The FrogComposband Screenshots Gallery: Most epic death (scroll to the bottom) by HugoTheGreat2011

  [FrogComposband 7.1.chocolate (Development) Character Dump]

 Name       : NorseVirtue243               ========== Stats ==========
 Sex        : Female                             STR! :    18/***
 Personality: Hasty                              INT  :    18/135
 Race       : [Small Kobold]                     Wis  :     18/48
 Subrace    : None                               DEX! :    18/130
 Class      : Chaos-Warrior                      CON  :     18/99
 Realm      : Chaos                              CHR  :    18/103
 Patron     : Hionhurn                  
 Level      :       44                           HP   :    -4/633
 Cur Exp    :  4795991                           SP   :    69/159
 Max Exp    :  4795991                           AC   :       126
 Adv Exp    :  5232000                           Speed:    +20-10
                                           ========== Skills =========
 Gold       :   552524                     Melee      : Heroic (209)
 Kills      :     3497                     Archery    : Amber (230)
 Uniques    :       64                     SavingThrow: Excellent (73)
 Artifacts  :    33+21                     Stealth    : Bad (1)
                                           Perception : Fair (32)
 Game Day   :       21                     Searching  : Poor (23)
 Game Time  :    15:41                     Disarming  : Good (56)
 Play Time  :    12:07                     Device     : Excellent (69)
============================= Character Equipment =============================

 a) a Knight's Shield of Elvenkind [10,+21] (+1) {DxSl;-St;AcElFiCoCf}
    Bought from a store in Zul.
    Purchased: Day 17, 6:55, at CL 40.
 b) The Tulwar 'Bonebreaker' (2d5) (+21,+21) (+3) {StInSr|V/XUL~PL(St}
    Dropped by a Greater basilisk in the wilderness.
    Identified: Day 21, 13:02, at CL 44.
 c) The Sling 'Flyharmer' (x2) (+17,+17) (+3) {SpCh;Xs~PZ(Ch}
    Dropped by The Midnight Dragon in the wilderness.
    Identified: Day 13, 16:16, at CL 36.
 d) a Quiver [116 of 120]
    Dropped by a Cyclops in Zul.
    Picked up: Day 9, 15:11, at CL 34.
 e) a Ring of Speed (+6) {Sp}
    Found lying on the floor in the quest 'The Underground City'.
    Identified: Day 21, 4:56, at CL 43.
 f) The Ring 'Precious' (+4) {SpStIn;CoDi}
    Found lying on the floor in the quest 'Clear the Wreckage'.
    Identified: Day 19, 19:10, at CL 42.
 g) an Amulet of Devotion (+2) {Wi;NtSoFe;Rf}
    Dropped by The Midnight Dragon in the wilderness.
    Identified: Day 13, 16:16, at CL 36.
 h) The Stone of Lore (+2) {InWi;Id A:Probing}
    Dropped by Gachapin in the quest 'The Cloning Pits'.
    Identified: Day 19, 15:30, at CL 42.
 i) The Chain Mail of Arvedui (-2) [14,+15] (+2) {StCh;ElFiCoNxShFe}
    Dropped by Saruman of Many Colours on level 65 of Arena.
    Picked up: Day 18, 2:32, at CL 41.
 j) a Fur Cloak of Cowardice (-6,-2) [3,+5] (+3) {Sp;-Ch;-Fe A:Teleport}
    Bought from a store in Angwil.
    Purchased: Day 21, 10:28, at CL 43.
 k) a Steel Helm of the Valkyrie (+3,+1) [6,+13] (+2) {SpStCh;Fe A:Heroism}
    Dropped by Julian, Master of Arden Forest on level 69 of Arena.
    Identified: Day 18, 13:59, at CL 41.
 l) a Set of Dragon Gloves [4,+16] {PoDkNx}
    Found lying on the floor on level 50 of Eyrie.
    Identified: Day 19, 6:52, at CL 42.
 m) a Pair of Metal Shod Boots of Levitation [4,+6] {Bl;Lv}
    Dropped by a Young blue dragon in the wilderness.
    Picked up: Day 3, 14:39, at CL 24.

              )|}~=="*[(]]]                           )|}~=="*[(]]]
 Resistances  abcdefghijklm@             Abilities    abcdefghijklm@
 Acid       : +.............  50%        Speed      : ..+.++...++..#
 Electricity: +.......+.....  65%        Free Act   : ..............
 Fire       : +.......+.....  65%        See Invis  : ..............
 Cold       : +....+..+.....  72%        Warning    : ..............
 Poison     : ...........+.+  65%        Slow Digest: ..............
 Light      : ..............   0%        Regenerate : .............+ 200%
 Dark       : ...........+..  30%        Levitation : ............+.
 Confusion  : +.............  30%        Perm Lite  : ..............
 Nether     : ......+.......  30%        Reflection : ......+.......
 Nexus      : ........+..+..  40%        Hold Life  : ..............
 Sound      : ......+.......  30%        Life Rating: ..............
 Shards     : ........+.....  30%        Dec Mana   : ..............
 Chaos      : .............+  30%        Easy Spell : ..............
 Disenchantm: .....+........  30%        Anti Magic : ..............
 Time       : ..............   0%        Magic Skill: ..............
 Blindness  : ............+.  30%        Spell Power: ..............
 Fear       : ......+.+-+..+   3x        Spell Cap  : ..............
                                         Magic Res  : ..............
              )|}~=="*[(]]]              Infravision: .............+  20'
 Auras        abcdefghijklm@             Stealth    : +.............
 Aura Elec  : ..............             Searching  : .+............
 Aura Fire  : ..............            
 Aura Cold  : ..............                          )|}~=="*[(]]]
 Aura Shards: ..............             Sustains     abcdefghijklm@
 Revenge    : ..............             Sust Str   : .+............
                                         Sust Int   : ..............
              )|}~=="*[(]]]              Sust Wis   : ..............
 Slays        abcdefghijklm@             Sust Dex   : ..............
 Slay Evil  : ..............             Sust Con   : ..............
 Slay Undead: .*............             Sust Chr   : ..+...........
 Slay Demon : .*............            
 Slay Dragon: ..............                          )|}~=="*[(]]]
 Slay Human : ..............             Detection    abcdefghijklm@
 Slay Animal: ..............             Telepathy  : .............+
 Slay Orc   : ..............             ESP Evil   : ..............
 Slay Troll : ..............             ESP Nonliv : ..............
 Slay Giant : ..............             ESP Living : ..............
 Slay Good  : ..............             ESP Good   : ..............
 Slay Living: ..............             ESP Undead : .+............
 Acid Brand : ..............             ESP Demon  : ..............
 Elec Brand : ..............             ESP Dragon : ..............
 Fire Brand : ..............             ESP Human  : ..............
 Cold Brand : ..............             ESP Animal : ..+...........
 Pois Brand : ..............             ESP Orc    : ..............
 Mana Brand : ..............             ESP Troll  : ..............
 Sharpness  : ..............             ESP Giant  : .++...........
 Stunning   : ..............            
 Quake      : ..............                          )|}~=="*[(]]]
 Vampiric   : .+............             Curses       abcdefghijklm@
 Chaotic    : ..............             Cursed     : ..............
 Add Blows  : ..............             Rnd Tele   : ..............
 Blessed    : ..............             No Tele    : ..............
 Riding     : .+............             Drain Exp  : ..............
 Tunnel     : ..............             Aggravate  : ..............
 Throwing   : ..............             TY Curse   : ..............
              abcdefghijklm@   Base  R  C  P  E  Total
       STR! : 13...4..2.2... 18/110  0  2  0 10 18/***
       INT  : .3...4.2......  18/65 -2  1 -1  9 18/135
       Wis  : ......22......  18/53 -1 -1 -2  4  18/53  18/48
       DEX! : 1............. 18/100  0  0  2  1 18/130
       CON  : ..............  18/99 -1  2 -1  0  18/99
       CHR  : ..3.....232...  18/83 -3  1  0  4 18/103

