Starting a necro is so damn hard due to squishy and poor everything and resistance to your basic spam spell etc.etc., I have to say after many a death before statgain I finally cheesed a bit and used rings of escaping...
The magic fail from disenchant makes non-breathing uniques pretty easy. The shadow shift works actually really well against Morgoth I have to say, gives you time to find a piece of rock with okay LoS cheese.

All around I have to say the necro is definitely in a tough start, cheese finish category, which is fine for a "challenge" class. Especially after darkness ball had low fail%, undeads were also easily worn down with spells from range. Tarrasque got the pillar dance nuking, because he kept breathing with too annoying a rate at me so screw that ...
Outside of int/con/esp helm randarts were not anything superduper really. Only did a little bit of melee/ranged overall even with the shapeshifts available.
Overall, hard start class, rewarding in the end, did not try command spell, think it is just too niche as by that point you already have ok ranged spell options to nuke down stuff. Maybe if it made you go ethereal inside the commanded body (so if they die, you appear in that location) and you wouldn't need to worry about your own body for the time being, that could be cool to take over something powerful that can bypass your weak points (like having no elemental damage, dunno) ...