In 4.1.3, the mage book won't work. You want the first ranger (nature) book. Examine them in the store. You will be able to see spells in any book you can read. The illegilble nature books are for the druid class.
Complete N00b's Journey: The Series
NO! 4.1.3 still has the original books; the new classes are only in the development (master) branch.One for the Dark Lord on his dark throne
In the Land of Mordor where the Shadows lie.Comment
Randarts are, well, random. The standarts are generally pretty good at doling out new abilities about when they start becoming useful, and allowing you to assemble a kit that covers the important bases and gives a good selection of stat boosts. However, the really powerful standarts are also quite rare. Randarts are more likely to leave you unable to cover some important capability, but they are also much more capable of giving you items that are significantly more powerful than you would otherwise likely find in that slot.Comment
So the Dunadan Ranger actually managed to slay Morgoth and bring peace to Arda, which brings this series to an end, since I no longer feel like a n00b with my first win. Thank you everyone for your input, and I'll remember you all as I proceed to Elona+, my final game in my tour of duty!Comment