testing DaJangband in Wizmode

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  • will_asher
    DaJAngband Maintainer
    • Apr 2007
    • 1063

    testing DaJangband in Wizmode

    I've wondered how I was going to test the deeper levels of DaJangband when I rarely get past stat gain. So, of course, I decided to start a wizard mode (not debug mode) character. I wonder how many times I'll die before I get past where I've gotten before. For tested the deeper levels I thought I'd use one of my favorite class/race combos, thinking it'd be better not to use an experimental class for the first time doing this.

    My best game of Angband was clvl 50, dL: about 63.
    My best game of a recent version of DaJangband was clvl 33, dL42. (died to a great crystal drake because of a bow of invincible feeling)

    Wizmode character dump:
      [DaJAngband v1.0.95 (pre 1.1.0) Character Dump]
     Name   GragBashful                              Self  RB  CB  EB   Best
     Sex    Male              Age         1   STR:     16  +2  +3  +0  18/30
     Race   Dwarf             Height     52   INT:     10  -3  -2  +0      5
     Class  Paladin           Weight    151   WIS:     17  +2  +1  +0  18/20
     Title  [=-WIZARD-=]      Status      0   DEX:     15  -2  +0  +0     13
     HP     200/200           Maximize    Y   CON:     15  +2  +1  +0     18
     SP     38/38                             CHR:     10  -3  +2  +0      9
     Level           22       Armor    [19,+19]     Saving Throw          65
     Cur Exp      11224       Fight    (-2,+13)     Stealth                1
     Max Exp      11224       Melee    (+5,+20)     Fighting             176
     Adv Exp      13020       Shoot     (-1,+1)     Shooting             103
     MaxDepth    Lev 22       Blows      3/turn     Disarming             52
     Turns      1541468       Shots      1/turn     Magic Device          44
     Gold          6343       Infra       50 ft     Perception            20
     Burden   126.5 lbs       Energy       100%     Searching             19
     You are the only child of a Dwarven Miner.  You are a credit to the
     family.  You have dark brown eyes, wavy black hair, a four foot beard,
     and a dark complexion.
          abcdefghijkl@       abcdefghijkl@
     Acid:......+...... Confu:.............
     Elec:............. Sound:.............
     Fire:............. Shard:.............
     Cold:............. Nexus:.............
     Pois:............. Nethr:.............
     Fear:............. Chaos:.............
     Lite:............. Disen:.............
     Dark:............. S.Dig:...+.........
          abcdefghijkl@       abcdefghijkl@
    PLite:............. Tunn.:.............
    Regen:....+........ Speed:.............
    Telep:............. Blows:.............
    Invis:............. Shots:.............
    FrAct:............. Might:.............
    HLife:.............      :.............
    Stea.:.............      :.............
    Sear.:.............      :.............
      [Character Equipment]
    a) a whip of Slay Evil (1d3) (+7,+7) {@w0}
       It slays all evil creatures.  
    b) mini crossbow (x2) (+1,+1)
    c) a Star Ruby Ring of Damage (+10)
    d) an Onyx Ring of Slow Digestion
       It slows your metabolism.  
    e) a Colored Glass Amulet of Regeneration
       It speeds your regeneration.  
    f) a brass lantern (14885 turns) {@w4}
       It usually provides light of radius 2.  It cannot be harmed by fire.
    g) hard leather armour of Resist Acid (-1) [6,+8]
       It provides resistance to acid.  It cannot be harmed by acid.  
    h) a cloak [1,+4]
    i) a small metal shield [3] {good}
    j) a metal cap [3,+1]
    k) a set of cestus [5,+0]
    l) a pair of leather sandals [1,+6]
      [Character Inventory]
    a) 2 Holy Books of Prayers [Beginner's Handbook] {@p1}
    b) a Holy Book of Prayers [Godly Insights] {@p2}
    c) 2 Holy Books of Prayers [Defences of Light] {@p3}
    d) a Holy Book of Prayers [Exorcism and Dispelling] {@p4}
    e) 4 rations of food
    f) 2 flasks of oil
    g) 2 Scarlet Potions of Speed {@q7}
    h) 4 Orange Speckled Potions of Cure Serious Wounds {@q2}
    i) 7 Purple Speckled Potions of Cure Critical Wounds {@q1}
    j) 4 Scrolls titled "pro pludo ego" of Phase Door {@r1}
    k) a Scroll titled "eximo plus" of Teleportation {@r9 !*}
    l) a Scroll titled "pa recuibo" of Teleport Level {@r7 !*}
    m) 7 Scrolls titled "ne vignio que" of Word of Recall {@r3}
    n) 15 Scrolls titled "ta paser adolo" of Identify {@r2}
    o) a Scroll titled "trumitus ci" of Protection from Evil
    p) 3 Bronze Rods of Trap Location {@z3}
    q) an Electrum Rod of Light {@z4}
    r) a Zhelung Scale Wand of Stinking Cloud (7 charges)
    s) a Kracken Fin Wand of Lightning Bolts (5 charges)
    t) a Hickory Staff of Teleportation (8 charges) {@u9 !*}
    u) a Rowan Staff of Object Location (9 charges)
    v) a shovel (1d2) (+0,+0) (+1) {@w0}
       It increases your tunneling by 1.  
    w) 62 bolts (1d5) (+0,+0) {@f1=g}
      [Home Inventory]
    a) a Holy Book of Prayers [Beginner's Handbook] {@p1}
    b) a piece of elvish waybread
    c) 9 Scarlet Potions of Speed {@q7}
    d) 4 Black Potions of Heroism {@q4}
    e) 2 Magenta Potions of Healing
    f) 19 Scrolls titled "pa recuibo" of Teleport Level {@r7 !*}
    g) 2 Scrolls titled "pro quam" of *Identify*
    h) a Pinchbeck Rod of Teleport Other
    i) a Manticore Quill Wand of Cold Balls (8 charges)
       It cannot be harmed by cold.  
    j) 4 Rowan Staffs of Object Location (42 charges)
    k) a Mahogany Staff of the Magi (4 charges)
    l) an Iolite Ring of Resist Fire
       It provides resistance to fire.  It cannot be harmed by fire.  
    m) an Ivory Amulet of Resist Acid
       It provides resistance to acid.  It cannot be harmed by acid.  
    n) a Smooth Stone Amulet of Resist Lightning
       It provides resistance to electricity.  It cannot be harmed by 
    o) a robe [2,+5]
    p) a sabre (1d7) (+5,+4)
    Adult: Maximize effect of race/class bonuses : yes (adult_maximize)
    Adult: Randomize some of the artifacts (beta): no  (adult_randarts)
    Adult: Auto-scum for good levels             : yes (adult_autoscum)
    Adult: Restrict the use of stairs/recall     : no  (adult_ironman)
    Adult: Restrict the use of stores/home       : no  (adult_no_stores)
    Adult: Restrict creation of artifacts        : no  (adult_no_artifacts)
    Adult: Don't stack objects on the floor      : no  (adult_no_stacking)
    Adult: Preserve artifacts when leaving level : no  (adult_no_preserve)
    Adult: Don't generate connected stairs       : no  (adult_no_stairs)
    Adult: Enable selling to shops               : no  (adult_cansell)
    Adult: Monsters chase current location       : yes (adult_ai_sound)
    Adult: Monsters chase recent locations       : no  (adult_ai_smell)
    Adult: Monsters act smarter in groups        : no  (adult_ai_packs)
    Adult: Monsters learn from their mistakes    : no  (adult_ai_learn)
    Adult: Monsters exploit players weaknesses   : no  (adult_ai_cheat)
    Adult: Monsters behave more intelligently (broken): no  (adult_ai_smart)
    Score: Peek into object creation             : no  (score_peek)
    Score: Peek into monster creation            : no  (score_hear)
    Score: Peek into dungeon creation            : no  (score_room)
    Score: Peek into something else              : no  (score_xtra)
    Score: Know complete monster info            : yes (score_know)
    Score: Allow player to avoid death           : yes (score_live)
    I've already died once. I was on clvl 19, dL18 and I used an unIDed staff. It was summon monster and it summoned energy hounds, a giant beetle, and a blue naga and I died before my next move. glad I was in wizard mode for the unlucky death.

