I'm talking about the regeneration trait, not inherent regen. I agree that inherent mana regen, especially early on, is too slow. Sorry I didn't make that clear.
Competition 88
It certainly makes sense that however the body heals itself, if everything about the body is faster then healing should be faster too. This change would at least triple the healing while resting [or moving for that matter] of endgame chars presumably at speed at least +20. You could balance that by reducing the healing rate to one third what it is now, but that would be tragic for starting chars. Or you could take the viewpoint that resting between fights in the depths is no big deal, the only important thing is each individual fight, and then it would be OK to make the game a little easier.
Well, fair point. Current inherent regeneration (let's call that "recuperation") is .02 + .03%, if I'm reading the code correctly (for some reason there's a factor of 2^16 being thrown in), with the regeneration trait doubling that. We could increase the flat recuperation factor and decrease the percentage; this would speed up early recuperation and slow it down later on, when the player can be assumed to be moving at a faster speed. However, this linear function doesn't leave a lot of wiggle room.Comment