New game ideas

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  • iggy_hunter
    • Sep 2021
    • 95

    New game ideas

    I'm interested in hearing new ideas for the angband game that I can incorporate into AngbandOS ...

    Would you like to be able to control a monster on someone else's game?

    New stores? A pet store?

    New items?

    Non turn based tower defense?

    Larger screen ... larger maps?

    Levels that stay once generated and explored ... even if we leave the level?

    Persistent stores that maintain inventory between games and players?

    Better AI for monsters ... a scripting language like python that allows users to develop better AI for monsters?

    Designer mode like BTD6 for custom quests and or games?

    Daily quest designer?

    Please vote on these ideas.

  • HugoVirtuoso
    • Jan 2012
    • 1132

    Elaborate on non-turn tower defense?

    BTD6 designer mode?

    Simce your variant is already having a name for itself, persistent dungeons are the way to go until we used to game mechanics
    My best try at PosChengband 7.0.0's nightmare-mode on

    If I'm offline I'm probably in the middle of maintaining Gentoo or something-Linux or other.

    As of February 18th, 2022, my YouTube username is MidgardVirtuoso


    • iggy_hunter
      • Sep 2021
      • 95

      Bloons tower defense btd6 provides me some insight for new ideas


      • iggy_hunter
        • Sep 2021
        • 95

        Hugo can you elaborate on what you perceive for "persistent dungeons"


        • HugoVirtuoso
          • Jan 2012
          • 1132

          Persistent dungeons meaning dungeon layout remains the same during the entire life of said character.
          My best try at PosChengband 7.0.0's nightmare-mode on

          If I'm offline I'm probably in the middle of maintaining Gentoo or something-Linux or other.

          As of February 18th, 2022, my YouTube username is MidgardVirtuoso


          • Grotug
            • Nov 2013
            • 1562

            Last year I had the game idea for Townband:
            • If you had some really nice things in your home that you could no longer use (but were otherwise powerful artifacts) you could give them to the store and the store keeper would be so grateful he'd promise you that he'd try to get more valuable items in his store in the future.

              The game would then increase the chance of better items appearing in that store for the next, say, 5,000 turns. Sort of a consolation for not having a museum to put those special artifacts in or being able to get any more use from them. The store keeper would only be impressed by really special items though, so that if you are playing with selling on the storekeeper would offer to stock better items to compensate for not giving full price on your <+6> INT mithril armor. (I believe super good items are capped on how much the store will buy them for). It would also be a fun surprise for the player when the storekeeper takes special notice of what they gave them (instead of their usual response).

            • Here's another idea: tired of great items in the BM being out of reach? like those boots of speed <+4> for $33,132 and you only have $11,144? What if you could go to the bank and take out a loan with stupid amount of compounded interest (like 19% or something every 1000 turns) and if you don't pay the loan back in time, (say within 5000 turns* you would need to return to the town to repay the loan in full plus interest) then the next time you are in town a mob of townspeople with pitchforks would come after you. That way you can get those out of reach items but at a heavy price of exaggerated interest and threat of death.

              Or to simplify things a bit you could remove the need for a new building in the town and take the bank out of the equation and instead give a downpayment of, say, 5000gp to the blackmarket storekeeper as well as paying interest (same as described above with the mob of townspeople hired by the blackmarket to come after you if you don't pay back your debt). It would be pretty funny to see a mob of filthy looking street urchin' types chasing after @, but now they aren't just trying to rob you of the money you owe they'll also stab you with pitchforks.

              Or, since killing them would probably be too easy for a moderately well to do player, they could steel your boots off your feet or out of your home if you try to store them in your house--and/or they could just aggressively steal items from your backpack, not just money, and would get the 'haste' flag (until the debt is paid). They would immediately give the stolen items to the blackmarket so you wouldn't just be able to kill the mobsters and take back your stuff! And if you tried to buy your stuff back the storekeeper would allow you to, but at an even higher markup (5X instead of the usual 3X). At least he would put your money toward paying back your debt. He would not sell you other items from his store until the debt was paid in full, and even then he might bar you from any purchases for 5,000 + 1d15,000 turns.