    EDIT: (code tags fixed)
    Last edited by will_asher; September 23, 2008, 20:43.
    aka LibraryAdventurer

    My old variant DaJAngband:
    http://sites.google.com/site/dajangbandwebsite/home (defunct and so old it's forked from Angband 3.1.0 -I think- but it's probably playable...)
  • Big Al
    • Apr 2007
    • 311

    Put it in square brackets, like [code ]blah blah blah[/code ], but without the spaces.
    Come play Metroplexity!
    Un, V MX H- D c-- f- PV s- d+ P++ M+
    c-- S I++ So+ B+ ac- !GHB SQ RQ+ V+


    • aeneas
      • Jun 2007
      • 149

      Angband tends to value small footprint and portability over ease of development. The advantages are easy to see. Angband runs on a lot of platforms. You are running into one of the disadvantages.

      It's difficult to interact with a running angband instance. I think that the best thing that could be added to V right now would be a REPL, even if that meant implementing a small portable scheme for that purpose. It would be as important as Ben Harrison's work cleaning up the code was.

      You might want to consider adding some wizard mode options that allow you to start at a certain depth with certain equipment. You'll have a hard time assessing the effect of changes to the game if you can't actually play that part of the game. Not that that has stopped many variant maintainers from making playable variants...


      • will_asher
        DaJAngband Maintainer
        • Apr 2007
        • 1063

        Well, I haven't died again yet, but I've had a few close calls. Diving faster is teaching me to run away more. I'm now at clvl25, dL29.
        I found the Morningstar "Firestar" as my first artifact, but I get one attack with it, and three with my whip of slay evil which I've been using for awhile now. I think Firestar would only be better against non-evil, non-fire resistant monsters so I carrying it as a swap. I found a light crossbow which I enchanted up to (+2 +8) so I have a x3 range weapon now. I'm not finding much useful egos yet and no dungeon books.
        aka LibraryAdventurer

        My old variant DaJAngband:
        http://sites.google.com/site/dajangbandwebsite/home (defunct and so old it's forked from Angband 3.1.0 -I think- but it's probably playable...)


        • aeneas
          • Jun 2007
          • 149

          Originally posted by will_asher
          Well, I haven't died again yet, but I've had a few close calls. Diving faster is teaching me to run away more. I'm now at clvl25, dL29.
          I found the Morningstar "Firestar" as my first artifact, but I get one attack with it, and three with my whip of slay evil which I've been using for awhile now. I think Firestar would only be better against non-evil, non-fire resistant monsters so I carrying it as a swap. I found a light crossbow which I enchanted up to (+2 +8) so I have a x3 range weapon now. I'm not finding much useful egos yet and no dungeon books.
          Hard to say without knowing anything else about your character. I suspect the whip is almost always better though. dlvl 29 is not supposed to give you good stuff. The first dungeon book won't be in depth for quite a while.


          • Atarlost
            • Apr 2007
            • 426

            You can always use debug commands to jump to the desired depth and generate and ID a bunch of items.
            One Ring to rule them all. One Ring to bind them.
            One Ring to bring them all and in the darkness interrupt the movie.


            • aeneas
              • Jun 2007
              • 149

              Originally posted by Atarlost
              You can always use debug commands to jump to the desired depth and generate and ID a bunch of items.
              Yes, I think that that was my complaint. It's a bit weird, don't you think, that the _developer_ can get screwed by the RNG?


              • will_asher
                DaJAngband Maintainer
                • Apr 2007
                • 1063

                Originally posted by Atarlost
                You can always use debug commands to jump to the desired depth and generate and ID a bunch of items.
                I'd like to test the balance and stuff, not just make sure things work. I have been using debug mode to make sure things work the way I meant them to, but that doesn't test how the game actually plays with the stuff I changed.

                Since then, I've died twice to paralyzers. The first time, I just forgot I didn't have free action and meleed a carrion crawler. The second time, I got paralyzed by a spell from a monster I didn't realize was there yet. I usually have free action by now. I went through the lower levels again once and still didn't find a source of FA. And a couple times I've scummed the town for restore strength potions, and checked the black market while I was at it and still didn't see any free action items.
                aka LibraryAdventurer

                My old variant DaJAngband:
                http://sites.google.com/site/dajangbandwebsite/home (defunct and so old it's forked from Angband 3.1.0 -I think- but it's probably playable...)


                • will_asher
                  DaJAngband Maintainer
                  • Apr 2007
                  • 1063

                  Not long after the last post, I finally found a ring of free action, but it didn't help as much as I hoped. I died a couple more times to stupidity in the form of not running away fast enough or by teleporting from one danger to another. I found that when I dive this fast and have to run away from almost everything I see, it makes the game less fun. I like being able to kill a lot of the monsters I meet. (I wonder just how much effect auto-scum has on this, but it's too late to turn it off.) I also don't find much useful objects on the deeper levels because the tougher monsters keep me from exploring the levels. I do use object detection and it hasn't seemed to help much. When I see something that might be useful, I either can't get to it or it turns out to be junk, but I don't see much that might be useful in the first place because it seems like over half the levels I visit below dL30 I have to escape from quickly. (it this because of auto-scum? or maybe I unintentionally made the game harder with DaJangband?)
                  I decided to go back through the earlier levels again and I found the armor of resistance, boots of stealth, and the seeker arrows. (when I go back through earlier levels, I use the stairs from the town and dive as quick as I can to somewhere around dL15-18, which is an easily survivable but not boring place for my character. Then I just look around for useful objects and small vaults.)

