The T.o.M.E. Screenshots Gallery: DEMONS! by <>

Thunderlord              #...........................\.!_-......................                                                             
Demonologist             #......................................................                                                             
Hero                     #......................................................                                                             
Level     32             #......................................................                                                             
Exp   796990             #......................................................                                                             
AU    134113             #......................................................                                                             
STR:      32               #######............[............~....-...............                                                             
INT:      16                   .............."(|...........{?..~................                                                             
WIS:      13                   #...................##.....!.|....###.#..........                                                             
DEX:      21                    ................... .......-.~.-................                                                             
CON:      26                    ## ##..............#.......].~.....  ..+........                                                             
CHR:      25           .           ................#......~....!.... ...........                                                             
Cur AC   176           .           ................#.......~....................                                                             
HP  494/ 494           .           .............................................                                                             
SN  165/ 165                       ##. ....................U........./..........                                                             
SP   49/  49                       .....................uu.Uu.U....    ......$..                                                             
Pt     15544                       ...........-!.......UuUUuUU###.  .## ........                                                             
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[**********] #..................................................................                                                             
                                                 Fast (+2)                                                                                   

This was wild... I summoned 1 demon (a lvl 71 Vrock, to be precise) as I confronted a pretty large group of Glabrezus, and they then proceeded to raze the entire level in my wake, summoning more of their kin. This screenshot doesn't do justice to the immensity of the horde that was under my command. I made a cmovie, but it didn't come out very well, so I give you this testament to my evilness. MWUAHAHAHAHHAHA!

Posted on 27.8.2004 17:00


On 27.8.2004 17:11 wrote:
Forgot to mention, I took this shot FROM my cmovie, and the level and location got cut off (like I said, bad cmovie). This was level 48 or 49 in the Illusory Castle. Being a demonologist rocks :) I didn't even bother with 99% of the loot, as I would've needed a dump truck.

Seen 2150 times.

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