[FA] Romb the Druadan Druid

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  • Satyr
    • Apr 2007
    • 36

    [FA] Romb the Druadan Druid

    After some tries I finally got a Druadan druid going. He's currently roaming the depths of Nargothrond at CL 28: http://angband.oook.cz/ladder-show.php?id=6701

    Some comments/ observations/ questions:

    After some tries I found that the "easiest" way for a Druadan druid is probably into greater danger, through the forests north of Ephel Brandir Town into Gondolin. High stealth, telepathy and walking unhindered through trees makes this possible, but it still is a rather interesting exercise: Hunting dragonflies, avoiding any Z, f, or C (too fast and too awake ...), mining for lots of gold, and finding some nice sellable loot I finally reached the Hidden City, took residence there and then ventured on to Amon Rudh. After the exitments of the early game the first dungeon was rather easy going, at least up to Mim, who hurt me more than I could heal with !CCW. So I did a quick shopping tour through Beleriand, to stock up on !healing, !speed, !heroe etc. When I tried again against Mim somehow he was much easier than the first time, I don't know whether it was the additional couple of levels (= more barehand damage, if I'm not mistaken), or a somewhat better AC, or just luck. I took clarity as second speciality, as I use the druid's spells mainly as support for my barehand fighting, and the additional WIS helps with spell fail rates.
    Currently I'm in Nargothrond and the enemies get tougher, the druid's telport away spell has seen quite a few uses lately. Due to telepathy the lack of resBlind is not that bad, resConfusion would be nice though.

    When my WIS rose from 18/40 to 18/60, I suddenly got to learn 13 (or so) new spells, is this intended behaviour,or shouldn't the number of spells to learn raise a bit more linearly ?

    I haven't seen any ?*identify* yet. Are those gone for good in FA, or have I just been unlucky so far?
    Last edited by Satyr; April 29, 2007, 23:02.
  • HallucinationMushroom
    • Apr 2007
    • 679

    I start to find *identify* on a somewhat regular basis around level 40, but I usually luck up and find a rare one on a trip through Amod Rudh. Of course, once you find one you should let your travelling merchants stock them.
    You are on something strange


    • Nick
      Vanilla maintainer
      • Apr 2007
      • 9355

      18/50 is a break point for the spellcasting stats, but 13 seems like rather a lot. I probably should look at smoothing that out a bit.
      One for the Dark Lord on his dark throne
      In the Land of Mordor where the Shadows lie.


      • Seany C
        • Apr 2007
        • 261

        13 sounds like a typical break-point number of new spells at 18/50 in V/early Z so it's in line with other variants. Whether break-points are wrong on principle is another matter altogether, of course... *

        *I really like the way that in FA (maybe S and O too), shots per round can be 1.1 or 1.2, rather than only discrete whole numbers, for example...



        • Seany C
          • Apr 2007
          • 261

          >.13 sounds like a typical break-point number of new spells at 18/50 in V/early Z so it's in line with other variants

          At CL20something, that is - it'd be silly for CL1...


          • Satyr
            • Apr 2007
            • 36

            I played mainly TOME ans S so far, that explains why I never noticed that break-point before.

            Well, Romb is no more. While clearing out a Giant pit I lost my patience and tried to fight two Thunder Giants at once. Should have TP-away one of them a few turns earlier...

            Well, seems it's back to forest sneaking for my next incarnation of a Druadan druid.