                    [DaJAngband v1.0.95 (pre 1.1.0) Character Dump]
                   Name   GragBashful                              Self  RB  CB  EB   Best
                   Sex    Male              Age         8   STR:     18  +2  +3  +0  18/50
                   Race   Dwarf             Height     52   INT:     10  -3  -2  +0      5
                   Class  Paladin           Weight    151   WIS:     18  +2  +1  +3  18/60
                   Title  Guardian          Status      0   DEX:     15  -2  +0  +0     13
                   HP     276/276           Maximize    Y   CON:     16  +2  +1  +0  18/10
                   SP     46/66                             CHR:     10  -3  +2  +0      9
                   Level           29       Armor    [17,+23]     Saving Throw          74
                   Cur Exp      83997       Fight    (-2,+13)     Stealth                2
                   Max Exp      83997       Melee    (+7,+22)     Fighting             208
                   Adv Exp     116250       Shoot     (+6,+9)     Shooting             145
                   MaxDepth    Lev 38       Blows      3/turn     Disarming             60
                   Turns      3266193       Shots      1/turn     Magic Device          51
                   Gold         36997       Infra       50 ft     Perception            20
                   Burden   162.7 lbs       Energy       100%     Searching             19
                   You are the only child of a Dwarven Miner.  You are a credit to the
                   family.  You have dark brown eyes, wavy black hair, a four foot beard,
                   and a dark complexion.
                        abcdefghijkl@       abcdefghijkl@
                   Acid:......+...... Confu:.............
                   Elec:......+.+.... Sound:.............
                   Fire:......+...... Shard:.............
                   Cold:......+...... Nexus:.............
                   Pois:............. Nethr:.............
                   Fear:............. Chaos:.............
                   Lite:............. Disen:.............
                   Dark:............. S.Dig:.............
                        abcdefghijkl@       abcdefghijkl@
                  PLite:............. Tunn.:.............
                  Regen:.........+... Speed:.............
                  Telep:............. Blows:.............
                  Invis:............. Shots:.............
                  FrAct:..+.......... Might:.............
                  HLife:.............      :.............
                  Stea.:...........+.      :.............
                  Sear.:.............      :.............
                    [Character Equipment]
                  a) a whip of Slay Evil (1d3) (+9,+9) {@w0}
                     It slays all evil creatures.  
                  b) a light crossbow (x3) (+8,+9)
                  c) a Sapphire Ring of Free Action
                     It grants you immunity to paralysis.  
                  d) a Star Ruby Ring of Damage (+10)
                  e) a Haematite Amulet of Wisdom (+3)
                     It increases your wisdom by 3.  It sustains your wisdom.  
                  f) a brass lantern (11002 turns) {@w4}
                     It usually provides light of radius 2.  It cannot be harmed by fire.
                  g) hard studded leather of Resistance (-1) [7,+13]
                     It provides resistance to acid, electricity, fire, and cold.  It
                     cannot be harmed by the elements.  
                  h) a cloak [1,+1]
                  i) a small leather shield of Resist Lightning [2,+4]
                     It provides resistance to electricity.  It cannot be harmed by 
                  j) a hard leather cap of Regeneration [2,+4]
                     It speeds your regeneration.  
                  k) a set of steel gauntlets [3,-1]
                  l) a pair of soft leather boots of Stealth [2,+2] (+1)
                     It increases your stealth by 1.  
                    [Character Inventory]
                  a) 2 Holy Books of Prayers [Beginner's Handbook] {@p1}
                  b) 2 Holy Books of Prayers [Godly Insights] {@p2}
                  c) 2 Holy Books of Prayers [Defences of Light] {@p3}
                  d) a Holy Book of Prayers [Exorcism and Dispelling] {@p4}
                  e) 4 Scarlet Potions of Speed {@q7}
                  f) 10 Purple Speckled Potions of Cure Critical Wounds {@q1}
                  g) a Magenta Potion of Healing
                  h) 5 Scrolls titled "pro pludo ego" of Phase Door {@r1}
                  i) a Scroll titled "eximo plus" of Teleportation {@r9 !*}
                  j) 3 Scrolls titled "pa recuibo" of Teleport Level {@r7 !*}
                  k) 6 Scrolls titled "ne vignio que" of Word of Recall {@r3}
                  l) 17 Scrolls titled "ta paser adolo" of Identify {@r2}
                  m) 4 Bronze Rods of Trap Location {@z3}
                  n) 4 Electrum Rods of Light {@z4}
                  o) 2 Silver Rods of Lightning Bolts {@z5}
