Competition 76

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  • Nick
    Vanilla maintainer
    • Apr 2007
    • 9353

    Competition 76

    Competition 76 is now available from here; it is a DaJAngband Dark Elf Archer.

    Note that comp 75 still has a few hours to run, and is about the most exciting finish we've had. Have that ladder open in your browser and keep refreshing!
    One for the Dark Lord on his dark throne
    In the Land of Mordor where the Shadows lie.
  • will_asher
    DaJAngband Maintainer
    • Apr 2007
    • 1063

    Just went and updated the known bugs list on the DaJangband website for the occation:

    (The only relevant piece on that page is where is says 'known bugs in 1.0.99', the rest of the page is future plans & stuff that aren't in the current version.)
    The bugs in the current version are MUCH less serious than the bugs in previous versions.

    I like the introduction to Noros on the competition page.

    AAR EDIT: I dropped some stuff to pick up other stuff to wait for pseudo and I got the dreaded "something picks up.." messages. So I waited and paid attention. Often in DaJAngband, you can hear the noisy green glutton ghosts and poltergeists to be able to tell where they are and shoot them or zap them with heal monster. But then I got the "it draws psychic energy from you" which of course meant that this ghost was a lost soul, which is silent. stinkin. I had no source of detect invisible. So gave up the stuff I dropped for lost and ate the unIDed mushroom on the floor before heading for the stairs. It happened to be a mushroom of second sight (which in DJA blinds you as well as giving ESP that only works while blind) ..just what I needed to be able to detect that lost soul and get my stuff back.
    Last edited by will_asher; October 14, 2009, 21:55.
    aka LibraryAdventurer

    My old variant DaJAngband: (defunct and so old it's forked from Angband 3.1.0 -I think- but it's probably playable...)


    • fizzix
      • Aug 2009
      • 2969

      bug or feature?

      I've noticed a kobold, or at least a k on the screen (far off) even though I am aware of no monsters. It only seems to appear when I'm on a specific square and it's not 100% reliable. I can't look at or examine it.

      I have a save file that I can send, if you want.

      edit: nevermind, I figured out what's going on.
      Last edited by fizzix; October 15, 2009, 23:38.


      • will_asher
        DaJAngband Maintainer
        • Apr 2007
        • 1063

        I would welcome suggestions on how to make the thing about hearing monsters more intuitive so people can tell what's going on easier. If I make it give a message every time, it's too many messages (like the problem in V3.1.0 with 'pushing-past' messages with ESP).
        aka LibraryAdventurer

        My old variant DaJAngband: (defunct and so old it's forked from Angband 3.1.0 -I think- but it's probably playable...)


        • fizzix
          • Aug 2009
          • 2969

          Originally posted by will_asher
          I would welcome suggestions on how to make the thing about hearing monsters more intuitive so people can tell what's going on easier. If I make it give a message every time, it's too many messages (like the problem in V3.1.0 with 'pushing-past' messages with ESP).
          Just have the symbol come up on the monster subwindow under 'heard' with unknown type.

          And allow it to be looked at and targeted with the same 'heard' tag.


          • will_asher
            DaJAngband Maintainer
            • Apr 2007
            • 1063

            that's a good idea. I should've thought of that..
            I didn't think about having them be targettable while still not telling what the monster is, and it should be pretty easy to do that on the monster list too.
            aka LibraryAdventurer

            My old variant DaJAngband:
   (defunct and so old it's forked from Angband 3.1.0 -I think- but it's probably playable...)


            • darkdrone
              • Apr 2007
              • 69

              Fire command change

              The "f"orce door and "f"ire bow/sling/crossbow commands overlap ?
              I suggest that the help file reflects this change .... not everyone will think of "t" as a fire command..
              "When you look into an abyss, the abyss also looks into you." - Friedrich Nietzsche.
              (does this mean the RNG learns my worst fears, mummy?)


              • will_asher
                DaJAngband Maintainer
                • Apr 2007
                • 1063

                That's just because roguelike commands is turned on, just turn it off in the options.
                aka LibraryAdventurer

                My old variant DaJAngband:
       (defunct and so old it's forked from Angband 3.1.0 -I think- but it's probably playable...)


                • konijn_
                  Hellband maintainer
                  • Jul 2007
                  • 345

                  Originally posted by will_asher
                  that's a good idea. I should've thought of that..
                  I didn't think about having them be targettable while still not telling what the monster is, and it should be pretty easy to do that on the monster list too.
                  For now, you can 'l'ook , press 'o', move to the monster you want to target and press t. Now the monster is targeted and you can shoot at it.

                  * Are you ready for something else ? Hellband 0.8.8 is out! *


                  • konijn_
                    Hellband maintainer
                    • Jul 2007
                    • 345

                    Originally posted by Nick
                    Competition 76 is now available from here; it is a DaJAngband Dark Elf Archer.

                    Note that comp 75 still has a few hours to run, and is about the most exciting finish we've had. Have that ladder open in your browser and keep refreshing!
                    So, I've been playing way too much this competition

                    Notes while playing :

                    * Slime + invis is annoying, maybe reduce the slime damage of green glutton ghost ?

                    * Casting light seems severely underpowered, large rooms are no longer lit up, I wonder why ? Now I see myself running through a room to see if there's any objects..

                    * I like quivers

                    * Not related to competition, but the birth option to make items sellable does not work

                    * I always miss money, Uniques like Wormtongue drop stupid ego's of 'Frost' and are basically pointless.. Maybe consider having them drop a diamond that is worth (dlev^2)d(dlev^2) * 1000 GP ? Especially since for most classes that are not combat based, once you have a 'defender' weapon, all other weapons are pointless, once you have a resistance armor all normal/good/one resists are useless etc.

