Competition 106

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  • artes
    • Jun 2011
    • 111

    I've entered the competition on Windows. Presently at level 17.


    • artes
      • Jun 2011
      • 111

      Chengband compiles on Linux now. Awesome! I'm collecting variants.


      • artes
        • Jun 2011
        • 111

        Yesterday I stocked up with 52 potions of food and went walking on the road. Half an hour later I still hadn't found anything interesting, even though I ran along the road with arrow key pressed down almost all the time. The world seems to be really huge. Is it supposed to be like that? In the end I was almost killed by a horde of orcs and had to recall to the bottom of the yeek cave, and take the stairs up to the town.


        • chris
          PosChengband Maintainer
          • Jan 2008
          • 698

          Originally posted by artes
          Yesterday I stocked up with 52 potions of food and went walking on the road. Half an hour later I still hadn't found anything interesting, even though I ran along the road with arrow key pressed down almost all the time. The world seems to be really huge. Is it supposed to be like that? In the end I was almost killed by a horde of orcs and had to recall to the bottom of the yeek cave, and take the stairs up to the town.
          For the wilderness, press '<' to go into big map mode. Use 'l' (for look) to see the various towns and dungeon entrances, and use arrows to travel where you want. When ready, press '>' to go back to normal mode.


          • Shinedog
            • Sep 2008
            • 3


            Where is the arena?

            Also, what is a good order to start? Which quests/dungeons in which order for the early game? Never played Cheng/Heng before.


            • Roch
              • Oct 2008
              • 100

              The arena is one of the upper left buildings in telmora. Can't use magic including scrolls and potions there. I think it's just melee and ranged weapons.

              I've been doing the thief quest immediately, then the warg quest, then I do a few levels in angband before doing the sewer quest, then the orc quest, then more levels in angband before trying the level 25 quests like Doom I, mimics, and vapors. But I'm pretty new to the game myself so Chris or others can probably say a lot more. I looked at his dump for an idea of what quests he starts with. I don't know much about the other dungeons.


              • Arjen
                • Dec 2010
                • 237

                Originally posted by Shinedog
                Where is the arena?

                Also, what is a good order to start? Which quests/dungeons in which order for the early game? Never played Cheng/Heng before.
                Finally no more programming talk. With my 0% knowledge of it I found it be quiet boring.

                I always start with the Thieves Quest, followed by the Wargs. After that I dive to lvl 12 in Angband. Depending on my level i like to go to the castle and get myself to lvl 20-25. (Watch out for fire breathing Hs). At level 20 you can easily complete the Sewer, Orc camp, Doom Quest I (with fire res and pots). Welcome to level 25?

                You can complete a few more levels in Angband afterwards.


                • artes
                  • Jun 2011
                  • 111

                  Originally posted by chris
                  For the wilderness, press '<' to go into big map mode. Use 'l' (for look) to see the various towns and dungeon entrances, and use arrows to travel where you want. When ready, press '>' to go back to normal mode.
                  Thank you. That helped a lot. Now I'm back on track in the orc cave.

                  This game is great! I like the new uniques, the quests, and the map with different dungeons.


                  • artes
                    • Jun 2011
                    • 111

                    Died today, so I began anew with an android. Now I just don't know how to construct it. Which command? I tried commands like eat, drink, destroy and so on.


                    • chris
                      PosChengband Maintainer
                      • Jan 2008
                      • 698

                      Originally posted by artes
                      Died today, so I began anew with an android. Now I just don't know how to construct it. Which command? I tried commands like eat, drink, destroy and so on.
                      Androids construct by wearing equipment. The better the equipment, the more constructed you become. Some slots are worth much more than others (e.g. body armor) and the calculation of construction might not favor what you would otherwise want to use (e.g. Fingolfin vs. Cambeleg). Rings, lights and amulets do not help in your construction.

                      To start an android quickly, you might spend a couple minutes digging on DL1 of the yeek cave. Get 1400gp or so, and buy the heaviest suit of armor you can afford. This can often get you up to CL10 relatively quickly. Then, you just need to dive in the dungeon and hope to get a lucky drop


                      • artes
                        • Jun 2011
                        • 111

                        Ah, I see. I collected the money but when I was to go to another town to buy an armour I hardly took two steps before I was ambushed 3 times in a row, my arrows and teleports ran out and I was killed by an insect swarm.
                        I guess the risk of being ambushed is higher when at a lower level, because with the blood knight I was almost never ambushed.


                        • artes
                          • Jun 2011
                          • 111

                          Now I play with a titan warlock. I made her totally randomly, even with random stats, so I have only one hit per turn. It makes it difficult. Though today I found a staff of treasure location, and that made my day when I used it the first time.


                          • dzhang
                            • Jan 2008
                            • 43

                            Er... Warlocks are not supposed to melee (unless you're Dragon Pact, and even then, not so much). Check out the "m"agic menu. You get ranged attacks that never miss for free.


                            • Nick
                              Vanilla maintainer
                              • Apr 2007
                              • 9353

                              Competition 106 is now officially over - congratulations to chris for winning (in his own variant...)
                              One for the Dark Lord on his dark throne
                              In the Land of Mordor where the Shadows lie.