==================================== Melee ====================================

 Hand #2: The Tulwar 'Bonebreaker' (2d5) (+21,+21)           Accuracy
 Weight : 10.0 lbs                                            AC Hit
 Profic : Unskilled (-7 To Hit)                               25 88%
 To Hit : 21 + 13 = 34                                        50 82%
 To Dam : 21 + 19 = 40                                        75 75%
 Blows  : 5.50                                               100 68%
 Damage                                                      125 61%
 Crits  : 1.09x (7.2%)                                       150 54%
 Normal : 253 [1.09x]                                        175 48%
 Undead : 379 [4.90x]                                        200 41%
 Demons : 379 [4.90x]                                        
=================================== Shooting ==================================

 Shooting: The Sling 'Flyharmer' (x2) (+17,+17) (+3)
 Range   : 170'
 Shots   : 2.04
 Mult    : 2.40x
 Profic  : Unskilled (-10 To Hit)
 To Hit  : 7 + 26 = 33
 Xtra Dam: 18 (Multiplier Does Not Apply)

==================================== Powers ===================================

                     Lvl Cost Fail Desc            Cast Fail
Confusing Lights      40   50  39%                    7    7  50%
Alchemy               10    5   5%                   76    7   8%
Laser Eye              7   10   5% dam 88             1    0   0%

==================================== Spells ===================================

Realm: Chaos

    [Sign of Chaos]         Profic Lvl  SP Fail Desc             Cast Fail
 a) Magic Missile             [Un]   2   2   5% dam 11d4           35    3   8%
 b) Trap / Door Destruction   [Un]   3   3   5% rad 1               2    0   0%
 c) Flash of Light            [Un]   4   5   5% dam 2d22            6    1  14%
 d) Touch of Confusion        [Un]   5   7   5% untried             0    0   0%
 e) Mana Burst                [Un]   7  10   5% dam 3d5+55         16    1   6%
 f) Fire Bolt                 [Un]   8  11   5% dam 17d8            1    0   0%
 g) Fist of Force             [Un]  15  14   5% dam 17d8            1    0   0%
 h) Teleport Self             [Un]  16  16   5% untried             0    0   0%

    [Chaos Mastery]         Profic Lvl  SP Fail Desc             Cast Fail
 a) Wonder                    [Un]  19  19   5% unknown             0    0   0%
 b) Chaos Bolt                [Un]  22  23   5% unknown             0    0   0%
 c) Sonic Boom                [Un]  25  21   5% dam 94             43    3   7%
 d) Doom Bolt                 [Un]  28  25   5% dam 20d8            8    0   0%
 e) Fire Ball                 [Un]  30  32   5% unknown             0    0   0%
 f) Teleport Other            [Un]  33  38   5% untried             0    0   0%
 g) Word of Destruction       [Un]  36  42  27% untried             0    0   0%
 h) Invoke Logrus             [Un]  40  72  59% untried             0    0   0%

    [Chaos Channels]        Profic Lvl  SP Fail Desc             Cast Fail
 a) Polymorph Other           [Un]  11  18   5% unknown             0    0   0%
 b) Chain Lightning           [Un]  14  22   5% dam 9d8             1    0   0%
 c) Arcane Binding            [Un]  16  24   5% untried             0    0   0%
 d) Disintegrate              [Un]  23  36   5% dam 114             1    0   0%
 e) Alter Reality             [Un]  30  48  14% untried             0    0   0%
 f) Magic Rocket              [Un]  40  65  39% unknown             0    0   0%
 g) Chaos Branding            [Un]  45 143  95% unknown             0    0   0%
 h) Summon Demon              [Un]  47 159  95% unknown             0    0   0%

=================================== Dungeons ==================================

 Warrens         : level   1
 Icky cave       : level  11
!Eyrie           : level  50
 Crystal castle  : level  40
 Dragon's lair   : level  61
 Arena           : level  76
 Pyramidal mound : level  68

You were killed by a Dread on level 61 of Dragon's lair.

 Last Message: Watch where you're pointing with that sword! You nearly...

