOR flag on Sauron and Morgoth, which is responsible for forcing the player to kill them to advance. I'm not entirely certain on how the game decides when you've won; perhaps when all QUESTOR enemies are killed?

      Of course, if you do replace monsters, then you shouldn't try to re-use an existing savefile (that either has the old monsters still around, or that has information about them in the monster memory). That's liable to behave unpredictably and might cause crashes.


      • debo
        • Oct 2011
        • 2320

        Does vanilla not place specific monsters by index in vaults?
        Glaurung, Father of the Dragons says, 'You cannot avoid the ballyhack.'


        • Derakon
          • Dec 2009
          • 8820

          No, it does not. It can't even place specific trap types in vaults; everything is dealt with categorically, with very broad categories (like, you can't even say "put an orc here").

          So far as I'm aware, unless you want to introduce new spells or other special behaviors, you should be completely safe in replacing every monster record and monster template.


          • Timo Pietilä
            • Apr 2007
            • 3964

            Originally posted by Derakon
            No, it does not. It can't even place specific trap types in vaults; everything is dealt with categorically, with very broad categories (like, you can't even say "put an orc here").
            Pits might be an exception. If you change monster types to something else, pits might stop working as intended. Which again might have unexpected results.

            Check pit.txt for those (new file in edit-files. Didn't exist in older versions).


            • Nick
              Vanilla maintainer
              • Apr 2007
              • 9353

              Originally posted by Derakon
              (like, you can't even say "put an orc here")
              Not yet, you can't
              One for the Dark Lord on his dark throne
              In the Land of Mordor where the Shadows lie.


              • Zambaku
                • Dec 2007
                • 80

                Okay! Thank you, that was what I needed too know =)

                I've begun working, I've added most playable races, and a few enemies.

                The playable races are:
                Even though Humans are the most prosperous race, their social status is not that high. At the end of the 500 Year War, each planet had a race that won the right to rule the planet. At that point, Humans simply chose to coexist with the other races. The other races did not praise humans as being the original race, but thought of them as being the "general race with poor abilities."

                Newmen were created after Humans tried to make a super race based on themselves. Eventually the Humans succeeded in making Newmen's reaction time, thoughts, and memory process superior. To keep things balanced, their strength was reduced to be lower than the average human. Newmen have been oppressed because of the mental inferiority/physical superiority complex that Humans hold. Eventually, Humans made Neudaiz the home for both planets and both sides agreed to a nonagression treaty.

                Generally, Newmen are very good at working with other people. However, they tend to be a very exclusive race. As a result of their heightened mental abilities, Newmans are able to read other people's feelings better than Humans. As such, they have a tendency to avoid contact with strangers whenever it is possible.

                Beasts were originally made by Humans to mine natural resources in harsh conditions. As such, they were treated as slaves by Humans for a long time. However, Beasts were able to use their physical strength to escape from clutches of the Governing Committee. After that, Beasts began to deal in resource trade and attained equality with the other races.

                Even though Beasts are well known for their warm affection towards one another, they can be very moody. As a result of their violent temperament, many Beasts are involved in illegal trading and pirating. Also, Beasts have strong bonds with family and other members of their race. Accordingly, there is a tendency for Beasts to be very open with each other. On the other hand, they have ill-feelings towards Casts after being discriminated against and placed at the bottom of the social ladder for such a long period of time.

                Since Beasts are a proud, hot-blooded race, there are always fights going within the cities. Therefore, there is a law which forbids any transformation within the cities. This law has very strict punishments associated with it.

                Casts were initially created to be used exclusively by Humans. That plan had to be altered after human rights issues arose when thought-possessing Casts were created. At the end of the Casts battle for independence, an organization was created to control the Cast race.

                After this organization was established, a period of peace was soon arose. Such a period had not been seen since the Humans divided the land into several nations. However, at the height of the battle of independence, Humans statesmen talked about "the dangers of being controlled by the machines". Ironically, the opposite happened and Governing Committee (who is Human-based) was welcomed by the large majority of the people who desired peace.

                Duman physical traits tend to include a slight frame, pale skin, and light hair. Their most well known attribute is the ability to manipulate the photons in their body, something that every Duman must keep in control by wearing an eyepatch to suppress their power. Duman's are known for their Infinity Blast power, which allows them to infuse the photons in their body into their weapons to give them a powerful burst of offense.

                Lilipans are a friendly race of rabbits residing on the desert planet, Lilipa. Their pelts tend to generally be light brown in color, though there also exists some dark brown and even white variations. Although Lilipans are known for being proficient mechanics on their homeworld, they seem to have recently become overrun by unruly, killer machines and darkers with the revival of Dark Falz.

                The Lilipans are an intelligent, albeit somewhat primitive, race that has developed a form of language, although to the untrained ear it simply sounds like a variety of "lili" sounds.

                Didn't find much info about them except for artwork.

                Same lack of information as Motavian.


                • debo
                  • Oct 2011
                  • 2320

                  is this like PSOnlineband or PhantasyStarOriginalGenesisRPGsBand
                  Glaurung, Father of the Dragons says, 'You cannot avoid the ballyhack.'