                  p) a Xan Stinger Wand of Teleport Other (7 charges)
                  q) a Wyvern Scale Wand of Acid Bolts (8 charges)
                  r) a Manticore Quill Wand of Cold Balls (8 charges)
                     It cannot be harmed by cold.  
                  s) a Hickory Staff of Teleportation (7 charges) {@u9 !*}
                  t) a Rowan Staff of Object Location (7 charges)
                  u) a pick (1d3) (+0,+0) (+1) {@w0}
                     It increases your tunneling by 1.  
                  v) 20 bolts (1d5) (+3,+6) {@f2=g}
                  w) 90 bolts (1d5) (+0,+0) {@f1=g}
                    [Home Inventory]
                  a) a Holy Book of Prayers [Defences of Light] {@p3}
                  b) a Fragrant Mushroom of Cure Serious Wounds
                  c) 2 pieces of elvish waybread
                  d) 39 Scarlet Potions of Speed {@q7}
                  e) 9 Magenta Potions of Healing
                  f) 2 Burgundy Potions of *Healing*
                  g) a Cerulean Potion of Restore Life Levels
                  h) 61 Scrolls titled "pa recuibo" of Teleport Level {@r7 !*}
                  i) 5 Scrolls titled "pro quam" of *Identify*
                  j) a Scroll titled "ma exestio" of Recharging
                  k) 5 Scrolls titled "densum ia hor" of Holy Chant
                  l) a Scroll titled "untur que ho" of Holy Prayer
                  m) 6 Bronze Rods of Trap Location {@z3}
                  n) a Pinchbeck Rod of Teleport Other
                  o) a Cockatrice Beak Wand of Drain Life (4 charges)
                  p) 4 Hickory Staffs of Teleportation (25 charges) {@u9 !*}
                  q) 4 Rowan Staffs of Object Location (32 charges)
                  r) a Mahogany Staff of the Magi (4 charges)
                  s) a Wych Elm Staff of Dispel Evil (5 charges)
                  t) an Ebony Staff of Holiness (4 charges)
                  u) an Onyx Ring of Slow Digestion
                     It slows your metabolism.  
                  v) a Colored Glass Amulet of Regeneration
                     It speeds your regeneration.  
                  w) a small leather shield of Resist Cold [2,+3]
                     It provides resistance to cold.  It cannot be harmed by cold.  
                  x) a bastard sword (Defender) (3d4) (+9,+6) [+2] (+3 to stealth) {@w0}
                     It increases your stealth and infravision by 3.  It provides
                     resistance to acid, electricity, fire, and cold.  It makes you fall
                     like a feather and speeds your regeneration.  It grants you immunity
                     to paralysis.  It cannot be harmed by the elements.  It might have
                     hidden powers.
                  y) The morning star 'Firestar' (2d6) (+7,+8) [+2] {@w0}
                     It is branded with fire.  It provides resistance to fire.  It
                     activates for fire ball (72) every 20 turns.  It cannot be harmed by
                     the elements.  
                  z) a scythe of Flame (5d3) (+4,+7)
                     It is branded with fire.  It provides resistance to fire.  It cannot
                     be harmed by fire.  
                  {) 27 seeker arrows (4d4)
                  Adult: Maximize effect of race/class bonuses : yes (adult_maximize)
                  Adult: Randomize some of the artifacts (beta): no  (adult_randarts)
                  Adult: Auto-scum for good levels             : yes (adult_autoscum)
                  Adult: Restrict the use of stairs/recall     : no  (adult_ironman)
                  Adult: Restrict the use of stores/home       : no  (adult_no_stores)
                  Adult: Restrict creation of artifacts        : no  (adult_no_artifacts)
                  Adult: Don't stack objects on the floor      : no  (adult_no_stacking)
                  Adult: Preserve artifacts when leaving level : no  (adult_no_preserve)
                  Adult: Don't generate connected stairs       : no  (adult_no_stairs)
                  Adult: Enable selling to shops               : no  (adult_cansell)
                  Adult: Monsters chase current location       : yes (adult_ai_sound)
                  Adult: Monsters chase recent locations       : no  (adult_ai_smell)
                  Adult: Monsters act smarter in groups        : no  (adult_ai_packs)
                  Adult: Monsters learn from their mistakes    : no  (adult_ai_learn)
                  Adult: Monsters exploit players weaknesses   : no  (adult_ai_cheat)
                  Adult: Monsters behave more intelligently (broken): no  (adult_ai_smart)
                  Score: Peek into object creation             : no (score_peek)
                  Score: Peek into monster creation            : no (score_hear)
                  Score: Peek into dungeon creation            : no (score_room)
                  Score: Peek into something else              : no (score_xtra)
                  Score: Know complete monster info            : yes (score_know)
                  Score: Allow player to avoid death           : yes (score_live)
                  aka LibraryAdventurer