==================================== Quests ===================================

  Completed Quests
  The Thieves' Hideout (Outpost)                     DL5   CL4   Day 1, 6:31
  Mushrooms (Thalos)                                 DL10  CL42  Day 19, 21:38
  Cop Quest (Anambar)                                DL12  CL43  Day 20, 11:31
  I Hate Snakes! (Morivant)                          DL15  CL43  Day 20, 18:17
  Shadow Fairies (Thalos)                            DL20  CL42  Day 19, 13:23
  Tidy the Laboratory (Thalos)                       DL20  CL42  Day 20, 0:36
  The Orc Camp (Anambar)                             DL20  CL43  Day 20, 13:23
  Cyclops's Lair (Thalos)                            DL22  CL42  Day 19, 14:02
  Tengu and Death Swords (Morivant)                  DL25  CL22  Day 3, 2:21
  The Mimic's Treasure (Morivant)                    DL25  CL23  Day 3, 4:26
  The Dark Elven Lords (Morivant)                    DL25  CL24  Day 3, 5:24
  Clear the Tunnels (Anambar)                        DL27  CL43  Day 20, 15:04
  Smugglers' Den (Anambar)                           DL30  CL43  Day 20, 12:10
  Ghost Town (Morivant)                              DL30  CL43  Day 20, 19:31
  Swamp Lights (Telmora)                             DL32  CL27  Day 4, 9:27
  The Old Watchtower (Thalos)                        DL32  CL42  Day 19, 14:42
  Dinosaur Quest (Anambar)                           DL33  CL43  Day 20, 15:26
  The Vault (Telmora)                                DL35  CL27  Day 4, 11:00
  The Barrow Downs (Telmora)                         DL35  CL40  Day 18, 0:04
  The Dwarven Embassy (Morivant)                     DL35  CL43  Day 20, 20:33
  Staff Recovery (Thalos)                            DL40  CL42  Day 20, 1:07
  The Elven Embassy (Morivant)                       DL42  CL43  Day 20, 21:55
  The Cloning Pits (Thalos)                          DL45  CL42  Day 19, 17:00
  Dark Academy (Thalos)                              DL45  CL42  Day 20, 2:30
  The Mountain Shrine (Telmora)                      DL50  CL40  Day 18, 1:02
  Clear the Wreckage (Thalos)                        DL50  CL42  Day 19, 19:29
  The Renegade Sorcerer (Thalos)                     DL50  CL42  Day 20, 3:18
  Eddies in the Space-Time Continuum (Zul)           DL55  CL43  Day 20, 9:06
  The Underground City (Morivant)                    DL55  CL43  Day 21, 9:36

  Arena: 31 Victories
================================ Monster Kills ================================

You have defeated 3497 enemies including 64 unique monsters in total. There are 
321 uniques remaining.

  Uniques                                      Lvl
  Julian, Master of Arden Forest                69
  Kenshirou the Fist of the North Star          62
  Saruman of Many Colours                       60
  Druaga                                        59
  Countess Bathory                              58
  Nekhbet, the Vulture Mother                   57
  Thorondor                                     55
  Ansalom, the Dark Wizard                      55
  Dionysus, the Munchkin of Chaos               55
  Petshop                                       54
  The Phoenix                                   54
  The King in Yellow                            53
  Hoarmurath of Dir                             52
  The Ancient Roc of Okeldad                    52
  Jack of Lanterns                              52
  Baphomet the Minotaur Lord                    51
  Sleipnir, the Odin's Steed                    51
  Nappa the Saiyan                              50
  The Midnight Dragon                           50
  Charon, Boatman of the Styx                   47

  Non-uniques               Lvl Count     Non-uniques               Lvl Count
  Old sorcerer               69     2     Snaga                       6    65
  Great Wyrm of Many Colour  68     1     Crow of Durthang            9    60
  Grand Fearlord             65     1     Water troll                33    59
  Bone golem                 65     1     Undead spider              60    56
  Osyluth                    65     1     Forest troll               17    56
  Skull druj                 65     1     Headless                   27    50
  Chaos hound                65     2     Ewok                        5    49
  Disintegrate vortex        65     1     Cave orc                    7    44
  Solar                      64     1     Barrow wight               33    42
  Shadowlord                 62     3     Black orc                  13    42
  Cave Gorm                  60     1     Orc shaman                  9    42
  Lord of Chaos              60     1     Phase spider               20    39
  Nagaraja                   60     3     Young white dragon         29    37
  Temporal Champion          60     4     Giant red tick             26    37
  Undead spider              60    56     Snaga sapper               14    37
  Nightwalker                59     1     Giant yellow scorpion      22    34
  Great Storm Wyrm           58     1     Wolf                       10    34
  Serpopard                  58     2     Olog                       35    33
  Elder storm giant          56     5     Shadow fairy               25    33
  Mummy king                 56     4     Ancient green dragon       39    32
=================================== Virtues ===================================

Your alignment: Good

You are somewhat virtuous in Chance.
You have sinned against Individualism.
You are an enemy of Justice.
You are a champion of Honour.
You are the living embodiment of Valour.
You are the polar opposite of Compassion.
You are virtuous in Sacrifice.
You are the living embodiment of Temperance.

================================== Mutations ==================================

You can turn ordinary items to gold.
Your eyes can fire laser beams.
Your blood sometimes rushes to your muscles.
You are regenerating.
You are telepathic.

============================= Character Inventory =============================

a Chaos Spellbook [Chaos Mastery]
a Ration of Food
21 Pieces of Elvish Waybread
34 Metallic Purple Potions of Cure Critical Wounds {25% off}
35 Metallic Potions of Curing
79 Scrolls titled "danseh nejood" of Teleportation {75% off}
4 Scrolls titled "fapay doea" of Teleport Level
15 Scrolls titled "comp turs" of Protection from Evil
a Rod of Capacity: Detection (4/4) (+3) {3%}
a Rod of Capacity: Recall (6/6) (+3) {3%}
a Wand: Teleport Other (20/20) {3%}
a Wand of Simplicity: Stone to Mud (25/25) (+2) {3%}
a Wand: Tsunami (dam 130, 7/7)
a Staff: Enlightenment (9/9) {3%}
a Staff: Teleport (10/11) {3%}
a Staff of Holding: *Identify* (9/9) {24%}
a Staff: Speed (dur d20+20, 10/10) {21%}
a Staff: Cure Wounds (heal 69, 11/16) {3%}
The Robe 'Flamecoat' [2,+15] {?}
The Rhino Hide Armour of Uncommon Sense (-1) [8,+21] {?}
a Set of Mithril Gauntlets of Slaying (+5,+6) [5,+21]
The Baseball Bat of Sotkamo (2d4) (+21,+10) (+4) {SpDx;NxTi;RfFaHlRg(Dx 

