More is coming, I really can't work on it as much as I'd like except on Mondays it seems (no work on Monday, Fiancee at school).
Right now I need to put in the docstrings, add some more comments, and do all that other stuff. At the moment, I'm working on a small "test" dungeon floor that is static, has a shop or two to test those out (NYI), and to test out other things which will be added soon.
Hopefully sometime before the end of the month there will be something "playable", not anywhere near a finished game obviously, but hopefully something slightly resembling Angband.
Here are the classes as they stand:
Thing -> Base class for anything that can be on the map, it has a position and an ID which tells exactly what something is. (Think of the ID like a tval)
LivingThing -> Anything alive (or undead

Player -> You (NYI)
Status -> A living thing's current status, it's health, stats, etc.
Stats -> A living things stats, STR, DEX, etc.
Resists -> Container for resistances, vulnerabilities, immunities, etc. Also constants for these things
Effect -> Effects like poison, stunning, and so on
Item -> A thing that can be used, picked up, etc.
EquipableItem -> Something like armor, a weapon, etc.
Weapon -> An equipable item that can be wielded as a weapon
Dungeon (NYI) -> The container for a dungeon level, generates levels, etc.