The FrogComposband Screenshots Gallery: Deep Fried Ice Cream by wobbly

agony. The Ice troll flees in terror!                                                                LEVEL     30
     ####### # #     % % %   # ###                            ####                                   EXP    7.92k
           ## #       # %%%%%# #                              #                                      AU     29.9k
           # # #     % # %%    #                              # ##                                   ||}~=="~((]]
           ## ##     #% %   %###                            ### #                                    STR :  18/79
            ## ### #%#  %% ##    ############################   #                                    INT : 18/140
             ## # # # #%   ##    #.....    .|...         #    #####                                  WIS :  18/94
              ## % # %%%    %%   #.#########{{{######### # #####~~~                                  DEX :  18/46
               ## # #% #%%%  %####.#.......#   # ......# #.#~#~~~~~                                  CON :  18/99
                ##%%%     ##....##.#.....# #   # #..i..# d #~#~~~~~~                                 Chr :     18
                           ####....#.....# #  d# #.....#.##~~~~~~~~~                                 AC        56
                              ####.......# ,     #......~~~~~~~~~~~~~                                HP  354/ 414
            #####%%%             #.......#########...|~{~~~~~~~~~~~~~                                SP  118/ 118
           ##      %%%%          #...................{~~~~~~~~~~~~~~#                                            
         ###  #  %    %##        #.......#########...${~~~~~~~~~~~~#                                 T[*--------]
        ##   ####%##%   %%%%     #.......#......../.{~~~~~~~~~~~#                                                
        #  ###      * %    %###  #.#.....#.#...#.#@~~~{~~~~~~~~##                                                
        # ##        %%#  %    ####.#.....#.#...#.#{~T~~~~~~~~~##                                                 
        # #           %##%#%%  ##..#.......#...#.T~T~~T~~######                                                  
          #                 #%   #.########~~~~~~~~~~~~~~#                                                       
       ####                  %###...   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.#                                           Fast (+3)   
                                ##### #+#~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~##                                           Life: 96%   
                                    ##~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~##                                            Full        
Lonely Mountain: L33                              PrtEvl Hero SInv Regen Infr DTrap                              

Deep Fried Ice Cream

Posted on 5.7.2019 17:34

Related character dump:
Lomaron, L33 Dwarf Disciple


On 5.7.2019 21:55 Thraalbee wrote:
They will last about as long as a snowball in hell

Seen 676 times.

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