============================== Character Quiver ===============================

20 Bolts (Elemental) (3d5) (+5,+4) {|AE}
10 Bolts of Endurance (3d5) (+8,+7) {?}
22 Steel Bolts of Slaying (4d5) (+9,+9) {/X*U}
28 Mithril Bolts of Endurance (5d5) (+8,+9)
20 Seeker Bolts (6d5) (+6,+5)
15 Seeker Bolts (6d5) (+8,+5)
The Black Arrow of Bard (8d4) (+30,+19) {/XD}

================================ Home Inventory ===============================

 15000 a Chaos Spellbook [Chaos Channels]
   120 3 Dark Green Mushrooms of Cure Poison
  1000 a Slimy Mushroom of Restoring
     3 28 Rations of Food
   120 79 Light Green Potions of Speed
   120 11 Gray Potions of Resist Heat and Cold
  1500 a Black Potion of *Healing*
  5000 2 Yellow Potions of Life
   400 3 Gloopy Green Potions of Restore Life Levels
 25000 2 Metallic Red Potions of Dexterity
   800 4 Copper Speckled Potions of Enlightenment
  2000 2 Light Blue Potions of Self Knowledge
   250 7 Silver Potions of Resistance
 25000 a Red Potion of New Life
 10000 7 Stinking Potions of Stone Skin
    15 3 Scrolls titled "hiden goseke" of Phase Door
  1500 4 Scrolls titled "mipay sun" of *Identify*
  1000 5 Scrolls titled "misat dernin" of *Enchant Weapon*
  3000 6 Scrolls titled "sri nelgun" of Mundanity
   250 57 Scrolls titled "comp turs" of Protection from Evil
   500 6 Scrolls titled "fentwon gerbil" of Rune of Protection
   250 3 Scrolls titled "rolsan triple" of Destruction
   750 2 Scrolls titled "ooder dokrog" of Genocide
  1000 a Scroll titled "unjah blu comp" of Mass Genocide
100000 a Scroll titled "itemar habyt" of Acquirement
   500 4 Scrolls titled "stafoo lechi" of Reset Recall
  5000 a Scroll titled "onip batsat" of Banishment
  1825 a Rod: Enlightenment (2/2) {47%}
   700 a Rod: Detect Traps (2/2)
  1075 a Rod: Detect Monsters (2/2)
  4150 a Rod: Detection (2/2)
  5650 a Rod: Detection (3/3)
  5200 a Rod: Detection (3/3) {3%}
 18080 a Rod of Simplicity: Heroic Speed (dur d35+35, 3/3) (+3) {81%}
 12950 a Rod of Simplicity: Restoring (2/2) (+4)
 11860 a Rod: Mana Bolt (dam 1d158+50, 3/3) {44%}
  6122 a Rod: Sound Strike (dam 13d8, 2/2) {3%}
  5800 a Rod: Nether Ball (2/2)
  7888 a Rod: Sound Ball (dam 97, 2/2) {56%}
 11016 a Rod: Sound Ball (2/2)
  7675 a Rod: Sound Ball (dam 99, 2/2) {58%}
 14681 a Rod of Simplicity: Sound Ball (dam 105, 2/2) (+4) {38%}
 12082 a Rod: Disenchantment Ball (3/3)
  3362 a Wand: Teleport Other (8/8)
  7450 a Wand: Stone to Mud (29/29) {3%}
  3800 a Wand: Unbarring Ways (14/14)
  4078 a Wand: Plasma Bolt (5/5)
  3300 a Wand: Acid Ball (6/6)
  2956 a Wand: Fire Ball (dam 68, 5/5) {3%}
  2725 a Wand: Frost Ball (dam 50, 7/7) {3%}
  7738 a Wand: Nexus Ball (6/6)
  7707 a Wand: Dragon's Flame (dam 189, 4/4) {53%}
  8185 a Wand of Capacity: Dragon's Frost (dam 168, 5/5) (+4) {47%}
  7667 a Wand: Dragon's Frost (dam 184, 3/4) {58%}
  7167 a Wand: Dragon's Frost (4/4)
 12035 a Wand of Capacity: Dragon's Breath (dam 217, 3/5) (+3) {75%}
 10440 a Wand: Dragon's Breath (dam 235, 3/4) {82%}
  2872 a Wand: Vampirism (dam 66, 4/4) {3%}
  2837 a Wand: Vampirism (4/4)
  3858 a Wand of Simplicity: Vampirism (2/4) (+4)
  3285 a Wand: Vampirism (5/5)
  9382 a Wand: Meteor (5/5)
  4531 a Staff of Resistance: Teleport (8/9)
 19042 a Staff of Capacity: Destruction (power 152, 8/10) (+2) {47%}
 13703 a Staff of Resistance: Destruction (power 155, 5/5) {50%}
 14030 a Staff: Destruction (power 160, 7/7) {53%}
  7230 a Staff of Simplicity: Identify (43/43) (+3) {3%}
 12225 a Staff of Capacity: *Identify* (9/9) (+4) {21%}
  8350 a Staff: Banish Evil (4/6) {82%}
  5275 a Staff: Speed (6/6)
  8080 a Staff of Power: Speed (dur d23+23, 0/6) {+15%} {21%}
  7537 a Staff of Capacity: Telepathy (8/8) (+2)
  1112 a Staff: Cure Wounds (heal 45, 6/6) {3%}
  1328 a Staff: Cure Wounds (heal 52, 6/6) {3%}
  1963 a Staff: Cure Wounds (heal 54, 9/9) {3%}
  2479 a Staff: Cure Wounds (heal 61, 2/10) {3%}
  3460 a Staff of Capacity: Cure Wounds (heal 64, 14/14) (+2) {3%}
  3050 a Staff: Curing (11/11)
  4650 a Staff of Simplicity: Curing (10/15) (+2)
 10787 a Staff: Dispel Undead (dam 171, 12/12)
 48638 a Ring of the Nazgul (+19,+18) (+2) 
 36400 a Ring of Combat (+0,+20)
 23228 a Ring (Defender) [+4] {AcElFiCo;FaSi(Dx A:Stone Skin}
 19965 a Ring of Protection [+11] {ShCa;Wr A:Resist Lightning}
 18368 a Ring of Protection [+10] {LiDkSoBl;Wr}
 17900 a Ring of Speed (+5) {Sp}
 16179 a Ring of Protection [+28] {-Ac(InDxCnCh}
 15800 a Ring of Archery (+10,+6) (+3) {Sl A:Dimension Door}
 15700 a Ring (Defender) [+6] {NtDi;FaSiLv}
 14770 a Ring of Protection [+3] {CaDi;FaSi}
 14226 a Ring of Combat (+9,+13)
 13414 a Ring of Combat (+13,+0) (+2) {StCn(Cn A:Stone Skin}
