The T.o.M.E. Screenshots Gallery: My Humble Dragon Hunting Operation by <>

Axemaster        ########                    ######                ############              ####                              
Lord             ^##^^##^                    ^####^                ^##^^#######              ^##^                              
LEVEL     50 ^^^^^##^^##^  ^^^^^^            ^####^                ^##^^###############      ^##^                              
EXP 22415276 ^######^^^^^  ^####^            ^^^^^^                ^############      #      ^^^^                              
AU   2891316 ^######^    ^^^####^                                  ^############      #                            ^^^^^^      
             ^^^#####    ###^^###                                  #############      #                            ^####^      
STR!  18/***     ###########^  ########                    #####################      #####################      ^^^####^^^    
INT!   18/40     #......##^^^  #......#                    #   .....................^^      >>         {([#      ^########^    
WIS!  18/100   ###......#  ^^^##......###        ^^^^^^^^^##   ......................^...   >>         [/(#      ^########^    
DEX!  18/150   #........#  ^..++........#        ^......::''  ............................. ^^         (]]#      ^^^####^^^    
CON!  18/*** ###........##^^..++........###    ^^^......::''  ............................. ^^         (\[#        ^####^      
CHR!   18/50 #....^^....####..##..........#    #::..^^^^^^##  >>............|.|[/[]...__....             ]#        ^^^^^^      
Cur AC   214 #....^^....####..##..........######::..^^^^^^ #  >>............."\/|]/|[/\|....              ##                   
HP 1229/1257 ...........####..##......____....##::^^^^^^^^ ###################[/||){//"[################## #^                  
SN  505/ 505 ...........####..##......____....##::^   ^^^^####################\=|(\{\{]]###      ########## ^^                 
SP   79/  79 .......................^^........''>>^    ^^^^^##^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\{(=]]=|(=^^^      ^######^^^^^^^                
Pt     55768 .......................^^........''>>^    ^^^^^##^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^{|~((]@"}]^^^ ^^^^^^######^^^^^^^      ^^^^      
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                                   ^##^                                                                  ^^^^^^                
Full                            DTrap            Fast (+39)                                                             Ere 71 

My Humble Dragon Hunting Operation

Posted on 26.7.2004 20:02

Related character dump:
Ilmonen, L50 Dwarf Axemaster


On 26.7.2004 20:09 wrote:
At the bottom right of the lower room lies a greater draconic qulythug. Since I am wearing the anchor he can't go anywhere. I climb the mountains to the top right of the room near those piles of money. My friendly qulythug summons dragons of all sorts and I retreat to room I am currently in wherin mighty slaughters, er, battles occur. I am especially thrilled to see great wyrms of chaos, as they will summon more friends to join the fun! Great biles wyrms are also nice as they will breath and destroy tons of unwanted loot. The stuff in the upper right are the artifacts I've collected so far.
Soon both Naturebane and the Hatchet of Night will be mine!!!!! MWUAHAHAHA!!

On 21.10.2004 07:35 wrote:
Lol this is sick!!! Cant you see that dragons are endangered species??? Almost all players slaughter them for loot!!!! Hihihi!!!

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