A horrific noob's commentated 'band adventures

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  • smbhax
    • Oct 2021
    • 325

    A horrific noob's commentated 'band adventures

    I don't know what I'm doing.

    Angband - human warrior

    0:00 - start
    2:00 - colors
    11:16 - in the dark 'p'
    19:48 - town
    37:48 - depth 14 - orc/ogre ambush!
    54:08 - text on top
    55:28 - jellical cuts
    1:36:11 - back in town
    1:48:31 - depth 15 - druadan mages are mean
    2:08:05 - depth 16 - up late with old trees
    2:30:22 - Ufthak of Cirith Ungol
    2:40:37 - wrap-up & what's next!
    My Angband videos
  • smbhax
    • Oct 2021
    • 325

    Hengband - Cyclops Beastmaster

    This is why you don't make a Sexy Beastmaster 'o'

    0:00 - what "Hengband" means in Japanese!
    4:05 - new ASCII features: large view, subwindow controls
    17:35 - world map & wilderness
    23:45 - PosChengband-style subwindow commands
    27:55 - my compiling commands
    30:39 - Sexy Beastmaster character creation
    35:28 - town, Scrawny Horse named Wobbly, shopping
    45:48 - Yeek cave depth 1
    56:08 - Wobbly evolves into a Horse!
    59:41 - depth 2 & summoning spiders
    1:04:31 - a dead-end floor??
    1:06:01 - shaft from floor 1 to 3
    1:07:11 - my spiders turn on me! 'o'
    1:12:21 - Louses kill Wobbly, I don't notice 'o'
    1:13:29 - spiders turn on me again!
    1:18:40 - Domination fails 'cause beasts hate the Sexy 'o'
    1:24:59 - torches running out but no way up!!
    1:32:17 - fainting forgetting to eat, didn't notice 'ooo'
    1:33:08 - wrap-up & what's next!
    My Angband videos


    • smbhax
      • Oct 2021
      • 325

      Angband - Kobolds with a grape jelly on top, Mushrooms of Terror, and a wyvern!

      0:00 - start
      1:34 - town - no recharge scrolls 'p'
      13:04 - depth 16
      15:24 - kobold vault!
      19:01 - so that's what grape jellies do 'o'
      37:00 - Mushrooms of Terror
      40:37 - druid summons...wyvern!
      49:47 - wrap-up & what's next!
      My Angband videos


      • wobbly
        • May 2012
        • 2577

        Originally posted by smbhax
        1:12:21 - Louses kill Wobbly, I don't notice 'o'
        Geez if I'm going to carry your sorry arse around the least you could do is de lice me.


        • smbhax
          • Oct 2021
          • 325

          Originally posted by wobbly
          Geez if I'm going to carry your sorry arse around the least you could do is de lice me.
          Yeep! Argh! Thanks for pointing it out, I'm gonna have to NOT let my horrific brain try to come up with names on the fly, apparently it will just plagiarize them without realizing it while thinking it's being cleverly original (horse moving erratically around town and so forth). Ohhhh. Sorry about that!!

          And yeah it's not like there's any point anyway since I'm even worse at keeping anyone else alive than I am at keeping my own @ going, which is saying something. At least this horse whose name I swiped from you stuck around a little longer than the last one, who bolted before I even got into the dungeon really...although in retrospect they sure had the right idea. I don't THINK I'd accidentally named THEM after anyone here. ... I think.

          Ah no that was "Carrot"... And it sure wouldn't have helped that I accidentally set them to "seek and destroy" after they had probably just momentarily staggered into the edge of the woods around the mouth of the newbie dungeon. .... Okay no, no member by THAT name on this forum, at least.