 12400 a Ring of Wizardry {(In}
 12282 a Ring of Protection [+1] {PoLiSo;Fa}
 11702 a Ring of Protection [+10] {CfNx;Si}
 10697 a Ring of Protection [+16] {Fa(CnCh A:Resist Acid}
  9619 a Ring (Elemental) [+9] {Sh}
  9070 a Ring of Combat (+0,+6) (+1) {StDx A:Whirlwind Attack}
  7625 a Ring of Archery (+0,+17)
  7260 a Ring (Elemental) {FiCo}
  5941 a Ring of Wizardry (+1) {In~U A:*Recharging*}
  5666 a Ring of Wizardry (+1) {In;Cf~Z}
  5594 a Ring of Combat (+8,+7) (+1) {St}
  5048 a Ring of Combat (+0,+6) {Fe}
  3370 a Ring of Protection {Si(In A:Resist Fire}
  7334 The Ring 'Trinket' (+1) {SpChIfLf;Bl;SiLv}
  5540 The Ring of Boldor (+4) {Sr;El;FaSi}
 19380 an Amulet (Defender) [+5] {AcElFiCo;FaSiLv}
 17545 a Sacred Pendant [+9] (+2) {Lf;HlBs A:Shard Ball}
 15720 an Amulet of Trickery (+5) {SlSr;DkNx}
 13550 a Barbarian Talisman {Fa[MT}
 13015 an Amulet of Trickery (+2) {DxSlSr;DkCf}
 12610 a Torc of the Hero (+5,+3) [+5] {Fe;FaSiRg[F(StDxCn}
 11100 an Amulet of Trickery (+3) {SlSr;PoDk}
 10250 an Amulet of Trickery (+5) {Sr;CfNx A:Identify}
  9635 a Barbarian Talisman (+2) {Dx[M}
  9437 a Barbarian Talisman (+2) {StDx;Fe A:Berserk}
  8050 a Barbarian Talisman [+3] {[M}
  7510 a Sacred Pendant [+13] {Bs A:Shard Bolt}
  6961 a Barbarian Talisman [+1] (+2) {StDx A:Berserk}
  8800 The Amulet of Kivutar {PoNt}
  9172 The Amulet of Boromir (+0,+8) {Fe(St A:Terrify Monsters}
  3034 The Dog Collar of Grip (+1) {SpDx}
  1750 a Feanorian Lamp of Immortal Eye {Bl;Si}
 18505 The Feanorian Lamp 'Corona' (+2) {Wi;ElSoSh}
 12350 The Feanorian Lamp of Feldegast (+4) {StSlSr;Fa}
  5549 The Incandescent Light of Edison (+3) {If[FE}
  6354 The Phial of Galadriel (+5) {Sr;Dk A:Illumination}
  8053 The Star of Elendil (+1) {SpCnCh;SiHlRg A:Magic Mapping and 
 37624 Black Dragon Scale Mail (Lore) (-2) [40,+17] (+2) {In;Ac;Id A:Breathe 
 45458 Blue Dragon Scale Mail (Armor) (-2) [40,+35] (+2) {Dx;El A:Breathe 
 19971 Rusty Chain Mail of the Uruk-hai (-2,+1) [14,+3] (+3) 
 27202 Ring Mail of the Uruk-hai (+1,+4) [12,+16] (+1) {St;-InSl;AcElFiCoSh}
 18398 Ring Mail of the Olog-hai (-2,+2) [12,+14] (+4) {St;-In;AcPoCf;Rg 
 21223 The Ring Mail of Thunder (-2) [12,+13] (+1) {cursed, 
 27260 The Ring Mail of Giles (-2) [12,+18] (+2) {-Sl;FiCoNxCa}
 85866 The Metal Scale Mail of Julian (-2) [15,+40] (+4) {StCh;AcElFiCoDkCaDi~Z 
 26244 Chain Mail of the Demon (-2,+7) [14,+14] (+4) {StIn;-WiSl;FiPoNtFe[F}
 26463 Double Ring Mail of Elvenkind (-2) [15,+15] (+3) {DxSl;AcElFiCoCf}
 48843 The Double Ring Mail of Iodine (-2) [15,+25] (+3) {ChSlIf;AcElFiCoPoDk}
 23295 Double Chain Mail of Celestial Protection (-2) [16,+25] {NxSoFe;FaSd}
 26652 Metal Brigandine Armour of the Uruk-hai (-1,+5) [19,+12] (+2) 
 26625 Metal Brigandine Armour of Elvenkind (-3) [19,+21] (+2) {Sl;AcElFiCoLi}
 17539 Metal Brigandine Armour (Dwarven) (-3) [24,+20] (+2) {St;-DxSl;DkBl;Rg}
 43830 The Metal Brigandine Armour of the Rohirrim [19,+15] (+2) 
 28647 Metal Lamellar Armour of the Uruk-hai (+1,+3) [23,+15] (+2) 
 25928 Metal Lamellar Armour of the Uruk-hai (-2,+2) [23,+15] (+2) 
 22778 Haramakido of the Uruk-hai (+3,+5) [17,+6] (+2) {St;-In;AcElFiCoFe}
 27038 Full Plate Armour of the Uruk-hai (+2,+2) [25,+11] (+2) 
 23844 O-yoroi of the Olog-hai (-2,+4) [24,+12] (+2) {StCn;-In;AcPoLi;Rg 
 31229 Ribbed Plate Armour of the Uruk-hai (+2,+2) [28,+13] (+3) 
 21471 a Robe of Celestial Protection [2,+15] {DkShDiBl}
 18626 Paper Armour of Celestial Protection [4,+22] {PoLiNxBl;FaHl}
 10989 Soft Leather Armour of Elemental Protection [4,+8] {AcFiCo A:Lightning 
 33204 The Soft Leather Armour 'Hithlomir' [4,+20] (+4) {Sl;AcElFiDkFe}
 14673 Hard Studded Leather of Celestial Protection (-1) [7,+15] {CfDiBl}
  9111 Rhino Hide Armour of the Imp (-5,-1) [8,+10] (+2) {Dx;FiDk;Si}
 31525 The Rhino Hide Armour 'Dasai' (-1) [8,+64] {?}
 17916 The Cord Armour of the Snake Master [6,+16] (+2) {Sp;PoFe}
 15840 Leather Scale Mail of Celestial Protection (-1) [11,+16] {NtSoBl;Sd}
 10114 Leather Scale Mail of the Imp (-3,-3) [11,+10] (+3) {Sp;-Wi;FiFe;Si 
         A:Dominate Demon}
 38495 The Leather Scale Mail 'Thalkettoth' (-1) [11,+25] (+2) {SpDx;AcNtSh}
  1415 a Cloak of Cowardice (-3,-2) [1,+3] (+2) {Sp;-Ch;-Fe A:Teleport}
 13236 The Cloak of Silk [1,+20] (+2) {DxSr}
 11312 The Cloak 'Panther Coat' [1,+2] (+4) {StCh;Bl Merry}
  9810 The Cloak of Merry (+1,+1) [1,+7] (+1) {SpDxSlSr;-St;Cf}
 18648 an Elven Cloak of Shadows [4,+10] (+11) {SlSr;-Li;Dk;Ds}
 12348 an Elven Cloak of Shadows [4,+7] (+8) {SlSr;-Li;Dk;Ds}
     1 an Elven Cloak of Cowardice (-6,-8) [4,-2] (+3) {SpSlSr;-Ch;-Fe 
 18096 a Fur Cloak of Elemental Protection [3,+17] {AcFiCoPo}
 19008 a Pair of Dragon Wings [4,+14] {DkNxSh;Lv}