              Or... the storekeeper could summon out of depth humanoid help to come after you to make it more likely the threat of being beaten to death for not paying back your loan is a real one; and the summoned help would have the 'hasted' flag indefinitely or until you pay back your debt (it would not wear off like it normally does). The Help would also always pursue you no matter how far away in the town you TO them. So imagine a hasted berserker coming after your @ who has only reached 1750' in the dungeon, or a hasted death knight coming after your @ who has only reached 1300'.

              The summoned help would only be able to summon other humanoids (no animals or undead or anything like that) and no more than 8 mobsters in the town at any given time. So there might be 5 mobsters to start but they could keep summoning more help as long as their numbers don't exceed 8. If you manage to kill some off, the surviving members would summon more. If you managed to kill them all, then there would be no more mobsters pursuing you for as long as you remained in the town. As soon as you would enter the dungeon, though, and return back to the town, a new set of hasted mobsters would be waiting for you. Only the Blackmarket would have mobsters. The other stores would just bar you from shopping at them for a long time.

              These aggro mobsters would ensure that you couldn't just ignore the loan. If you don't pay it back, you will either risk getting killed by the mob or you will have to try to escape to the stairs and play the rest of the game in ironman, or at least until you are powerful enough to return to town to kill whatever OOD mobs are waiting for you the next time you return to town.

              If you returned to the town after the 5000 turns, but had enough gold on hand to pay back the loan including the extra interest that accrued then the mobsters would merely beat you up (leaving your CON and STR drained somewhat) and steal the money you owed and then disappear. You will have escaped the mob and satisfied your debt, but in doing so outside the 5000 turns the storekeeper whom you owed the money will no longer sell items to you (at least not for a long time if not the rest of the game), or he might sell you items at 5X markup instead of the usual 3X mark up.

              I think these additions to the town would make playing with stores a much more rich and fun experience. You'd more often be able to get those items you'd otherwise not be able to while at the same time adding a whole other dimension of excitement and danger to the game, as well as the added dynamic of playing a mini-game (within the game) against the clock. And if you lose that mini-game, then you might have to try to play ironman for awhile! or try your luck against a very angry and dangerous mob on the surface.

              If you were to 'win' the mini-game and were to return to town within the allotted 5000 turns and you had the full amount (with interest) you could go straight to the blackmarket (or whatever store you bought from) and pay back your debt without any mobsters coming after you. But if you didn't return to the store before the 5000 turns counted down to 0 and pay back the loan in full plus interest, then the mob would appear somewhere in town off screen and hasted and immediately come after you.

              The game would warn you about making deals with the store keepers. It would work like this: You enter the store. You see the boots of speed. You attempt to purchase the boots. The game tells you you don't have enough gold. But if you have enough gold for a down payment it would then ask if you would like to take out a loan by offering the storekeeper a down payment of, say, 15% of the the price of the item (rounded up to the nearest $100) with the terms of the loan:

              "You do not have enough gold for this item. Would you like to ask the storekeeper for a loan?" yes/no
              "You must pay 5000 gold pieces now. Nineteen percent compounded interest of the remainder owed will accrue every 1000 turns. You must pay the loan, with interest, back in full within 5000 turns. Failure to do so will bar you from doing business with the store owner in the future and may have more... immediate consequences besides. Are you sure you wish to continue?" [yes/no]

              Storekeeper: "I'll take a chance on you squire but if you cross me I swear...."
              "You now have boots of speed <+4> [2, +18] and are 28,142 gp in debt."
              [turn counter starts counting down in bright fuscia] "4999 turns left to repay debt of 28,142gp". As soon you take out the loan, a turn counter would appear on the lower left of the screen and start counting down to 0. Next to the turn counter would be the loan amount owed, which would increase every 1000 turns! Hydras anyone? Hows about that ring of digging.

