Competition 103

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  • myshkin
    Angband Devteam member
    • Apr 2007
    • 327

    Originally posted by bulian
    I had tried remapping the keymaps before I saw your post but did not meet success. I redownloaded angband so as to give accurate results of initial keys.

    Keystroke Key Initial Map
    Fn + j ---- [End] ---- Not mapped
    Fn + l ---- [PageDown] ---- Not mapped
    Fn+7 ---- [Home] ---- Not mapped
    Fn + 9 ---- [PageUp] ---- Not mapped
    Up arrow ---- [Up] ---- ;8
    Left arrow ---- [Left] ---- ;4
    Right arrow ---- [Right] ---- ;6
    Down arrow ---- [Down] ---- ;2
    1 ---- 1 ---- ;1
    3,5,7 --- 3,5,7 --- ;3, ;5, ;7

    Mapping the Fn + X to 1,3,5,7 resulted in the generic "Type ? for help" message. Mapping the Fn + X to ;1, ;3, ;5, ;7 resulted in the appropriate direction. What's up with the semicolon?
    Thanks for the report. I've added some more lines to the default preferences file to reflect your findings; the next development release will have them. The semicolon is for walking with pickup. The number keys are not technically commands, but the game maps them to walk + the appropriate direction.


    • Darin
      • Jun 2010
      • 52

      Originally posted by Nick
      Looks like it, maybe to do with the top line of the dump having no version string. What OS/Angband version are you using?
      Looks like the scores are fixed, but FWIW I am using the Mac Nightly version 82a3cef40a from May 7th.


      • bron
        • May 2008
        • 504

        Originally posted by Nick
        What OS/Angband version are you using?
        I'm running on a Gentoo linux box. I downloaded the source and compiled it with gcc (with no problems I might add; kudos to the dev team).


        • Hudstone
          • Apr 2011
          • 8

          Anyone know where I went wrong with posting my file (in current competition)? I think I put Illuma5 in the name box (didn't actually change char's name) to indicate it was 5th Illuma I tried. But it posted over my prior Illuma. Should I have changed the Char's name in game?


          • Nick
            Vanilla maintainer
            • Apr 2007
            • 9353

            Originally posted by Hudstone
            Should I have changed the Char's name in game?
            Yep, that's it. The ladder page reads your dump and picks the name out.
            One for the Dark Lord on his dark throne
            In the Land of Mordor where the Shadows lie.


            • Max Stats
              • Jun 2010
              • 316

              Originally posted by Hudstone
              Anyone know where I went wrong with posting my file (in current competition)? I think I put Illuma5 in the name box (didn't actually change char's name) to indicate it was 5th Illuma I tried. But it posted over my prior Illuma. Should I have changed the Char's name in game?
              The help file says you can get the same effect in V by ending your name with a Roman numeral (Illuma V in your case) and it will increment the number (VI, VII, ...) with each successive character.
              If beauty is in the eye of the beholder, then why are beholders so freaking ugly?


              • Nick
                Vanilla maintainer
                • Apr 2007
                • 9353

                Originally posted by Max Stats
                The help file says you can get the same effect in V by ending your name with a Roman numeral (Illuma V in your case) and it will increment the number (VI, VII, ...) with each successive character.
                That doesn't apply in the comp, though, because you're restarting with the same savefile every time.
                One for the Dark Lord on his dark throne
                In the Land of Mordor where the Shadows lie.


                • Nick
                  Vanilla maintainer
                  • Apr 2007
                  • 9353

                  Well, comp 103 finished a week ago - congratulations to Hudstone for winning, and to Roch for a game win.
                  One for the Dark Lord on his dark throne
                  In the Land of Mordor where the Shadows lie.

