The Acquirement lottery

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  • Magnate
    Angband Devteam member
    • May 2007
    • 4916

    Originally posted by PowerDiver
    The nature of these problems, where you sample from a distribution and count the number of times you improve the best seen so far, is that you really can't change the total number of useful items much at all unless you crush the variance. The only practical way to make slay troll more useful, useful defined as you might carry it and use it, is to make other things comparatively less useful, probably by making them deeper so you are less likely to use them when you find them.
    Yes, I agree with you here. I should have said that other things (like brands and *slays* and artifacts) need to be made rarer/deeper, as well as (or instead of) making the weaker slays more common earlier.

    Also, I apologise for misrepresenting your position. I had forgotten that you are indeed focused on squelching, not on junk per se. This is partly why I said (in another thread) that I usually stay out of squelching debates - I took from Leon Marrick a desire to make squelch unnecessary, though I know it is not achievable.

    Monster-specific ESP is definitely good too.
    "Been away so long I hardly knew the place, gee it's good to be back home" - The Beatles


    • Estie
      • Apr 2008
      • 2281

      Slay orc and troll are victims of the combat system; at the early time where orcs and trolls present a challenge, youre likely using a dagger with damage rings and (+x,+y) gloves where a "slay" isnt going to add much. The slay/brand ride to power happens later with the heavier weapons, and by that time orcs and trolls are usually trivial foes.


      • Estie
        • Apr 2008
        • 2281

        Originally posted by Derakon
        I've sort of been gently agitating for pushing back the good gear anyway. The 1000'-2000' region gets a lot more interesting when good gear is scarce; in standart games that's usually when you start finding a whole bunch of bread-and-butter artifacts that drastically increase your power level. Delaying that means taking on the monsters in that part of the game with egos instead.
        Isnt everyone diving these days ? You dont want people to town-scum for scrolls of deep descent to get to the place where the good gear actually drops.
        Yes, the most interesting part is when you dont have gear and still need to find it, but as a diver you dont spend any amount of time in an area where you cant get gear.
        Im not saying pushing back the gear level is going to be bad, Im just saying it might have other consequences than people spending more time with bad gear in the 1000' - 2000' region.


        • Derakon
          • Dec 2009
          • 8820

          Originally posted by Estie
          Isnt everyone diving these days ? You dont want people to town-scum for scrolls of deep descent to get to the place where the good gear actually drops.
          Yes, the most interesting part is when you dont have gear and still need to find it, but as a diver you dont spend any amount of time in an area where you cant get gear.
          Im not saying pushing back the gear level is going to be bad, Im just saying it might have other consequences than people spending more time with bad gear in the 1000' - 2000' region.
          Diving doesn't mean you can ignore everything around you and just cherry-pick the gear you want. You still spend non-negligible amounts of time in the dungeon dealing with enemies. Also, typically diving doesn't really get started until you've done a decent job of maxing your important stats and have a fairly reliable offense of some description -- both things that won't have happened by the time I'm talking about.

          And I don't think people will townscum for Deep Descent just because gear isn't available.


          • Magnate
            Angband Devteam member
            • May 2007
            • 4916

            Originally posted by Estie
            Slay orc and troll are victims of the combat system; at the early time where orcs and trolls present a challenge, youre likely using a dagger with damage rings and (+x,+y) gloves where a "slay" isnt going to add much. The slay/brand ride to power happens later with the heavier weapons, and by that time orcs and trolls are usually trivial foes.
            This is a very good point. Definitely time to revisit fizzix's AC branch (where slays don't change damage dice but bypass absorption).
            "Been away so long I hardly knew the place, gee it's good to be back home" - The Beatles


            • Rivendell
              • Mar 2011
              • 17

              Used a scroll on dlvl 50 and got "Dal-i-thalion". I got the scroll much earlier, but after reading this thread I decided to keep it in my house for awhile, then use it when I was deeper.


              • Taha
                • Jun 2009
                • 128

                To add to the acquirement fun; I found a scroll of *Acquirement on level 60, read it immediately (I never save these anymore, dying when one is sitting at home is too sad). They normally are worthless, but this time I hit the jackpot:
                Katana of Venom (+10,+9)
                Blade of Chaos (Holy Avenger) (+10+18) - 206dmg vs evil
                The Mace of Tarialen (8d4) (+5,+39) [+10] <+3>
                Conjured forth by magic at 3000 feet (level 60).

                +3 strength, charisma, infravision, speed, attack speed.
                Slays animals, evil creatures, orcs, trolls, giants, dragons.
                Branded with weak acid, frost.
                Provides resistance to lightning, fire, dark, disenchantment.
                Provides protection from blindness, confusion.
                Cannot be harmed by acid, electricity, fire, cold.
                Sustains intelligence, dexterity.
                Grants the ability to see invisible things.

                When activated, it heals cut damage, and cures stunning, poison
                and blindness.
                Takes 91 to 100 turns to recharge at your current speed.
                Your chance of success is 93.3%

                Combat info:
                7.0 blows/round.
                Average damage/round: 610.4 vs. animals, 610.4 vs. evil creatures,
                610.4 vs. creatures not resistant to acid, 756 vs. orcs, 756 vs.
                trolls, 756 vs. giants, 756 vs. dragons, 756 vs. creatures not
                resistant to cold, and 464.8 vs. others.

