Dumbest SURVIVAL ever

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  • hugorune
    • May 2008
    • 11

    Talas, lvl 1 Dunadan Ranger was exploring the dungeon with much enthusiasm. His first encounter was to kill a small kobold with one arrow shot from his longbow, so he was feeling pretty invincible. So when he found a scroll on the floor in the middle of a room, he read 'abse furo se' without hesitation.
    "You have no more scrolls named 'abse furo se' of Summon Monster (d)'
    "The metallic red centipede hits you"
    "The snaga hits you"
    "Low hitpoint warning!"
    I was on 4/15 hitpoints... there were five snagas to the north of me, one centipede. No scrolls of phase door, no potions of healing. One hit from the orcs would have me on the floor, so I ran, dreading the prospect of meeting something coming the other way, or hitting a dead end.
    The exit from the room led into a long corridor. My hitpoints slowly returned but the snagas were hot on my arse - I didn't know how long the corridor would last, so with 7 hitpoints left I took a punt and read my Recall scroll. Snagas do 1d8, if I was unlucky I would die. I was hit, but only for 3 damage. I kept running, then hit the end of the corridor... on the last square, an up staircase.

    A few turns after climbing the stairs, "You feel yourself yanked downwards!" But luckily into a safe space


    • Nick
      Vanilla maintainer
      • Apr 2007
      • 9351

      Started a new comp 63 character, headed straight down the stairs. Reached 450' at clev 5, landing in a room with passages to the east and west. Went west, and saw a room full of hill orcs at the end of a corridor - awake and coming after me.

      Back the way I came, went through a door (closing it) and along a corridor to see a room full of snagas; one of them woke before I reached the entrance and stepped into the corridor. At the same time I saw the door behind me open; the hill orcs were approaching, so I was trapped.

      Read my scroll of recall, and then three un-IDed scrolls - Blessing, Summon Monster, and Trap Detection. Luckily, the summon was a small kobold, who blocked the hill orcs from reaching me, so I just had to last several turns with it and the snaga.

      Next, I turned to the two {tried} wands. Number 1 - "The snaga looks confused". OK, this might work. Number 2 - "The small kobold falls asleep". Yes! Put the snaga to sleep, and rested to recall - with 18HP and a !CLW to spare.
      One for the Dark Lord on his dark throne
      In the Land of Mordor where the Shadows lie.


      • Fenrir
        • Dec 2008
        • 50

        Despite of the open window displaying monster recall, I managed to confuse a wereworm for a nether worm mass. When I realized my mistake, a pack of earth hounds had moved over the staircase, and there was my dwarven warrior, poisoned, badly cut, at around 40 hp and with a pack of earth hounds steadily pelting him with glass. But fortunately, their breath attacks were hurting the wereworm, too.

        I tried to put the wereworm between the hounds and me, drank a potion of speed and retreated into the nearby room... but I knew I couldn't get far, or otherwise the hounds would follow me, and if I got several of them breathing on me it would have been gravestone time. I keept dancing between the corridor's entrance and the room's, healing myself with a staff of cure light wounds and drinking potions of speed until the wereworm finally went down and I got to an acceptable amount of HP. Then I started firing my arrows of acid at the hounds-- I had to kill the whole pack to get to the staircase.

        Later I remembered I had a few scrolls of teleport with me I could have used.
        He hit me for HOW MUCH?????


        • Pete Mack
          • Apr 2007
          • 6697

          So I wander into a room with my Half-orc warrior, and I see a Hummerhorn. Rather than immediately read a scroll of recall and hope for the best, I do some stupid thing. I am immediately confused and surrounded. So I put on my amulet of teleportation. Then I drink !speed. Then I start getting low on HP, so I drink !CSW. Then I start fighting towards the door. I get to the door, but I'm still confused. My next step takes me back into the room. Oh no! But then the "Teleport kicks in, and I am safe, down my only speed potion and 2 !CSW. A very cheap escape for a very stupid move.


          • NotMorgoth
            • Feb 2008
            • 229

            I was on low HP and resting when an Ethereal Wyrm came at me through the wall. I had rLight but not rDark.

            Stupidly instead of teleporting, I decided to drink a !Cure Critical as I underestimated how much damage it could do with its breath, but due to a typo I quaffed my last !Healing instead, fully healing me to over 800 hp That mistake saved my life, as the Wyrm then double moved on me, breathing light then dark and reducing me to 16 hp.

            If I had done what I meant to do I would have been dead, but in any case if it had breathed dark twice I would have died.