  6756 a Small Leather Shield of Night and Day [3,+10] {LiDk}
  6396 a Small Leather Shield of Reflection [3,+9] {Rf?}
 37316 The Large Leather Shield of Celegorm [6,+20] {AcElFiLiDkDi}
 19944 a Large Metal Shield of Elvenkind [8,+14] (+2) {Sl;AcElFiCoLi}
 15726 a Large Metal Shield of Elvenkind [8,+4] (+2) {Sl;AcElFiCoFe}
 30421 The Large Metal Shield 'Gong' [15,+15] (+4) {StWi;RfHl A:Bang a Gong}
  3300 an Iron Crown of Seeing [0,+10] (+2) {Sr;Bl;Si~Good}
 20089 a Jewel Encrusted Crown of the Magi [0,+13] (+2) {In;AcFiLiSo;Hl(In}
  2969 a Hard Leather Cap of Seeing [2,+7] (+6) {Sr;Bl;Si}
  6517 The Hard Leather Cap of Sam (+1,+1) [2,+10] (+1) {SpDx;-St}
  6332 a Metal Cap of Knowledge [3,+5] (+2) {In;Id(In}
  4897 a Jingasa of the Kobold (+0,+1) [4,+10] (+2) {St;-Ch;Po}
  3593 an Iron Helm of Seeing [5,+3] (+4) {Sr;Bl;Si~TUL}
   532 an Iron Helm of the Troll (+0,+3) [5,+9] (+1) {St;-In;-Li;Rg}
 19974 The Mithril Helm 'Devil's Horns' [8,+9] (+4) {InSr;FiSh}
  6090 a Kabuto of Knowledge [7,+5] (+1) {In;Id(In A:Detect Traps}
  8448 a Set of Leather Gloves of the Thief (+3,-1) [1,+5] (+4) {DxSl(Dx}
   620 a Set of Leather Gloves of the Wizard (-4,-3) [1,+3] (+2) {InMd;-Cn}
  5010 The Set of Leather Gloves of Pippin (+1,+1) [1,+7] (+1) {SpDx;-St}
 21528 a Set of Studded Leather Gloves of Genji (+8,+1) [1,+6] (+3) {Dx?}
  5928 a Set of Studded Leather Gloves of the Thief (+2,-2) [1,+10] (+3) 
  8758 a Set of Gauntlets of the Thief (+3,-2) [4,+10] (+4) {DxSl(Dx}
     1 a Set of Gauntlets (Blasted) [0,-6]
 22449 a Set of Spiked Gauntlets of Slaying (+3,+10) [4,+10] {/*ZA}
  4916 a Set of Spiked Gauntlets of the Wizard (-3,+1) [4,+10] (+2) {InMd;-St}
     1 a Set of Spiked Gauntlets of the Wizard (-1,+1) [4,+4] (+1) {cursed, 
 19925 The Set of Mithril Gauntlets 'Poison Barrier' [5,+21] (+1) {Sp;PoNx}
 19308 a Set of Dragon Gloves [4,+14] {LiNtDiFe}
  2819 a Pair of Soft Leather Boots of Levitation [2,+9] {Bl;Lv}
 26882 The Pair of Soft Leather Boots of the Bard [2,+18] (+4) {DxChSl;Po;Fa}
  3846 a Pair of Hard Leather Boots of Elvenkind [3,+6] (+1) {SpSl;Lv}
 24370 a Pair of Metal Shod Boots of the Golem (+8,+6) [4,+18] (+2) 
  9687 a Pair of Mithril Shod Boots of Levitation (+2) [6,+15] {Li;Lv}
  6375 a Dagger (Death) (2d5) (+4,+6) {Po;Hl|V/A}
 54361 The Dagger 'Assassinator' (1d5) (+44,+4) (+4) {DxSl|S}
 29334 The Small Sword 'Sting' (1d8) (+10,+10) (+2) 
  3579 a Short Sword of Sharpness (1d8) (+5,+12) (+1) {Dg|S}
 39810 The Cutlass of Osric (2d9) (+22,+20) (+3) {Sp|S/*p}
 23008 The Cutlass 'Gondricam' (1d9) (+10,+11) (+3) {DxSl;AcElFiCo;SiRgLv}
 18978 The Katana of Musashi (3d5) (+28,+17) (+3) {Dx(Dx}
  2500 a Poison Needle (1d1) (+0,+0)
  4690 a Dragon Fang (1d9) (+9,+9) {So}
  2024 a Dragon Fang (1d9) (+3,+3) {Li|A}
  6573 a Hatchet (Nature) (1d6) (+11,+9) (+2) {In;Co;Rg|Co/Z~Z}
  9031 The Spear of Tweutox (1d8) (+6,+9) (+2) {SpSt;-Sl;Fe|Ca}
  5338 a Trident (Death) (1d10) (+9,+9) {Hl|V}
 16484 a Broad Spear (Death) (3d11) (+6,+12) {Po;Hl|V/p}
 10148 The Whip of Dr. Jones (1d7) (+16,+13) (+1) {InWi;SiLv A:Telekinesis}
 15515 The Quarterstaff 'Nar-i-vagil' (1d10) (+10,+20) (+3) {In;Fi;Lu|F/Z}
  9110 a Nunchaku of Westernesse (2d4) (+12,+15) (+1) {StDxCn;FaSi/oTP~oTP}
 22806 The Mace 'Taratol' (3d5) (+12,+12) {*El|E/XD A:Speed}
  6312 a Three Piece Rod (Armageddon) (6d4) (+6,+12)
 18855 The Morning Star of the Vagabond (2d7) (+16,+15) (+4) 
  8549 The Morning Star 'Firestar' (2d7) (+5,+7) [+2] {Fi;Lu|F A:Fire Ball}
 10357 a Wizardstaff (Armageddon) (2d3) (+11,+10)
  7180 a Wizardstaff (Arcane) (1d2) (-10,-10) (+1) <+7%> {-StDxCn|M}
 22207 The Wizardstaff of Mokomagi (2d2) (+12,+10) (+3) {In;CfBl(In}
  7716 a Dwarven Shovel (Death) (1d4) (+7,+8) (+4) {Dg;Hl|V}
  9746 a Sling of the Hunter (x2) (+20,+6) (+3) {Sl~Evil}
  5162 a Sling of the Hunter (x2) (+9,+7) (+2) {Sl~DUZ}
 14498 a Light Crossbow of Extra Might (x4.12) (+11,+19) (+3) {St}
 18157 The Light Crossbow 'Undiscoverd Typo' (x3.50) (+13,+30) (+3) {cursed, 
 18071 The Light Crossbow 'Cubragol' (x3.50) (+18,+32) (+3) 
  5652 a Heavy Crossbow of the Hunter (x4) (+10,+15) (+2) {Sl~PU}
  7028 a Harp of the Vanyar (+2) {WiCh;Dk(WiCh}
  5606 a Harp of the Vanyar (+1) {WiCh;Dk(WiCh}
   104 17 Sheaf Arrows of Exploding (4d4) (+5,+5)
   288 18 Mithril Arrows of Endurance (5d4) (+9,+6)
     0 The Corpse of Orfax, Son of Boldor
     0 The Corpse of The Variant Maintainer
     0 The Corpse of Herringfolt, the Great Wild Boar
     0 The Corpse of Gazhak, the Ogre Tyrant
     0 The Corpse of Dionysus, the Munchkin of Chaos
     0 a Lord of Chaos Corpse
     0 The Corpse of Saruman of Many Colours
   500 a Copper Statue of Sauron, the Sorcerer

