The Entroband Screenshots Gallery: Decisions, Decisions by <>

Target:a Scroll titled "sef unag famur" of Artifact Creation [q,p,o,+,-,<dir>]    
Grand Master                          #####                                       
Level     48                         ##   ##                                    ##
EXP   658762                        ##     ##        ######      #######        # 
AU   2717563     ###############    #       #        # #. ########     ###      # 
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INT!: 18/160     #]#?#|#[#/#/#\#    ##     '#      ###.... #######    ...##     # 
WIS!: 18/200     ###############     ##   ###      #...... #    ##   ....#      # 
DEX!: 18/***     #/#(#(#[#/#|#]#      ##+#'##      #  .... #    #    ....##     # 
CON!: 18/***     ###############       # #  #      #    ...#######   ....?#     # 
CHR!: 18/140     #[#]#]#?#"#/#[#       # ## #      #     .......##  .....##     # 
Cur AC   170     ###############       # ## #      ## ####......####....##      # 
HP  950/1051     #}#(#{#)#(#?#/#       # #  #     ##. #  #.......##.....#     ### 
SP   49/  73     ###############     ###   ##     #...#  ##.............#   ###   
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                          Hero                             Fast(+23)        Lev 99
Decisions, Decisions
Just killed the Destroyer for the first time and Slicer's pack was full. He was about to recall out when he stumbled over a potion of enlightenment and decided to drink it. Turns out there was an odd looking vault (a GCV on its side?) over on the side of the level the whole time and I didn't know it was there. While strolling over to the vault, just to see what was inside, Bolg son of Azog, and his escort got in the way. When the smoke cleared, a lowly black orc had dropped a scroll of artifact creation! My first ever found in the dungeon. So, the question is, grab the scroll and head back to town, or stay and clear the vault? His pack is already full, but preserve mode is off. Hmm.

Posted on 28.11.2005 23:17

Related character dump:
Lazy Slicer, L50 Vampire Samurai


On 29.11.2005 01:02 wrote:
Definitely clear the vault ... Could be 10+ artifacts inside. Every object in there is excellent and this is the good variety of checkerboards with items in every square (The other one goes every other square, but has a wide open stretch in the middle).

You can always make tough decisions later ;-) I see two rings in there ... Speed or Power?

On 29.11.2005 02:18 wrote:
Both speed. I've already found 2 of the rings of power (Narya and Nenya) and found and ignored the famed ring of "cower".

I'll probably end up going after the vault, mostly because Slicer is unique hunting these days. Other than the other two Lazy artifacts and Grond, I don't think I can improve on his kit very much. Well, Diatribe and maybe Maelstrom would be nice, or perhaps Vilya.

On 29.11.2005 15:29 wrote:
Ok, he's going in. Probably won't be able to clear the whole thing because its got some major league nasties in there, including: the Unicorn, a GWoP, Surtur, Ithaqua, Yig, Lems, and Sleipnir, and that's just what I can see. Also, intriguingly, there's a (10d5) katana in there. 10d5? Hmm.

On 29.11.2005 15:38 wrote:
The katana proved to be Muramasa, a weapon I had completely forgotten about. Like Aglarang on crack. That might be an interesting companion weapon to the Stick if Grond can't be dual-wielded.

On 29.11.2005 16:30 wrote:
There. That went faster than expected AND the scroll of artifact creation survived. Slicer killed everything significant inside except the Unicorn. Well, the GWoP was actually handled by Lems. Slicer knocked Lems down to 2 stars and then let Lems beat on him until an earthquake entombed the GWoP. Slicer let the Unicorn out, lured it to another part of the vault, then blinked away and ran over to the other entrance and finished clearing it. DEFINITELY a good idea to enter the vault, as it not only got rid of a bunch of reasonably powerful uniques, but also the haul was tremendous, in more of less descending order of value: Diatribe, Slayer, Muramas, a RoS (+11), Charmed Pendant, armor of (C('i)dan (a quite impressive randart), Thalkettoth, a shadow cloak of the bat (+5), the daggers of Caine, Fiona, and Rilia, Kamui's Ninjato, Bard, a randar spear that activates for mass genocide, and a trifurcate spear of extra attacks (+3). Ditched the Stone Mask in the vault, trading up to Diatribe. The item I hated to leave behind the most was a mace of disruption of slaying (6d9) that was poison branded, but it was never going to get used.

On 29.11.2005 16:44 wrote:
Left a falcon sword (defender) was painful, too. Interestingly, while Diatribe was clearly the power item to come out of the haul, the other big item is the trifurcate spear. 12% more raw damage/round than the Glaive, and better accuracy to boot. Muramasa's raw damage is about the same as the trifurcate spear (though its vorpal makes it better, and its MUCH better against humans), but the spear is more accurate and it doesn't have all of Muramasa's nasty minuses.

Seen 1650 times.

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