            • Nemesis
              • Jul 2009
              • 133

              I don't remember why, but I had taken off that piece of armour that gave me Free Action and forgot to put it back on. And suddenly, in a battle with a Lich, I am not only paralysed but also confused and blinded (got brain smashed, I guess)! With some lesser unded beings hacking away my hit points in big chunks from two or three directions at once!

              And no, I wasn't saved by a Blink Dog or Phase Spider nor was I saved by a levelteleporting Nexus attack, I actually survived until the paralysis wore off! I don't think I was way on a much shallower dungeon level than my character was "meant" to be on either, I guess I was just lucky.

              I was still blind and confused, however, so I just had to hold my thumbs that I wouldn't be paralysed/blinded/confused again after I quaffed a healing potion. Lucklily, I wasn't! And the following turn I could read a scroll that teleported me away to another level. Whew! That was in Quickband and my first winner in any Anband variant ever!

              Taking off your Free Action equipment and then descending into the depths again without remembering to put it back on is like being a scubadiver diving into the sea without remembering to again put on his diving suit.

              In the NPPAngband game I'm currently playing I've had a couple of those dumb and lucky survivals too. I took on a minor demon stronghold, even though I had looked those up on the internet and found that they were both annoying and dangerous. The first room wasn't so impossible as it wasn't so big, and the Imps and Tengus didn't teleport me around so much that I was completly defenceless. The second room was another story, though. I was completly surrounded by demons, blind, confused and poisoned (but luckily not paralysed this time! ) They didn't do damage to me that quickly, however, and I had lots of Cure Light Wounds potions. To start with. Therefore I didn't escape when I could. Only when my potions and hit points where running out I understood that I should fear for my life, but was it too late by then? Appearantly not, suddenly BOTH the blindness and confusion wore off at exactly the same turn and I could read scroll teleporting me away from that hideous level!

              In Angband, Scroll of Level Teleport = The Holy Bible

              In this current game I've only found two of those scrolls, though. One saved me from the demons and the other one sadly burned up. On the same journey into the depths where I lost my second scrolls I decided to still try to take on that pit filled to the brim with Creeping Coins (mostly Adamantine ones, the fastest and toughest of them all). The level gave a superb feeling and after detecting objects I saw chests and the like being there for the taking. I really wanted to think I had a chance of getting the treasures. My greed clouded my mind and I was fooled into thinking that this was a game where untold riches where the prize. Far too late I realised that the prize wasn't treasures but my life!

              Adamantine coins are fast (at least creeping ones, the others are just fast money), remember? Only very slightly slower than I was after quaffing a potion of speed. And it was dozens of them coming after me. And it was a very small level. Nowhere to run, nowhere to hide. As soon as I understood that the question wasn't if I was going to get the treasures or not, but wheter I was going to make it out of there alive or not, I recalled (as I said my level teleport scroll had burned up). I was stunned, poisoned and badly wounded. I tried to run but I was surrounded. I phased and tried to run again but found myself in a dead end. Casting Earthquake only wasted my mana. I phased and phased again, but it seemed like I always landed next to those godforsaken coins, getting hit again and even closer to death every time. The few times when I didn't land right beside my enemy I just had to spend turns quaffing potions but even though I was fast, I never got to drink more than one or two before the coins caught up with me. They really were all over the place!

              Not one second too soon my recall yanked me upwards to safety!

              Sweet, sweet sunlight! I'll NEVER go down into that horrid dungeon again! At least not before getting something to eat and checking my email...


              • will_asher
                DaJAngband Maintainer
                • Apr 2007
                • 1063

                A battle with an AMHD:

                I was at < 100HP but it had only 1 star left and I felt sure I would kill it with one more attack. I got two hits in, but it still wasn't dead. It's attacks that turn got me down to 0HP. I thought, "well I could read a ?teleport level, but I'm almost certain to kill it with one more attack." One more attack and it STILL wasn't dead, but instead of attacking it started to run away. Whew. So do I read ?tele level now? Of course not! I want to kill this dragon. So I fire an arrow. it misses. The dragon uses its turn to cast a fear spell. The second arrow kills it, and I change my name to Lucky.
                The only loot from it that I kept was a few (+7 +4) arrows which I poison branded using a missile magic spell.

                aka LibraryAdventurer

                My old variant DaJAngband:
                http://sites.google.com/site/dajangbandwebsite/home (defunct and so old it's forked from Angband 3.1.0 -I think- but it's probably playable...)