==================================== Museum ===================================

The Corpse of Nick the Butcher
The Corpse of Jack of Lanterns

================================== Statistics =================================

  Found    :  1161614
  Selling  :  1103794
  Winnings :        0  2265408
  Purchases:  1068189
  Services :   643428
  Stolen   :     1267  1712884

  Objects Found    :   5036
  Objects Bought   :    934
  Objects Destroyed:    514

  Equipment            Found Bought  Used  Dest
  Weapons                337      0    42    29
  Shields                 56      1    13     3
  Bows                    93      1    10    11
  Quivers                 10      0     2     0
  Rings                   79      4    30     4
  Amulets                 64      2    25     7
  Lights                  15      3    17     2
  Body Armor             300      0    44    31
  Cloaks                  50      2     9    10
  Helmets                 67      1    16     3
  Gloves                  65      2    25     4
  Boots                   58      1    16    10
  Totals                1184     17   247   114

  Devices              Found Bought  Used  Dest
  Wands                   74      1   129    11
  Staves                  83      3  1548    13
  Rods                    70      1   157     6
  Potions                382    503   399   138
  Scrolls                479    262   224   119
  Totals                1088    770  2457   287

  Other                Found Bought  Used  Dest
  Shots                  759      0     0     0
  Arrows                 812     10     0    45
  Bolts                  683      0     2    31
  Spellbooks              72      0     0     9
  Food                   183    121   165     0
  Corpses                111      0     0     5
  Skeletons               76      0     0     0
  Chests                   6      0     0     3
  Totals                2702    131   167    93

  Potions              Found Bought  Used  Dest
  Cure Critical Wounds    32    111    68    41
  Curing                  33    142    89    51
  Speed                   52    109    68     9
  Clarity                 17      0     0     2
  Healing                 29     14    42     1
  *Healing*                3      0     2     0
  Life                     2      0     0     0
  Restore Life Levels      0     21    18     0
  Strength                 5      0     5     0
  Intelligence             3      0     3     2
  Wisdom                   3      0     3     0
  Dexterity                7      0     4     0
  Constitution             9      0     9     0
  Charisma                 7      0     7     0
  New Life                 2      0     0     1
  Experience               1      0     1     0
  Totals                 382    503   399   138

  Scrolls              Found Bought  Used  Dest
  Phase Door              19     10     2    19
  Word of Recall           9      3     0     3
  Identify                29      0     2    12
  *Identify*              13      0     4     5
  Remove Curse             7     16    17     0
  *Remove Curse*           6      3     4     5
  Spell                    2      0     2     0
  Teleportation          112    173   152    45
  Teleport Level           7     14    16     1
  Destruction              5      0     0     1
  Genocide                 2      0     0     0
  Mass Genocide            2      0     0     0
  Banishment               1      0     0     0
  Acquirement              1      0     0     0
  Totals                 479    262   224   119

  Wands                Found Bought  Used  Dest
  Stone to Mud            10      0     0     2
  Teleport Other           3      1    81     1
  Vampirism                4      0     0     0
  Dragon's Frost           4      0     7     1
  Dragon's Flame           1      0     9     0
  Tsunami                  2      0    14     1
  Dragon's Breath          2      0     0     0
  Meteor                   1      0     0     0
  Totals                  74      1   129    11

  Staves               Found Bought  Used  Dest
  Identify                 9      1   510     4
  Enlightenment            5      0    25     1
  Curing                   5      0     0     0
  Cure Wounds              5      2   579     1
  Telepathy                5      0     1     0
  Speed                    3      0   149     0
  *Identify*               2      0   110     0
  Destruction              4      0     1     0
  Confusing Lights         3      0   141     3
  Totals                  83      3  1548    13

