The Hengband Screenshots Gallery: Bloody Bloody Blood Curse!! by <>

Half-Titan   xx#####xx#####xx#######xxx#### ###  ' ####   #####   ### ##########   ##xxxxx#######x
Baron        xxxxxxxxxxx############xxx###  ######   # #####  ################ ### ##xxxxx#######x
LEVEL     39 x###xxxxxxx########xxxx######  ###  ### #######  ###### ####  ### #*# ###xx#########x
EXP  2672820 x###xxxxxxxx#######xxxx####   ###  #### ############### ###  ########   ####x######x#
AU    516907 x###xxxxxxxx#####xxxxxx####   ###  #### ### ######           ##########  ###xx#######
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Str : 18/*** x###xx#####x#####xx#xxxx          # ###  #####   #######   #####################xxxxx
INT :  18/62 ####xx#####x####x###xxxx          # #### #####   ###*  ### ##############*##########x
WIS :  18/55 ####xxxxxxxx####x#xxxxx#          #  ###U####     ###    ############################
DEX!: 18/*** #######x########x#xxxx #          ##   #U####     #   ##  ####    ###################
CON : 18/175 x######x########x#xxxx ##   #   ####   ##p###   #*# #####z    ###################xx##
CHR :  18/50 xx#####x########x#xxxx      #    # ###############  ################### #  ####xx#xx#
Cur AC   122 xxx##*#####xx###x#xxx#   <  #     ######## ####### ###  ######### ##### #### #+#'####
HP  816/ 816 ###x#######xxxxxx#xxx         ^    ############*## ###  ###########   # #########x###
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Day 24 14:17 ###xx###xxx###xxx#xx ###     #####'*'W'##     ###.#   ###         ####   ##~~~~~~~~~~
Dragon's lair###xx###xx######x#x  ##     #  ######W#######  ####   ###         ########~~~~~#~~~~~
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                                                                           Fast(+19)        Lev 68
Bloody Bloody Blood Curse!!
OK, I lost my last Beastmaster to killing an amberite, and I almost lost this guy too!! Killed Brand ... Why? He was in the way! He curses me surrounding me with nasties (3 cyberdemons, two of which can be seen in this shot, Fiona and Glaaki). But no statue!! Good, I take 400 hp of damage immediately and then its my turn. *Destruction*? no too risky, plus Brand turned out to be wanted, so I don't want to waste his corpse. Teleport? Yup. Time to clean up now :-)

Posted on 2.7.2005 16:39

Related character dump:
Fearless Lancer, L50 Half-Titan Cavalry


On 2.7.2005 16:49 wrote:
OK, led everybody away from the loot and *Destructed*. Not sure why I suddenly decided to carry my lone staff of *Destruction*, but I'm darn glad I did. At CL39, I was not ready for this type of battle, and I was certainly *not* about to take on Fiona and tempt fate again!!

Sorry, I would of taken a screen shot right after the TY_CURSE, but I was too busy *freaking* out ... my hands are still shaking :-)

On 2.7.2005 17:48 wrote:
Were it not for the Terror Mask, you had been possibly freezed and dead again! That was really fortunate.

I heard that some paranoid players always carry an amulet of anti-magic, when they fight with an amberite. And that's even with rangers or high-mages! Just incredible...

On 2.7.2005 19:11 wrote:
Amber[2] on the saving throw isn't bad. Of course, this just makes the instadeath a little less likely. Take a look at mars's Shrewd Alag XI, who has an Amber[15] saving throw, and *still* got frozen!! I guess when your time is up, there's just not much you can do :-)

For me, 4 of the wanted monsters are Amberites. Brand and Fiona are down, and that just leaves Corwin and Gerard. I think I will leave the rest alone!

BTW, Fiona cursed me as well, but no summons, and no paralysis. Just some ground shaking, cursed equipment, and stat drain. I do not have a problem with that ;-)

On 2.7.2005 19:34 wrote:
Oh, I suppose that his death is caused by the side-effect of cancelled GoI (and following double-move - of course they do!) and not the *bloody* curse.

On 2.7.2005 19:44 wrote:
oh, wait, he said he got paralyzed by Corwin's curse... I think it's a bit strange, though.

On 2.7.2005 22:52 Mars wrote:
To clear things up: my sorcerer *was* paralyzed by a blood curse from Corwin (at least, I think so... can't really recall, maybe it was just that in such a situation, the monsters taking their moves seems to take muuuuuch longer), but he did escape from that (though barely). What killed him was Raphael the Messenger and that was much later on :).

But if i understand correctly, anti-magic prevents paralyzation from TY and blood curse? That is some pretty useful info really.

On 3.7.2005 00:40 wrote:
No, not really.
It prevents "statue" effect only. Sometimes that'll be the life-saver, but still other nasty things occur, and sometimes you get the amulet of anti-magic cursed!

On 3.7.2005 05:28 wrote:
I have a fun fact
Playing Fearless Dunadan Paladin (i think the dump is in the ladder) i got frozen THREE times by amberites, but with crusade (spell) my summons saved me every time :)

On 3.7.2005 06:09 wrote:
Does AntiMagic really prevent being turned into a statue? I thought is simply improved your saving throw (greatly), but that it would still be possible to be frozen. If it actually prevents, then I am being way too cautious around Amberites ;-)

On 3.7.2005 08:23 wrote:
>Does AntiMagic really prevent being turned into a statue?

Yes, at least I think so, provided you've leveled enough, clevel 40 or so.
But, without the statue effect there is still a little possibility to be instakilled by those summonings!

On 3.7.2005 16:34 wrote:
I did some source diving (something I'm not too good at). Berserkers are immune to the statue effect. Other characters need to pass the following check: p_ptr->free_act && (randint1(125) < p_ptr->skill_sav)

So if your saving throw is at least 125, you are safe. Now here's the AntiMagic kicker:
if (p_ptr->anti_magic && ...) p_ptr->skill_sav = 90 + p_ptr->lev;

So it looks like CL35 and antimagic is enough :-)

On 3.7.2005 16:50 wrote:
Now, the sad realization that my Beastmaster death was entirely avoidable ... It took Gerard at least 3 rounds to kill me, maybe more, so if it weren't for the statue effect, I'd still be wielding that 21d8 heavy lance ...

Live and Learn ... or maybe that should read *Die* and Learn :-)

On 4.7.2005 08:17 wrote:
So that means an anti-magic amulet is a good idea specifically for cleaning up Amberites. I'm going to add that to the list of 20 million things I need to carry.

Seen 1873 times.

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