The T.o.M.E. Screenshots Gallery: What's wrong with that Mage Staff? by <>

Examining a Mage Staff of Spell (1d4) (+9,+14)...                               
          Eddie Beast-Master(Half-Orc)            Weaponsmith (25000)           
   Item Description (Page 2)                                Weight      Price   
a) \ The Lucerne Hammer of Bringri (2d5) (+20,-3) (+3)        12.0      27776   
b) } 5 Slings (x2) (+0,+0)                                     0.5          5   
c) } The Short Bow of Amrod (x4) (+12,+15) (+2)                3.0      13750   
d) } 5 Short Bows (x2) (+0,+0)                                 3.0         55   
e) } a Light Crossbow of Power (x3) (+7,+17)                  11.0       3894   
f) } 2 Light Crossbows (x3) (+0,+0)                           11.0        154   
g) { 36 Iron Shots (1d4) (+0,+0)                               0.5          2   
h) { a Small Wooden Boomerang (1d4) (+0,+0)                    6.0         11   
i) \ a Mage Staff (1d4) (+8,+8)                                1.2       5830   
j) \ a Mage Staff (1d4) (+5,+3)                                1.2       5830   
k) \ a Mage Staff (1d4) (+3,+3)                                1.2       5830   
l) \ a Mage Staff of Spell (1d4) (+9,+14)                      1.2        880   
                                                     Gold Remaining:  7660462   
You may:          c) Compare weapons (220gp)                                    
 ESC) Exit.       s) Sell an item               p) Purchase an item             
 SPACE) Next page x) Examine an item            Z) Steal an item                

What's wrong with that Mage Staff?
I sold all 4 Mage Staves: Only the Staff of Spell was "exellent", but look at the price.

Posted on 12.11.2003 05:15


On 12.11.2003 06:38 wrote:
Maybe the store owner is afraid you booby-trapped it with an exploding glyph

On 16.11.2003 17:03 wrote:
I think its really cheap because the other ones you can put your OWN spells in, but the one of Spell already has the spells. Did you notice rings of "spell" are expensive when they contain no spell, but cheap with spells?

On 16.11.2003 18:57 wrote:
Yes, got it, makes sense.
Thanks :-)

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