  Rods                 Found Bought  Used  Dest
  Detect Traps             3      0     0     0
  Detect Doors & Stair     1      0     0     0
  Detect Monsters          1      0     0     0
  Illumination             1      0     0     1
  Recall                   4      0    92     1
  Detection                6      1    48     0
  Enlightenment            1      0     0     0
  Sound Ball               4      0     5     0
  Heroic Speed             1      0     0     0
  Restoring                1      0     2     0
  Mana Ball                1      0     0     0
  Totals                  70      1   157     6

  Spellbooks           Found Bought  Used  Dest
  Third Spellbooks        25      0     0     3
  Totals                  72      0     0     9

  Egos Found    :    926
  Egos Bought   :     42
  Egos Destroyed:     58

  Egos                 Found Bought  Dest
  Ring of Speed            6      2     0
  Jewelry (Defender)       3      0     0
  Boots of Elvenkind       1      0     0
  Boots of Speed           1      0     1

  Monsters             Kills   Pct        Spells               Count   Pct
  Animals               1125  32.1%       Observed             10853   9.5%
  Breeders                38   1.0%       Expected             12905  11.3%
  Demons                  93   2.6%       Failures              1225  11.2%
  Dragons                494  14.1%       Summon                 223   2.0%
  Giants                 123   3.5%       Heal                    87   0.8%
  Hounds                 140   4.0%       Escape                  54   0.4%
  Humans                 287   8.2%       Offense               5359  49.3%
  Orcs                   403  11.5%       Other                 3905  35.9%
  Trolls                 222   6.3%     
  Undead                 358  10.2%       Unique Spells        Count   Pct
  Uniques                 64   1.8%       Observed               531  17.2%
                                          Expected               599  19.5%
  Evil Monsters         2069  59.1%       Failures                57  10.7%
  Good Monsters           65   1.8%       Summon                  60  11.2%
  Neutral Monsters      1363  38.9%       Heal                    24   4.5%
                                          Escape                  17   3.2%
  Totals                3497              Offense                158  29.7%
                                          Other                  215  40.4%

  Life Rating:  110%

================================ Last Messages ================================

The Shoggoth attacks you: It misses. It crushes. You are dissolved! 
Your Chain Mail of Arvedui is unaffected! 1 of your Steel Bolts of 
Slaying (4d5) (+9,+9) {/X*U} was destroyed! It misses. It misses.
The Monster summons Demons.
The Vrock creates a mesmerizing illusion. You are confused!

You feel less confused now.
You have 35 Metallic Potions of Curing (e).
The Vrock creates a mesmerizing illusion. You are confused!
The Shoggoth attacks you: It crushes. You are dissolved! Your Steel 
Helm of the Valkyrie is unaffected! 1 of your Scrolls titled "danseh 
nejood" of Teleportation {75% off} was destroyed! Your Staff of 
Regeneration: Cure Wounds (heal 61, 11/11) (+3) {3%} was destroyed! It 
misses. It crushes. You are dissolved! Your Pair of Metal Shod Boots of 
Levitation is damaged! 2 of your Scrolls titled "danseh nejood" of 
Teleportation {75% off} were destroyed! It crushes. You feel insecure 
for a moment, but the feeling passes.
The Monster attacks you: It misses. It misses. It misses. It misses.
The Fleshhound of Khorne attacks you: It misses. It misses. It misses. 
It bites.
The Monster summons Undead.
The Lord of Change attacks you: It claws. It misses. It misses.
The Arch-vile attacks you: It misses. It misses.
The Shoggoth attacks you: It misses. It crushes. You are dissolved! 
Your Knight's Shield of Elvenkind is unaffected! 1 of your Scrolls 
titled "danseh nejood" of Teleportation {75% off} was destroyed! 1 of 
your Steel Bolts of Slaying (4d5) (+9,+9) {/X*U} was destroyed! It 
misses. It misses.
The Lord of Change attacks you: It claws. It claws. You stand your 
ground! It bites. You resist the effects!
The Monster barrels towards you horrifyingly.

You failed to use the device properly.
The Monster casts a Nether Bolt. The attack bounces! The Vrock hisses 
in pain.
The Hand druj tries to cast a spell, but fails.
The Fleshhound of Khorne attacks you: It misses. It misses. It misses. 
It misses.
The Monster casts a spell, burning your eyes! You resist the effects!
The Arch-vile attacks you: It misses. It claws.
The Shoggoth barrels towards you horrifyingly.
The Shoggoth attacks you: It misses. It crushes. You are dissolved! 
Your Fur Cloak of Cowardice is damaged! 1 of your Scrolls titled 
"danseh nejood" of Teleportation {75% off} was destroyed! It crushes. 
You are dissolved! Your Pair of Metal Shod Boots of Levitation is 
damaged! Your Staff: Confusing Lights (power 114, 6/6) {47%} was 
destroyed! It crushes. You feel insecure for a moment, but the feeling 
The Monster points at you, screaming the word DIE! You stand your 
ground! *** LOW HITPOINT WARNING! *** Press Space to continue. =>  . 
You have been given a Nasty Cut.
The Ghoulking attacks you: It claws. *Ouch!* It misses. It misses. It 
The Vrock attacks you: It hits. *Ouch!* It misses. It misses.
The Monster wails, 'Tekeli-li!  Tekeli-li!'
The Lord of Change attacks you: It claws. You stand your ground! 
*Ouch!* You feel that your body changes. It claws. *Ouch!* It bites. 
You stand your ground! *Ouch!* You resist the effects!
The Hand druj invokes Anti-Magic. You feel your magic blocked.
The Monster attacks you: It hits. *Ouch!* It hits. What a noble 
   %~~~    U u     #               
   #~~~  U   U    ~%               
   %~~~~   j     ~~%               
   #~~~~   q    ~~~%               
   #~~.. ~% %~ ~~~~#               
        zUzU. ....                 
 Watch where you're pointing with that sword! You nearly... Goodbye, 

=================================== Options ===================================

 Preserve Mode:      On
 Level Size:         Normal
 Arena Levels:       Sometimes

Most epic death (scroll to the bottom)

Posted on 9.12.2019 07:20

Related character dump:
NorseVirtue243, L44 Tonberry Chaos-Warrior


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