          But egads! Sorry! Terrible, terrible.
          My Angband videos


          • wobbly
            • May 2012
            • 2577

            No problems, I wasn't offended, I was amused to see my name there. I also enjoyed watching you try to work out why you couldn't control your mount wielding a shield, with the message still sitting up top on the screen


            • smbhax
              • Oct 2021
              • 325

              Originally posted by wobbly
              No problems, I wasn't offended, I was amused to see my name there. I also enjoyed watching you try to work out why you couldn't control your mount wielding a shield, with the message still sitting up top on the screen
              Thanks, that's a relief! (But I'm gonna work on watching naming things...) And yeah, who needs to like, read important status messages staring you in the face when you can just flail around instead. ; )

              And maybe some day I'll figure out why it doesn't think a whip is a suitable weapon for using from horseback (after STARTING you with a whip and a horse)...and whether or not I was actually attacking with it, or just fists or something. : P
              Last edited by smbhax; February 15, 2022, 19:17.
              My Angband videos


              • wobbly
                • May 2012
                • 2577

                Originally posted by smbhax
                Thanks, that's a relief! (But I'm gonna work on watching naming things...) And yeah, who needs to like, read important status messages staring you in the face when you can just flail around instead. ; )

                And maybe some day I'll figure out why it doesn't think a whip is a suitable weapon for using from horseback (after STARTING you with a whip and a horse)...and whether or not I was actually attacking with it, or just fists or something. : P
                Sexy always starts with a whip. Broad spear is the normal beastmaster weapon, at least in bands based on heng. Its a large to-hit penalty for non-riding weapons


                • smbhax
                  • Oct 2021
                  • 325

                  Originally posted by wobbly
                  Sexy always starts with a whip. Broad spear is the normal beastmaster weapon, at least in bands based on heng. Its a large to-hit penalty for non-riding weapons
                  YEAH! Thanks. : ) I was just testing that and found the sexy--whip connection. Hah. So Sexy really IS the wrong way to go for Beastmaster, that was just one more clear warning sign I was too noobish to catch. ; )

                  Although maybe it would've given me a bonus to Dominate a male cyclops. .P
                  Last edited by smbhax; February 15, 2022, 19:54.
                  My Angband videos


                  • Pete Mack
                    • Apr 2007
                    • 6697

                    The real issue is aggravation, so there are certain poweful artifacts a beastmaster should avoid.


                    • smbhax
                      • Oct 2021
                      • 325

                      Originally posted by Pete Mack
                      The real issue is aggravation, so there are certain poweful artifacts a beastmaster should avoid.
                      Ooh! Good to know. : )
                      My Angband videos


                      • EpicMan
                        • Dec 2009
                        • 447

                        Originally posted by Pete Mack
                        The real issue is aggravation, so there are certain poweful artifacts a beastmaster should avoid.
                        But the Sexy personality already aggravates, so no reason not to use them then (I don't think Aggro stacks in Heng-likes).


                        • smbhax
                          • Oct 2021
                          • 325

                          Hengband - Barbarian Berserker smashes--but also has mental powers??

                          0:00 - character creation
                          5:00 - stats, equip, town, shopping
                          15:00 - Yeek cave depth 1
                          19:59 - Yeek cave depth 2...oops!!
                          27:19 - Not gonna starve this time! ;_;
                          32:25 - Depth 1
                          37:51 - Depth 2
                          47:39 - Depth 3
                          55:15 - Depth 4
                          1:06:15 - Depth 5, brutal power, wrap!
                          My Angband videos


                          • smbhax
                            • Oct 2021
                            • 325

                            Angband - This floor 17 is a huge, twisting cave!

                            0:00 - wrong save file 'p'
                            4:18 - floor 16
                            5:15 - floor 17
                            11:35 - invisijerks (dark hounds, etc)
                            16:18 - umberish hulks
                            37:18 - crafty forest troll ambush!
                            41:58 - I may not be able to beat these fleas
                            49:18 - floor 18
                            52:38 - teleported--it's a huge twisting cavern!
                            56:38 - too much good stuff
                            My Angband videos


                            • smbhax
                              • Oct 2021
                              • 325

                              Hengband - Barbarian Berserker needs food kinda badly!

                              0:00 - floor 5, digging
                              12:03 - floor 6 - Smeagol & potions
                              23:56 - Opened Core, the uncovered fortress
                              31:50 - floor 7 - fainting from lack of food & not noticing...
                              40:13 - floor 8 - Nibelung and..?
                              My Angband videos