                That damage is with NO off weapon bonuses - rings, headgear or anything else. I haven't used a weapon for combat since my first ring of escaping, may need to switch that up soon.

                More on the ladder:

                SexyCara cam
                Last edited by Taha; August 14, 2011, 15:01.


                • Derakon
                  • Dec 2009
                  • 8820

                  Holy crap dude.

                  The RNG only gave you that to tempt your scrawny bookworm hobbit skin into melee range, y'know. My latest warrior would have loved to have had that kind of damage output.


                  • Taha
                    • Jun 2009
                    • 128

                    Two levels later, a lesser balrog dropped an artifact boots with +13 speed. The weapon and these boots are the only speed items seen this game other than rings of escaping and teleportation; if I wasn't a mage I would have been dead long ago.

                    The damage output is amazing; after killing things with acid bolt all game this does 10 time the damage.

                    Now to not get overconfident. My scrawny bookworm hobbit skin is still instakillable by a whole range of deeper monsters.
                    LIVE SEX
                    Last edited by Taha; August 14, 2011, 15:01.


                    • gudjkrist
                      • Mar 2011
                      • 10

                      Just to average out that amazing "The Mace of Tarialen", I got a throughly unimpressive "Leather Scale Mail of Resist Cold [20, +6]. Still, it's better than my current armor.


                      • Gockel
                        • Aug 2010
                        • 68

                        just started another game today after experiencing a funny defeat on lvl100...

                        high-elf warrior because i wasn't in the mood for scumming the early lvls for see invis. as i was still a bit annoyed and not in the mood for playing the first lvls, i decided to do a complete diving game, taking every single stair down that i can find.

                        actually i expected it to end somewhere between lvl10 and 25 as i didn't consider it very probable to find FA early enough...

                        went strangely well, though, i had one close call around lvl 20 with an illusionist (?) who paralyzed me. fortunately he considered it safer to blink away shortly afterwards. i showed my gratitude in a very subtle way

                        anyway, thing is that after ~2 hours of playing i arrived now on lvl32 (with only a ring of FA and some weapons that provided the rest of the basic 4) and here i found two scrolls of acquirement laying neatly next to each other... and they kindly provided me with the shield of celegorm and the cap of thengel.

                        maybe not the most impressive find, but it was by far the most useful things they have ever given me.. gave me almost everything i need (basic4, blindness, confusion + some other stuff)...

                        i still believe i'll die from a poison breather sooner or later, but at the moment i enjoy my by far fastest game yet...


                        • Gockel
                          • Aug 2010
                          • 68

                          just started another game today after experiencing a funny defeat on lvl100...

                          high-elf warrior because i wasn't in the mood for scumming the early lvls for see invis. as i was still a bit annoyed and not in the mood for playing the first lvls, i decided to do a complete diving game, taking every single stair down that i can find.

                          actually i expected it to end somewhere between lvl10 and 25 as i didn't consider it very probable to find FA early enough...

                          went strangely well, though, i had one close call around lvl 20 with an illusionist (?) who paralyzed me. fortunately he considered it safer to blink away shortly afterwards. i showed my gratitude in a very subtle way

                          anyway, thing is that after ~2 hours of playing i arrived now on lvl32 (with only a ring of FA and some weapons that provided the rest of the basic 4) and here i found two scrolls of acquirement laying neatly next to each other... and they kindly provided me with the shield of celegorm and the cap of thengel.

                          maybe not the most impressive find, but it was by far the most useful things they have ever given me.. gave me almost everything i need (basic4, blindness, confusion + some other stuff)...

                          i still believe i'll die from a poison breather sooner or later, but at the moment i enjoy this diving game


                          • scud
                            • Jan 2011
                            • 320

                            Where did you find the Wand of Clone Post?


                            • dhegler
                              • Sep 2009
                              • 252

                              Ironically, as I played the recent nightlies, I wondered what happened to the elemental brands on the rings... By the time I find them, they are incredibly useless. Especially on a randart game, when every decent weapon has 2 brands and a few slays, how is a branded ring anywhere near as powerful? I used one for a while until I realized it gave me no damage/brand bonus like I used to get. By the time they appear, everyone has the basic 4/5 elements covered for resists anyway. MAYBE I would use them if they randomly had immunity bonus, but no damage. Still, they appear so late, an artifact ring at that level will most likely be much more powerful.

                              Originally posted by Magnate
                              Ah well, never mind. Don't feel you have to reply to that last bit, it was a general broadcast. There isn't a right answer to this stuff - there's no perfect way to balance objects, monsters, spells and everything else. All we can do is adjust a bit at a time and try not to overcompensate. But I do think removing stuff needs to be considered extremely carefully - I still think takk was wrong to remove the brands from the elemental rings, as they are now pretty much junk again (though that could be addressed by making them shallower), and there were other solutions to the brands being overpowered - I'd have made them x2 brands to start with, and watched to see if they then needed further adjustment. (This sub-thread was originally about whether to remove the less powerful slays like orc/troll/giant, which is why I got back to the topic of removing stuff. Definite no from me.)

                              YMMV; can't please all the people all the time. Etc.


                              • Max Stats
                                • Jun 2010
                                • 316

                                Originally posted by scud
                                Where did you find the Wand of Clone Post?
                                Looks like there was a slight DNA mutation when it was used, though.
                                If beauty is in the eye of the beholder, then why are beholders so freaking ugly?