                  My old variant DaJAngband:
                  http://sites.google.com/site/dajangbandwebsite/home (defunct and so old it's forked from Angband 3.1.0 -I think- but it's probably playable...)


                  • will_asher
                    DaJAngband Maintainer
                    • Apr 2007
                    • 1063

                    Died three times since last post. (total 9 times) Once I was clvl30, dL40, killing trolls and a vampire lord snuck up on me and breathed fear (fear breath dmg is 1/6HPS with a cap of 200, I'm thinking about making it 1/7HPS). Second time, I was clvl30, dL41, escaped something using teleport level (taking me to dL41), there killed by breath of a mature dragon + a nether bolt from a death knight in room I appeared in. Third time, I was clvl30, dL43, escaped gravity hounds using teleport level then killed by something invisible. I wished teleport level wouldn't keep taking me downward.

                    Those three deaths were all pretty close together. At that point I was thinking the 40+ levels were just too dangerous for my character and I went back through the earlier levels and reset the recall depth. I wondered if I should just remove some of the nastier monsters or add some not-so-threatening higher level monsters. Cleared a troll pit or two and killed a couple uniques on my way back up between dL20 and dL36 (where I am now). The mids 30s seem like a good depth for my character right now. Maybe I should remember not to go past dL40 before getting to clvl 31 and/or being very well equipped (like with this nice heavy crossbow I found). Between dL30 and 36, I found Totila, Osondir, and the Phial.

                    I'd really like to get comments on how my game compares to a similar game of vanilla (maybe I should give more description next time so people can do that better) for the purposes of testing. I'd like to know if the difficultly of the levels around dL40 is because of my changes, or maybe because of auto-scum, or maybe just my playstyle. I do not intend to make DaJAngband significantly harder than vanilla.

                    You'll probably notice in the dump how the prayerbooks are different. For instance, Godly insights is now the second book and has detect traps and detect doors/stairs, and Holy Words of Wisdom is a dungeon book which the paladin can't use (for priests and healers only). BTW, there's no class in DaJAngband which can use the full 9 books in their realm. I didn't want anyone to feel the slightest inclination to use up 9 inventory slots on spellbooks.

