Why did I assume Deep Descent doesn't appear if you turn on ironman options? Just because it hadn't showed before lvl 41..?
Well it threw me from 41 to 47 by the time I lacked both good offenses and resistances. Ridiculous struggle for surviving from 47 to 51.
Then level 51. It was the compact labyrinth level. Had awake AMHD and other shit I had to constantly Portal away from (or use my only TO charges). It also had Godly Insights and very nice artifact Short Sword. Artifacts were just painfully rare considering this my first ironman attempt. Only two generated.
Well anyways, I managed to escape the labyrinth level. Took a deep breath when I stepped on lvl 52. Maybe I can work things out with this new detection stuff. Detected traps and mapped. Shit, its a cavernous level. Oh well.. Some minor gold dragons few steps west. Pounded them down and then a sickening roar, rPois ring in my backpack. Apparently that deep breath I took did not deliver much oxygen into my brains. So YASD it was.
Pretty classic poison breath lesson but for me it was the most fun game I've played so far. Ironman is my kind of shit and I'm not gonna give up until I get one!