The Hengband Screenshots Gallery: The Destroyer is Destroyed! by <>

The Destroyer is destroyed. Your Ultra-elite paladin resists. -more-                              
Mindflayer    ##~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~######## ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~   ## #~
Archimage      ##~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~##%% # ~ 
LEVEL     50    ########~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~########~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~#~~~~~~~ ~ % % %#
EXP  8842911     ####~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~#~~~~~# ~%~%% ##~
AU   1894477     #~~~~~~~~~~~~##~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~##~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~###~~~~~#~~% #  %% 
|)}=="*((]]]  ####~~~~~~~%  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~#~ %%%#~%# #
STR!: 18/120  #~~~~~~ # %~#~ #% ~~~~~~~~~####~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~### ~%##%%%% 
INT!: 18/***  #~~~~#%%~ ~~ # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~%~#~% ~~~~#~%
WIS : 18/***  #~~~ ~   ~#   ~    ~ #~~##~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~##~~~~~~~~~#####:~#### #%#%#%%#~#%%#
DEX : 18/126 ##~~   #~#~#%%% % # %~%~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~###.###~~%%   % ~  %#%
CON!: 18/*** # #~%~~  ~~  ~###~ ~# %   ~~~~~~~~~~~##~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~###~~~~~~~~.##~~%#%%~ #%.% %~.
CHR : 18/125 #~## ###%~~#%~##~%##  ~ %%~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~##~~~# ~~~%~%%# %.
Cur AC   132 ### ~~~##~#  # %% %%%~%%  ~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~##~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~######~~~~.%% %#.~~~~#% .
HP  814/ 920 #% # %~ ~## ### #~#~# %% %# %~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~:####~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. %#%~%..~.~~~
SP  145/ 596 # #~% ~% ~%~ #%%% %# ####~%%#%~#~~~~~~~~~~~###  ######~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~#~~~~%. ~~#~%%%.
             #%%~### % #%~~% %#~  #  %~#   #~~~~~~~~~~~~# ####~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~#~~.~~~~%.%%.%%.%
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             # % ###~#%%~#%~~.~.~~.~.#..~ %%~# #~#~##~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~#~%%~~  % %#% ~~.%#~~%%%#
Day 63 20:14 ##%  %%~ #~~~#~~~~~~~~~.~#% ~  # ~ ~   #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.%.% %%##% ~# ~# ~%#% %#~# 
   R'lyeh    #~#% %#%~%.....~~~~~~~~.~.%  #~~#~# #~##~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~%%~#%  %#~#% ~~ #~%#~   ~ ~#~
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             ##~~~#%#~ #~~%%~#% ######%#%#~~~~~~~~#        #######~#% %%#  %#..~# %%%  % ##%..~~~~
              #####################################             ################### ##############
                           PrtEvl Bless Hero                               Fast(+46)        Lev 95
The Destroyer is Destroyed!
OK, Crusade ain't half bad after all ;-) I took maybe 400hp of damage the entire battle. The Destroyer was positioned next to those 3 A's on the right side of the screen.

Posted on 1.10.2005 19:56

Related character dump:
Patient Thinker, L50 Mindflayer High-Mage


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