                      [DaJAngband v1.0.95 (pre 1.1.0) Character Dump]
                     Name   GragBashful                              Self  RB  CB  EB   Best
                     Sex    Male              Age        14   STR:  18/32  +2  +3  +2 18/102
                     Race   Dwarf             Height     52   INT:     11  -3  -2  +0      6
                     Class  Paladin           Weight    151   WIS:     18  +2  +1  +3  18/60
                     Title  Paladin           Status      0   DEX:     15  -2  +0  +0     13
                     HP     309/309           Maximize    Y   CON:     17  +2  +1  +0  18/20
                     SP     70/70                             CHR:     12  -3  +2  +2     13
                     Level           31       Armor    [24,+47]     Saving Throw          77
                     Cur Exp     209735       Fight    (+0,+17)     Stealth                6
                     Max Exp     209735       Melee    (+8,+25)     Fighting             218
                     Adv Exp     232500       Shoot   (+13,+18)     Shooting             172
                     MaxDepth    Lev 36       Blows      2/turn     Disarming             63
                     Turns      4501426       Shots      1/turn     Magic Device          52
                     Gold        153471       Infra       50 ft     Perception            20
                     Burden   200.1 lbs       Energy        90%     Searching             19
                     You are the only child of a Dwarven Miner.  You are a credit to the
                     family.  You have dark brown eyes, wavy black hair, a four foot beard,
                     and a dark complexion.
                          abcdefghijkl@       abcdefghijkl@
                     Acid:......+.+.... Confu:+............
                     Elec:......+...... Sound:.............
                     Fire:+.....+...... Shard:......+......
                     Cold:......+...... Nexus:......+......
                     Pois:............. Nethr:.............
                     Fear:............. Chaos:.............
                     Lite:............. Disen:.............
                     Dark:............. S.Dig:.............
                          abcdefghijkl@       abcdefghijkl@
                    PLite:............. Tunn.:.............
                    Regen:.........+... Speed:.............
                    Telep:............. Blows:.............
                    Invis:............. Shots:.............
                    FrAct:..+.......... Might:.+...........
                    HLife:.............      :.............
                    Stea.:+......+...+.      :.............
                    Sear.:.............      :.............
                      [Character Equipment]
                    a) The flail 'Totila' (2d13) (+8,+8) (+2 to stealth) {@w0 Gollum dL34}
                       It increases your stealth by 2.  It slays all evil creatures.  It is
                       branded with fire.  It provides resistance to fire, confusion, and 
                       charming.  It activates for confuse monster every 15 turns.  It
                       cannot be harmed by the elements.  
                    b) a heavy crossbow of Extra Might (x4) (+13,+18) (+1) {floor dL39}
                       It increases your shooting power by 1.  
                    c) a Sapphire Ring of Free Action
                       It grants you immunity to paralysis.  
                    d) a Star Ruby Ring of Damage (+11)
                    e) a Haematite Amulet of Wisdom (+3)
                       It increases your wisdom by 3.  It sustains your wisdom.  
                    f) The Phial of Galadriel (0 turns)
                       It usually provides light of radius 3.  It activates for 
                       illumination every 10+d10 turns.  It cannot be harmed by the
                    g) The chain mail of Arvedui (-2) [14,+15] (+2) {Nar the Dwarf dL38}
                       It increases your strength and charisma by 2.  It provides
                       resistance to acid, electricity, fire, cold, shards, and nexus.  It
                       cannot be harmed by the elements.  
                    h) an elven cloak [2,+6] (+2 to stealth)
                       It increases your stealth by 2.  
                    i) a small leather shield of Resist Acid [2,+8]
                       It provides resistance to acid.  It cannot be harmed by acid.  
                    j) a hard leather cap of Regeneration [2,+6]
                       It speeds your regeneration.  
                    k) a set of mail gauntlets [2,+6]
                    l) a pair of soft leather boots of Stealth [2,+6] (+1)
                       It increases your stealth by 1.  
                      [Character Inventory]
                    a) 3 Holy Books of Prayers [Beginner's Handbook] {@p1}
                    b) 3 Holy Books of Prayers [Godly Insights] {@p2}
                    c) 3 Holy Books of Prayers [Defences of Light] {@p3}
                    d) 3 Holy Books of Prayers [Exorcism and Dispelling] {@p4}
                    e) 5 Scarlet Potions of Speed {@q7}
                    f) 11 Purple Speckled Potions of Cure Critical Wounds {@q1}
                    g) 3 Magenta Potions of Healing
                    h) a Pungent Potion of Restore Mana
                    i) a Cerulean Potion of Restore Life Levels
                    j) 5 Scrolls titled "pro pludo ego" of Phase Door {@r1}
                    k) 2 Scrolls titled "eximo plus" of Teleportation {@r9 !*}
                    l) 3 Scrolls titled "pa recuibo" of Teleport Level {@r7 !*}
