The PosChengband Screenshots Gallery: Grudge, CL50: "Spells" at Full Cursepower by MITZE

Use which malison? (Type '?' to Browse)                                                                                                                                   
                             Lvl Cost Fail Desc                                                                                                               LEVEL     50
  a) Lesser Curse              1   10   5% power 80                                                                                                           EXP ********
  b) Sense Misfortune          5    5   5% rad 41                                                                                                             AU      389k
  c) Curse of Impotence       10   15   5%                                                                                                                    |)}=="![(]]]
  d) Drain Curse Power        15    8   5% power 40                                                                                                           STR : 18/206
  e) Umbra                    20   20   5% dur 61+1d61                                                                                                        INT :  18/36
  f) Curse                    25   30   5% power 120                                                                                                          WIS!:  18/50
  g) Dimensional Lock         30    0   0%                                                                                                                    DEX!: 18/130
  h) Karmic Balance           35   30   5% heal 1050                                                                                                          CON : 18/159
  i) Blasphemy                40  110   5% power 120                                                                                                          CHR!: 18/110
  j) Great Curse              45   60  16% power 140                                                                                                          AC       108
  k) Unleash Malice           50  100  36% power 400                                                                                                          HP  945/ 945
                                                                                                                                                              SP  252/ 252
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  # #             #   ###     ..#######........#####......######..................    ##                  ### ##### ###   #      #                            CURSED      
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           #                 .....................................................    ###     #      #     ###### ###  ##     #     #      # #                            
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                       ##                                             ...........     ##                                                                                  
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  ###                 ####                                                           ####                                                                                 
  ###                 ######################### #########################################                                                                                 
  ###                 ######################### #########################################                                                                                 
                      ####                   ## ##                                   ####                                                                                 

Grudge, CL50: "Spells" at Full Cursepower
Lesser/Great/Curse: Does a number of rolls for effects to inflict on an enemy in LOS; the number of rolls increases with CL, cursepower, and tier of "spell" and the range of effects increases with CL. Sense Misfortune: Senses (evil?) monsters and traps in a radius that is determined by cursepower (and CL?); at CL41 and higher it also maps. Curse of Impotence: Sterilizes the level, stopping breeders from doing their thing. Drain Curse Power: Removes curses from a piece of equipment to restore SP; the value of the SP restore is affected by cursepower and/or CL. Umbra: Increases stealth for 1dX+X turns; duration goes up with cursepower and/or CL. Dimensional Lock: A toggle, when on it stops all teleportation by everyone. Karmic Balance: Removes all non-permanent curses and heals the player; the value of the heal is dependant on cursepower and/or CL. Blasphemy: Mid-tier curse, but on all enemies in LOS. Unleash Malice: "Unleash all the misery and malice in your equipment." Hesitant to actually use, because it sounds like it removes all non-permanent curses for an extra powerful targeted curse.

Posted on 18.4.2020 07:14

Related character dump:
Grudge, L50 Tonberry Maledict


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