YA(my first)WP

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  • Tyrion
    • Nov 2011
    • 3

    YA(my first)WP

    After playing on and off for a long time, I'm proud to say I got my first ever legitimate win--a dwarf priest in 3.3.0.

    Unfortunately, I can't seem to make a file dump; I think the game is trying to create it to a directory that doesn't exist?

    Great fun, though. Well worth it.

    Some observations:

    I really like a lot of the changes in this version. I think I first started playing on 2.something, and the interface in particular is a lot nicer. I know the dev team takes a lot of flak at times, but they've done a great job making the game more accessible while preserving the challenge. Keep it up!

    Priests are boring, especially since I'm used to playing with rogues/rangers--they dive much faster, but somehow always get overcome by their own greed. I finished the game with melee using the great axe of Eonwe, which was doing 300ish dam/round against evil. My con was maxed and I had a massive stack of !rMana, so I'd just sit on a rune of protection and melee until I needed to heal. Not (usually) terribly dangerous, but it takes forever to knock down something with high hp like that. My fight against Morgoth lasted so long that my temporary haste from my only rod of speed wore off while he still had 4 stars; that made things a lot hairier suddenly.

    Having a kit that gives all 4 immunites is amazing. Wow. Dragon pits suddenly went from terrifying to juicy. On the other hand, it doesn't quite seem fair that some high-level uniques (the 2 big Cs come to mind) only have elemental melee. Fighting Huan and only taking damage from his breaths just feels...cheap.
    "The scroll of *Acquirement* was really a monster!"
  • Tyrion
    • Nov 2011
    • 3

    Found the dump! For some reason the game is creating dumps to a location outside of its own folder; is there any way to fix that?

    Anyway, here ya go:

    "The scroll of *Acquirement* was really a monster!"


    • debo
      • Oct 2011
      • 2320


      I don't know what platform you're playing on, but on OS/X I can specify the whole path when it asks me where to dump. So, I can type "~/<name>.txt" to put it in my home directory.

      If you're on windows, you might be able to do something like "C:\<name>.txt" to put it right in the root dir.
      Glaurung, Father of the Dragons says, 'You cannot avoid the ballyhack.'


      • Timo Pietilä
        • Apr 2007
        • 3964

        Originally posted by Tyrion
        Found the dump! For some reason the game is creating dumps to a location outside of its own folder; is there any way to fix that?
        Chardumps should go to lib\user -directory in windows. Might depend on platform though.


        • Max Stats
          • Jun 2010
          • 316

          I suppose you could have abbreviated YA(my first)WP in the title of your post to YAMFWP, but some people might have misunderstood what it was supposed to stand for.
          If beauty is in the eye of the beholder, then why are beholders so freaking ugly?


          • Tyrion
            • Nov 2011
            • 3

            They might mistake me for Samuel L. Jackson. Not that I'd complain about that or anything...
            "The scroll of *Acquirement* was really a monster!"


            • Max Stats
              • Jun 2010
              • 316

              Originally posted by Tyrion
              They might mistake me for Samuel L. Jackson. Not that I'd complain about that or anything...
              I know what you mean, I get mistaken for Brad Pitt all the time!
              If beauty is in the eye of the beholder, then why are beholders so freaking ugly?