                    m) 6 Scrolls titled "ne vignio que" of Word of Recall {@r3}
                    n) 4 Bronze Rods of Trap Location {@z3}
                    o) 5 Electrum Rods of Light {@z4}
                    p) 2 Mithril Rods of Frost Bolts {@z5}
                    q) a Xan Stinger Wand of Teleport Other (9 charges)
                    r) a Hickory Staff of Teleportation (7 charges) {@u9 !*}
                    s) a Rowan Staff of Object Location (6 charges)
                    t) a Wych Elm Staff of Dispel Evil (5 charges)
                    u) The halberd 'Osondir' (3d5) (+7,+9) (+3) {@w0}
                       It increases your charisma by 3.  It slays giants and undead.  It is
                       branded with fire.  It provides resistance to fire and sound.  It 
                       makes you fall like a feather.  It grants you the ability to see
                       invisible things.  It cannot be harmed by the elements.  
                    v) 40 bolts (1d5) (+9,+8) {@f2=g}
                    w) 46 bolts (1d5) (+0,+0) {@f1=g}
                      [Home Inventory]
                    a) a Holy Book of Prayers [Purifications & Healing]
                       It cannot be harmed by the elements.  
                    b) a Holy Book of Prayers [Holy Infusions]
                       It cannot be harmed by the elements.  
                    c) 2 Holy Books of Prayers [Advanced Defences of Light]
                       It cannot be harmed by the elements.  
                    d) 2 pieces of elvish waybread
                    e) a Violet Potion of Purity
                    f) 69 Scarlet Potions of Speed {@q7}
                    g) 18 Magenta Potions of Healing
                    h) 2 Burgundy Potions of *Healing*
                    i) 3 Pungent Potions of Restore Mana
                    j) 86 Scrolls titled "pa recuibo" of Teleport Level {@r7 !*}
                    k) 6 Scrolls titled "pro quam" of *Identify*
                    l) a Pinchbeck Rod of Teleport Other
                    m) 4 Xan Stinger Wands of Teleport Other (30 charges)
                    n) a Cockatrice Beak Wand of Drain Life (4 charges)
                    o) 6 Hickory Staffs of Teleportation (37 charges) {@u9 !*}
                    p) 6 Rowan Staffs of Object Location (54 charges)
                    q) a Mahogany Staff of the Magi (4 charges)
                    r) an Ebony Staff of Holiness (4 charges)
                    s) an Applewood Staff of *Destruction* (3 charges)
                    t) a Topaz Ring of Constitution (+3)
                       It increases your constitution by 3.  It sustains your constitution.
                    u) a Colored Glass Amulet of Regeneration
                       It speeds your regeneration.  
                    v) a small leather shield of Resist Cold [2,+3]
                       It provides resistance to cold.  It cannot be harmed by cold.  
                    w) a long sword of Westernesse (2d5) (+8,+8) (+1 to infravision)
                       It increases your strength, dexterity, and constitution by 1.  It
                       increases your infravision by 1.  It slays orcs, trolls, and giants.
                       It grants you immunity to paralysis.  
                    x) a whip of Slay Evil (1d3) (+9,+9) {@w0}
                       It slays all evil creatures.  
                    y) 24 bolts of Acid (1d5) (+11,+9) {@f3=g}
                       It is branded with acid.  It cannot be harmed by acid.  
                    z) 43 bolts (1d5) (+9,+8) {@f2=g}
                    {) 19 mithril bolts (3d5) (+5,+4)
                       It cannot be harmed by acid or fire.  
                    |) 27 seeker arrows (4d4)
                    Adult: Maximize effect of race/class bonuses : yes (adult_maximize)
                    Adult: Randomize some of the artifacts (beta): no  (adult_randarts)
                    Adult: Auto-scum for good levels             : yes (adult_autoscum)
                    Adult: Restrict the use of stairs/recall     : no  (adult_ironman)
                    Adult: Restrict the use of stores/home       : no  (adult_no_stores)
                    Adult: Restrict creation of artifacts        : no  (adult_no_artifacts)
                    Adult: Don't stack objects on the floor      : no  (adult_no_stacking)
                    Adult: Preserve artifacts when leaving level : no  (adult_no_preserve)
                    Adult: Don't generate connected stairs       : no  (adult_no_stairs)
                    Adult: Enable selling to shops               : no  (adult_cansell)
                    Adult: Monsters chase current location       : yes (adult_ai_sound)
                    Adult: Monsters chase recent locations       : no  (adult_ai_smell)
                    Adult: Monsters act smarter in groups        : no  (adult_ai_packs)
                    Adult: Monsters learn from their mistakes    : no  (adult_ai_learn)
                    Adult: Monsters exploit players weaknesses   : no  (adult_ai_cheat)
                    Adult: Monsters behave more intelligently (broken): no  (adult_ai_smart)
                    Score: Peek into object creation             : no (score_peek)
                    Score: Peek into monster creation            : no (score_hear)
                    Score: Peek into dungeon creation            : no (score_room)
                    Score: Peek into something else              : no (score_xtra)
                    Score: Know complete monster info            : yes (score_know)
                    Score: Allow player to avoid death           : yes (score_live)
                    aka LibraryAdventurer

