Competition 146

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  • bron
    • May 2008
    • 504

    ok, so I've managed to build the code and get it running on my Ubuntu box. I haven't tested it much, but it seems ok. I had to fix a couple of errors in the source, and update a few anachronisms (e.g. -fwritable-strings isn't supported by gcc any longer, and the whole BSD sgtty style TIOC* ioctls are not current practice), and eliminate a feature or two (e.g. the signal handling seemed to be of marginal utility and a real mess to update).

    I have not yet managed to correctly read the starting save file however. I can read save files that were generated by the compiled executable, so its not completely broken, but I haven't yet figured out what's different about the save file that comes with the competition. If the government shutdown goes on long enough, I hope to have the time to figure it out.


    • Nick
      Vanilla maintainer
      • Apr 2007
      • 9353

      Originally posted by bron
      ok, so I've managed to build the code and get it running on my Ubuntu box. I haven't tested it much, but it seems ok. I had to fix a couple of errors in the source, and update a few anachronisms (e.g. -fwritable-strings isn't supported by gcc any longer, and the whole BSD sgtty style TIOC* ioctls are not current practice), and eliminate a feature or two (e.g. the signal handling seemed to be of marginal utility and a real mess to update).

      I have not yet managed to correctly read the starting save file however. I can read save files that were generated by the compiled executable, so its not completely broken, but I haven't yet figured out what's different about the save file that comes with the competition. If the government shutdown goes on long enough, I hope to have the time to figure it out.
      Excellent. If you could post your changes somewhere, that would be great, especially if you do get the savefile issue sorted. Please pass on the Angband community's thanks to Congress.
      One for the Dark Lord on his dark throne
      In the Land of Mordor where the Shadows lie.


      • bron
        • May 2008
        • 504

        Originally posted by bron
        not yet managed to correctly read the starting save file
        After studying a dump of the bytes, I have concluded that the save file from the competition page is not in the same format as what is read/written by the source, despite the fact that they both claim to be version 5.2.1

        A simple example of this is right at the beginning of the file. The first three bytes are the version number (major, minor, patch), and the 4th is the (initial) value for the xor_byte, which is used to do simple encryption. This four-byte header is then followed by 112 entries, one for each artifact. The source reads and writes each of these 112 entries as four-byte integers, each with the initial value of zero. So 448 bytes of (encrypted) zeros following the header. The competition save file on the other hand has only 112 bytes of (encrypted) zeros following the header. One can only assume these are 112 one-byte (rather than four-byte) entries, one for each artifact.

        I suppose it would be possible to decode/decrypt the competition save file format, and eventually convert one into the other, but this seems like more work than I want to do. Any chance we could get an alternate starting save file (created from a source built executable) ?

        I should mention that I know nothing about Macs or Windows, and in getting the code to work on Linux I threw out a lot of stuff from io.c, much of it being mac or msdos conditionally compiled. So I don't really know how hard it will be to produce an executable for those boxes. I'm led to believe that the "curses" implementations on those machines have improved a lot since the frog-knows days, so it may not be too bad.

        I'll want another day or so to clean up the prototypes in externs.h, and then I'll try to publish the changes.


        • bron
          • May 2008
          • 504

          The zip file with my changes is too big to upload to the forum. Any suggestions on how I should publish it?


          • PowerWyrm
            • Apr 2008
            • 2941

            Dead characters are not flagged as "dead". Not a big deal, you just need to tag them manually on the ladder.
            PWMAngband variant maintainer - check (or to learn more about this new variant!


            • bron
              • May 2008
              • 504

              Since no one had a suggestion, I'll just try to upload the changes in three parts.
              These are the changed files, and should be able to be dropped in place instead of the original files in src/ in the download directory. I chopped it up so each piece was below the upload threshold for oook.

              "I don't make policy, I just think up ways to circumvent it" -- me
              Attached Files


              • PowerWyrm
                • Apr 2008
                • 2941

                Sometimes you have to press the spacebar 15 or 20 times before being able to input a key. This is bullshit... I don't see how people are able to play with auto-more disabled. The first really "playable" version seems to be the stable 2.5.9.
                PWMAngband variant maintainer - check (or to learn more about this new variant!