                    * I like the noise based appearance of monsters, better than Ey

                    * I really thought that alchemist 'acid arrow' would enchant arrows with acid brand, oh the disillusion In general, as you have mentioned, books of alchemy could use much more candy.

                    * I really like the new tiles for the new monsters!

                    * I get slow through wearing equipment really quickly, did something change in the formula ?

                    * I like the wearable staffs with ego's very nice , I also like the spell zap, which I'd like to steal.

                    That's it for now,
                    * Are you ready for something else ? Hellband 0.8.8 is out! *


                    • will_asher
                      DaJAngband Maintainer
                      • Apr 2007
                      • 1063

                      Originally posted by konijn_
                      So, I've been playing way too much this competition

                      * Slime + invis is annoying, maybe reduce the slime damage of green glutton ghost?
                      I might a little. I agree they're annoying, but there is a certain low level of annoyance which can add to fun. The trick (for us variant designers) is getting the annoyance to the right level.

                      Originally posted by konijn_
                      * Casting light seems severely underpowered, large rooms are no longer lit up, I wonder why ? Now I see myself running through a room to see if there's any objects..
                      It's only this way for the alchemy realm version of the spell. The effectiveness of the spell does get better as you gain levels. I tried to make the alchemy realm spells seem like not-quite-true magic. The alchemy realm satisfy hunger spell is similar: it gives good nourishment, but not nessesarily to full, and it may cause you to be satiated.

                      Originally posted by konijn_
                      * Not related to competition, but the birth option to make items sellable does not work
                      Are you sure? I'm pretty sure I tested this and played with selling turned on a couple times, but it's been awhile.

                      Originally posted by konijn_
                      * I always miss money, Uniques like Wormtongue drop stupid ego's of 'Frost' and are basically pointless.. Maybe consider having them drop a diamond that is worth (dlev^2)d(dlev^2) * 1000 GP ? Especially since for most classes that are not combat based, once you have a 'defender' weapon, all other weapons are pointless, once you have a resistance armor all normal/good/one resists are useless etc.
                      I don't like this idea. sorry.
                      I have an archer character which I started before the competition who was doing more damage with melee than archery for awhile. (He had a ring of acid and a two-handed sword of bloodlust (+1 blows, sometimes hits yourself: But a little later he found an extra might long bow and got high enough level to learn the acid-coat ammo spell (which does what you hoped the acid arrow spell would do, except it's a x2 brand).)

                      Originally posted by konijn_
                      * I like the noise based appearance of monsters, better than Ey
                      * I really like the new tiles for the new monsters!
                      Thanks! And thanks to the suggestion from fizzix (which I feel stupid for not thinking of myself), the hearing monsters feature will be even better in DJA 1.1.0.

                      Originally posted by konijn_
                      * I get slow through wearing equipment really quickly, did something change in the formula ?
                      No change there. Actually, I think I may have tweaked the table so you can carry slightly more. But your impression may be because of the quiver allowing you to carry more arrows at a time.
                      aka LibraryAdventurer

                      My old variant DaJAngband:
             (defunct and so old it's forked from Angband 3.1.0 -I think- but it's probably playable...)


                      • konijn_
                        Hellband maintainer
                        • Jul 2007
                        • 345


                        thanks for replying, I saw my formula was wrong, I meant
                        (sqrt(dlev))d(sqrt(dlev)) * 1000 GP , so that if you kill Wormtongue on dlev 10, you get between 3000 and 9000 GP ( depending how one rounds ).

                        You probably still dont like the idea, but hey ;]

                        Wrt to lighting rooms, I see the same effect for battle mages, very little illumination.

                        Wrt to birth option, fairly sure I tested this right, I wanted to try the game with selling ( see diamond suggestion )
                        * Are you ready for something else ? Hellband 0.8.8 is out! *


                        • Ghen
                          • Jun 2007
                          • 67

                          First thing I did was comment out all the lines in sound.cfg since I play at work Hopefully that won't screw up anything lol!

                          edit: after setting base delay to 4 (16 msec) I seem to be moving diagonally fine on my laptop using the arrow keys.. but my turn count is incremented by 20. I never noticed how V handles this, but is that normal?

                          edit2: oh, now I see.. that's the visual delay. There is no movement delay option. Darn.
                          Last edited by Ghen; October 19, 2009, 16:16.


                          • Bagplant
                            • Sep 2009
                            • 29

                            I actually like the no selling change. Dungeon money drops appear to have been boosted a lot to compensate, so I end up with about the same amount of cash that I used to. It just means I don't need to worry about carting things back up to the town to sell, so I use or discard them on the spot. I also pay much closer attention to dungeon money drops. Both are gameplay improvements, I think.


                            • konijn_
                              Hellband maintainer
                              • Jul 2007
                              • 345

                              Originally posted by Bagplant
                              I actually like the no selling change. Dungeon money drops appear to have been boosted a lot to compensate, so I end up with about the same amount of cash that I used to. It just means I don't need to worry about carting things back up to the town to sell, so I use or discard them on the spot. I also pay much closer attention to dungeon money drops. Both are gameplay improvements, I think.
                              You & I must play very differently, at times I find 2 {splendid} items on a level which would sell together easily for 30.000 gp depending on store owner of course. There is no way that I could find 30k in dungeon money drops on that level if I killed everyone on that level.. Uniques for example dont drop any money, but drop often more than 20000 gp in useless equipment.

                              Oh well, if the birth option gets fixed, there is nothing really to complain about ;]

                              * Are you ready for something else ? Hellband 0.8.8 is out! *