              I'm realizing such an addition to the game would require quite a bit of UI for handling the loan. You'd need a prompt for any time you want to pay back some of the loan to the store keeper (any time you happen to be in town within the 5000 turns).

              The greater the loan, the greater the interest percent would be.

            • Alternately your house could be used as collateral for the loan. If you don't succeed in paying off the loan in time, bye bye home and all its items! The loan would be contingent on how much your home and all its contents are worth. The home itself would be worth 15,000 gold pieces and then each item in it has a value. If the total value of your home and its contents doesn't equal that of the loan you are trying to get then you would not be able to take out the loan.

              Even with collateral as insurance against not being able to pay your loan you could still end up in a scenario where the mob would come after you when your loan is due: if the value of your home has gone down such that your home and the gold you have on hand is not enough to pay back the loan, then the mob would come after you (and you'd still lose your home and thus not be able to store items for the rest of the game [but maybe you could buy back your home or buy another home for 15,000 gold pieces]).

              Not being able to pay your loan back with collateral would not necessarily be that unlikely a scenario. In order to have their home make the required collateral value many players would put all their valuable gear that they'd otherwise be using into their home before going naked to the store to take out their loan. Then they'd go back to their home and take back all their valuable stuff they'd be using in the dungeon (like armor and weapons and potions) thus reducing the value of the home again. If they were to return to town before the 5000 turns were up because they wanted to avoid the mob, but hadn't collected enough gold to pay back the loan, then they could return to their home and put enough valuable items (and thus presumably useful to them) back into their home so that the value of the home would satisfy the collateral against the loan, thus avoiding the mob (but losing their home and all the valuable items they just put in it). Such a trade off earlier in the game may be worth the great item they purchased in the first place, but later in the game such a trade off may very well not be worth it!

              We can call this variant Townband.

              *In actuality I think I'd have the loan duration be 7,500 turns instead of 5,000 with a compound interest rate of 6% every 500 turns.

              This variant would have the added bonus of demonstrating how insidious compound interest is.


            The original thread can be found here:
            Beginner's Guide to Angband 4.2.3 Part 1:

            Detailed account of my Ironman win here.

            "My guess is that Grip and Fang have many more kills than Gothmog and Lungorthin." --Fizzix


            • Cryomaniac
              • Jan 2022
              • 285

              I think Gensouband has something similar to the loan mechanic you mentioned, though it's far simpler than your description: If you play as Jo'on Yorigami using her special personality, you can purchase anything without paying, effectively 'buying on credit'; once seven in-game days pass, you no longer can buy on credit, your bill gets collected, and you'll get into negatives if you don't have enough money. Being in debt by itself poses no danger - however, it makes you unable to purchase anything or use any paid building services until you've collected enough money to get back into positive amount, and that might take a while if you purchased expensive items from BMs.


              • iggy_hunter
                • Sep 2021
                • 95

                Grotug, I've added your two requests as "Shop Sacrifices" and "Banks and Loans" to my backlog. I think we need more implementation thought on both though. Banks and loans might not be too hard to implement but the payback needs more thought ... a concept for jail might work too ... another concept is that a people have "game money" that accrues for every game they play, more for quests, etc ... then the game money can be converted to gold at some rate.

                You can see the backlog here:


                • iggy_hunter
                  • Sep 2021
                  • 95

                  @Cryomaniac ... definitely easer to implement ... noted


                  • iggy_hunter
                    • Sep 2021
                    • 95

                    Empty chests

                    Any vote for adding feature for player to place items into empty chests , locking them and persisting their location when dropped?


                    • Somedorkhasmyname
                      • Oct 2022
                      • 4

                      Originally posted by iggy_hunter
                      Any vote for adding feature for player to place items into empty chests , locking them and persisting their location when dropped?
                      I'm not sure I see why that would be handy in any way, we have a house in town and anything you drop on a level doesn't vanish does it? But I only recently started playing again so I am probably missing something.

                      Personally I would love to see an expanded item list, I found my way in to the debug menu today and was shocked to see just how few artefacts there are in some categories. Even just some basic items other than dragon mail getting some(1?) resistances to things that are usually only resisted by artefacts etc. Nether? Life drain? Chaos? etc, would be extremely welcome.