                    My old variant DaJAngband:
                    http://sites.google.com/site/dajangbandwebsite/home (defunct and so old it's forked from Angband 3.1.0 -I think- but it's probably playable...)


                    • aeneas
                      • Jun 2007
                      • 149

                      I'd really like to get comments on how my game compares to a similar game of vanilla (maybe I should give more description next time so people can do that better) for the purposes of testing. I'd like to know if the difficultly of the levels around dL40 is because of my changes, or maybe because of auto-scum, or maybe just my playstyle. I do not intend to make DaJAngband significantly harder than vanilla.[/QUOTE]

                      It's very hard to comment without knowing more about how you play. But I wouldn't worry _too much_ about it. V is fundamentally un-balanceable anyway. I will say that I have never played a game of V that lasted over 4 million turns, let alone one that had me at clvl 31 after 4 million turns. The question is- would you, if you were playing V?

                      If you want to compare difficulty levels the best thing you could do is play some V and compare your V games to your games in your variant.


                      • zaimoni
                        • Apr 2007
                        • 551

                        Originally posted by will_asher
                        Those three deaths were all pretty close together. At that point I was thinking the 40+ levels were just too dangerous for my character and I went back through the earlier levels and reset the recall depth. I wondered if I should just remove some of the nastier monsters or add some not-so-threatening higher level monsters. ....

                        I'd really like to get comments on how my game compares to a similar game of vanilla (maybe I should give more description next time so people can do that better) for the purposes of testing. I'd like to know if the difficultly of the levels around dL40 is because of my changes, or maybe because of auto-scum, or maybe just my playstyle. I do not intend to make DaJAngband significantly harder than vanilla.
                        None of the above.

                        V's difficulty takes a phasechange between DL36 and DL40 (exact details depend on playstyle). Ranged tanks ambling at Speed -2 hit phase change around DL36, when ghosts start getting quadruple moves on the @.
                        Zaiband: end the "I shouldn't have survived that" experience. V3.0.6 fork on Hg.
                        Zaiband 3.0.10 ETA Mar. 7 2011 (Yes, schedule slipped. Latest testing indicates not enough assert() calls to allow release.)
                        Z.C++: pre-alpha C/C++ compiler system (usable preprocessor). Also on Hg. Z.C++ 0.0.10 ETA December 31 2011


                        • will_asher
                          DaJAngband Maintainer
                          • Apr 2007
                          • 1063

                          The high turncount is mainly because of shop-scumming usually for restore-stat potions. I go to dL1 and rest about 10K turns to give the shops plenty of time to restock. I usually pay no attention to turncount.

                          Maybe I should think about how I could slow down that difficulty phasechange. Doesn't sound easy though..

                          at clvl31, dL38, I phased away from a mithril golem, planning to finish it off with my crossbow, but I phased into another room with a shardstorm and a pack of cold hounds. was already low on hps so I died (10th death).
                          Last edited by will_asher; September 27, 2008, 21:16.
                          aka LibraryAdventurer

                          My old variant DaJAngband:
                          http://sites.google.com/site/dajangbandwebsite/home (defunct and so old it's forked from Angband 3.1.0 -I think- but it's probably playable...)


                          • Pete Mack
                            • Apr 2007
                            • 6697

                            There's no bad luck involved in that death. If you are in a routine fight and end up down on HP to the point that a group of weak monsters can kill you, you _will_ die. Maybe not in that battle, but in another one much like it.

