The Hengband Screenshots Gallery: *Don't Open That Door* by <>

Vampire                         xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx#:#xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Guildmaster                     xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx#x#xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
LEVEL     47                   ####xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx*x#xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
EXP  7102949                   #xx#################x##x#xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
AU   1034577                   # xxxxxxxxxpxxxxxxx#x#x:#xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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WIS :  18/05 ###################################xxxx###CCCxC#x|x/#######%%%%*#%%%%##%#######%#####
DEX!: 18/***                    xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx###CZxxxCC#x--x#xx:xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>xxxxxxxxxxxx
CON : 18/203 ##'#####'#####'#######################ZZZxxxxdC#Z?,x##%###%#######%##%##%%%##########
CHR : 18/139   (  #     #pCCUC#OOOOO#xxGxx#hhH###ZZZZZZxxbCD#?/|x#xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Cur AC   204      #     #RC C_#OOOOO#D]xpL#h###y#ZZxZHZxCxCp#xxx?#xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
HP  993/1022 ################################yyy#ZxuZrZxxxZd###%##xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx%#%#########
SP  287/ 397 .....'........'..~...|.+...$$-.+yyyqZxDxVZJxxxf#ooox#xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx#xxxxxxxxxxx
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Day 28 11:49             Z  xxxux|xxxxxxuxxxxxxxxx###CZZCDCx#?!]=#x#x#%################x#xxxxxxxxx
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          PassWall StnSkn Acid Elec Fire Cold Pois Hero Regen              Fast(+32)  Stud  Lev 76
*Don't Open That Door*
Perhaps I won't be getting to that second ring of speed after all (First was another +8). Let's see. If I open this door, then I am in the line of sight of [1] The Norsa, [2] Abhoth, Source of Uncleaness, [3] Ulik the Troll, [4] Fiona, the Sorceress, [5] Corwin, Lord of Avalon, [6] Y'golonac and [7] Fenris Wolf. They are all sleeping at the moment, but I think I can take a hint ...

Posted on 10.7.2005 03:35

Related character dump:
Nimble Jalaan, L50 Vampire Rogue


On 10.7.2005 09:25 wrote:
Come on reaver - Where's your sense of adventure? You can take em...

On 10.7.2005 16:11 wrote:
Nah ... I was chicken. Thought about the odds of the Ring of Speed being +3 and backed away. Now if there was a 4d5 long sword or 8d4 katana on the ground, I'd definitely have invested the hour or so to clear out the pit. In general, I find this style of vault too much work to justify the reward. I'd much rather do what I'm doing now, which is knocking off a Demon Pit on DL89 of R'lyeh. Must be over a dozen Star-spawns and the rest are Bloodthirsters, Lords of Change, and Keepers of Secrets. 700,000xp and counting and I'm not even half way thru!!

Seen 2288 times.

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