                      I'm wary of suggesting anything that would make the game easier but I do feel that some of those artefact categories could use a few additions.
                      Last edited by Somedorkhasmyname; November 8, 2022, 05:29.


                      • iggy_hunter
                        • Sep 2021
                        • 95

                        Actually ... your probably right about the home. And yes ... the items are a bit stale and needing a revamp.


                        • Somedorkhasmyname
                          • Oct 2022
                          • 4

                          Maybe if we could use chests after we find them? Store chests full of items in the house instead of items themselves? It's sort of an immaterial change as it's not like you can really go back to town to gear up for specific enemies in most cases, but it would stop the need to toss artefacts you're not using. (Who doesn't hate that?) Also if we did gain access to using chests ourselves maybe some later or bigger chests could be resistant to certain things? Acid or Fire, the idea being that spell casters could put books in them while dungeon crawling to stop them being destroyed. Speaking purely for myself I find the fact that as a spell caster my most powerful and hard to come by books can be destroyed a bit too severe. A fighter that loses his weapon isn't as hamstrung. The inv space, the weight on classes typically not immediately concerned with Str, then the efficiency lost if just one item vanishes. They're essentially the exhaust port on the Death Star, can this empire not be that silly?

                          The shops could also use a kick, I feel like they're all a bit superfluous after about lv20. I'm not sure if their stock is supposed to improve as your level does. But I do know I've spent several thousand turns changing their stock only to find a similarly useless list replacing the old one and I'm not that well equipped to begin with. I could probably buy my entire kit twice over with the money I am carting around, makes me wonder if cash should have weight assigned?

                          (Combining the above: Perhaps if you sell an artefact/unique/ego item to a shop, the shop could permanently hold on to it? So when their stock changes the item does not go away. That way if you ever want it back you could buy it again. Just a thought, and yes imo if you get 0 for it when selling it you should be able to buy it back for 0, or a set maximum amount?)

                          I could be wrong here, someone please point out if I am as I was quite young. But I have extremely vague recollections of occasionally seeing an artefact or some hugely powerful but relevant item in shops from time to time when all that existed was the acii version of the game?


                          • fph
                            • Apr 2009
                            • 956

                            To be honest, I'd find having to move items in and out of chests utterly boring. It is very tedious in Nethack.
                            And code to put items back in chests is tedious to write and maintain.

                            My suggestion is to leave chests as they are. If we want to do anything with them, my suggestion is: chests have a guaranteed good / great item in them, and replace scrolls of acquirement. That would add them a nice mood kick to them: "oh cool, a good object!". And make them at least slightly different from "just one more key to press to get those items".
                            Dive fast, die young, leave a high-CHA corpse.


                            • Grotug
                              • Nov 2013
                              • 1562

                              Thanks iggy_hunter for adding my game idea to the backlog!

                              Originally posted by iggy_hunter
                              Any vote for adding feature for player to place items into empty chests , locking them and persisting their location when dropped?
                              Gives me an idea for a new spell: elemental protection. The ability to give an item on the floor the "can't be harmed by acid" and "can't be harmed by fire" flags. I guess my point is, if you place some really good items in the chest, and those items are all impervious to fire and acid, and then you close the chest and lock it, and then a black dragonfly comes along and breathes on the chest and the chest gets destroyed, well suddenly all those fine, protected items you had that were invincible to destruction are now destroyed!

                              Those spells above are probably too overpowered at the CL they'd be useful to have. What if, instead, you could somehow create some rubble to hide and protect the chest under? Your items would still be vulnerable to *destruction* and Earthquakes, but that's a whole lot better than being easily destroyed by dragons, vortices and hounds.
                              Beginner's Guide to Angband 4.2.3 Part 1:

                              Detailed account of my Ironman win here.

                              "My guess is that Grip and Fang have many more kills than Gothmog and Lungorthin." --Fizzix

