The Angband Screenshots Gallery: Greater Vault at 850' by <>

Dwarf        ######### #                               #     #                                 # #                             
Priest                 #                               ##### #                                 # #                             
Priest                 #                                   # #                               ### #                        #### 
LEVEL     21           #                                   # #                               #   #                        #    
EXP     8421           #                                   #+#################################+############################    
AU     12303           #                                   #                                 ' '                               
|}== ~(()]]]    s      #                                   #     ##########################################################    
STR:      15           #                                   ##### #                                                        #    
INT:       6           #                                       # #                                                        #### 
WIS:   18/60 ### # ### #                                       # #                                                             
DEX:      11   # #   ' #                                       # #                                                             
CON:      15   # ##### #                                       #+#                                                             
CHR:      10   # #   # #                          ##########################################                                   
             ### #   # #                          #^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^#u#^^^^^^^^#                                   
Cur AC    47 >## #   # #                          #             ############^^^^###     ##+####                                
Max HP   145   # #   # #                          #  #######^^^##          ##^^^^#    ^##  #  #                                
Cur HP   145  ## #   # #                          # ##ooooo##^^#  #######   #^^^^#   ^##   ## #####                         ## 
Max SP    48   # #   # #                          # # oooooo#^^# ##^^^^^##  #^^^^#    #    ##     #                         #  
Cur SP    38  ## #   # #                          # ##o  ooo#^^# #pT   ^^#  #^^^^#   ^#    ###### #                         #  
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Full                                                            Study  850 ft                                                  
Greater Vault at 850'
I was minding my business at 800', found a lesser vault there, and without thinking it through tried to disarm a trap door by the entrance. Obviously, I fell through... So, I get a superb feeling at 850'. Expecting a jelly pit or two, I was "slightly" surprised to see what detect traps and thereafter sense surroundings revealed. I have no rBase nor rPoison, no free action, no means to detect monsters that are not evil. Not to mention the utter lack of teleport other. Visible uniques in the screenshot are Gorbag, Ugluk, Mim and, hrm, Medusa (no chance). I'm afraid I'll have to recall the hell outta here. This character simply is not ready to take on a GV.

Posted on 12.7.2004 21:39


On 15.7.2004 13:48 wrote:
Wow! A bit of a shame, but then, who's to expect a GV at that depth? Curiosity would have got the better of me.

On 15.7.2004 20:45 wrote:
Just to add to the list of things I did NOT have when I encountered the vault: means of getting through granite. Apparently mediocre strength with a standard shop shovel isn't enough.

See, I decided to check the cell with the homunculus (the yellow 'u'), as it's one of the cells that can have a 20 levels OoD item. The path there was full of standard elemental hounds, no problem. But after trying to get through the granite wall for some thousands of turns, I gave up and recalled to town.

Luckily I didn't have detect objects or similar, any dark green '?' would've made me push my luck further. :)

Seen 2775 times.

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