                • PowerWyrm
                  • Apr 2008
                  • 2941

                  Originally posted by PowerWyrm
                  Wow, this takes the cake! Mughash just dropped... a broken sword (-2, -3). And before that Bullroarer dropped a dagger (+1, +0). This version seems to generate garbage at shallow depths... Half of the items on the ground are skeletons, empty bottles, spikes and such. Fortunately, no turn count exists in this version... because a char like this will take forever to level.
                  Up to now, I don't recall ANY monster dropping something better than (+0,+1) or (+1,+0) weapons or [+1] armor parts. Good drops are simply average items enchanted once. Only Wormtongue ("great" drop) dropped something useful. The only way to get equipment seems to be from floor items when you scum for level feelings. This means a LOT of resting...
                  PWMAngband variant maintainer - check (or to learn more about this new variant!


                  • PowerWyrm
                    • Apr 2008
                    • 2941

                    My latest incarnation of Frog bought a Wand of Annihilation from the black market, hoping to kill things easily with it... Alas, in this version, it doesn't seem to do any damage: a Wand of Magic Missiles kills things as fast
                    PWMAngband variant maintainer - check (or to learn more about this new variant!


                    • Nick
                      Vanilla maintainer
                      • Apr 2007
                      • 9353

                      Originally posted by bron
                      Since no one had a suggestion, I'll just try to upload the changes in three parts.
                      These are the changed files, and should be able to be dropped in place instead of the original files in src/ in the download directory. I chopped it up so each piece was below the upload threshold for oook.
                      Awesome, thanks - I will get to looking at this, but sadly our government is still working...
                      One for the Dark Lord on his dark throne
                      In the Land of Mordor where the Shadows lie.


                      • bron
                        • May 2008
                        • 504

                        I have generated a save file (attached) with what I believe are the same starting stats as the competition savefile (e.g. 13:18/21:11:15:13:15), but using the source-built executable. My intent is to try and use this file to enter then competition. If I'm wrong about the starting stats, or if using this file is considered to be cheating for some reason, please let me know.
                        Attached Files


                        • Nick
                          Vanilla maintainer
                          • Apr 2007
                          • 9353

                          Originally posted by bron
                          I have generated a save file (attached) with what I believe are the same starting stats as the competition savefile (e.g. 13:18/21:11:15:13:15), but using the source-built executable. My intent is to try and use this file to enter then competition. If I'm wrong about the starting stats, or if using this file is considered to be cheating for some reason, please let me know.
                          I haven't checked, but this competition is based on trust, so please go right ahead
                          One for the Dark Lord on his dark throne
                          In the Land of Mordor where the Shadows lie.


                          • PowerWyrm
                            • Apr 2008
                            • 2941

                            Originally posted by bron
                            I have generated a save file (attached) with what I believe are the same starting stats as the competition savefile (e.g. 13:18/21:11:15:13:15), but using the source-built executable. My intent is to try and use this file to enter then competition. If I'm wrong about the starting stats, or if using this file is considered to be cheating for some reason, please let me know.
                            Good luck with the competition! I'm currently struggling with the character, 2.4-FK is really basic with almost all aspects of the game. At clvl25, I would normally be at 1500ft, looking for stat pots. Currently, I have not the hp, mana or equipement to do so, which is frustrating. Levels also take forever to clear, and with preserve off you have to clear every bit of each level...
                            PWMAngband variant maintainer - check (or to learn more about this new variant!


                            • MattB
                              • Mar 2013
                              • 1168

                              I've promised myself I'll get to dlvl5 before dumping - no luck yet...


                              • chris
                                PosChengband Maintainer
                                • Jan 2008
                                • 698

                                Originally posted by Nick
                                All right, third attempt. It seems that the game detects something to do with the age of the savefile; I can download it and it works fine, then I download 5 minutes later and it fails. So we have a new strategy.

                                The savefile for download is now not a savefile. It is a zipfile of the entire game folder with the correct savefile in the folder. So what you need to do is
                                1. Download the 'starting savefile'
                                2. Rename it
                                3. Unzip it, and just open the game; the competition character should load straight away.
                                4. If you die (perish the thought!), just unzip again and repeat.
                                I tried this and it is still "Fiddled save file".

                                How are people playing this comp? I also tried Bron's zipped savefile above with no luck

                                EDIT: You know ... never mind. I tried playing a new character and the UI is just too painful to use. Worst was when Grip approached me not quite diagonally but such that I had no way to target him with a magic missile. Did I really used to play this game?
                                Last edited by chris; October 18, 2013, 18:47.

