The T.o.M.E. Screenshots Gallery: Princess quest in Erebor by AmyBSOD

You see The Princess Captain (level 5, unhurt) (coaligned) [r,q,p,o,+,-,'dir']                                                                                 
Human                                                                                      ^  ^                                                                
Swordmaster                                                                  #^^^^^^^  ^^^^^##^^^^^^^^^                                                  ##### 
[=-WIZARD-=]                                                                 ^##^^##^  ^<<            ^                                                  ^#### 
LEVEL      1                                                                 ^##^^##^  ^<<            ^                                                  ^#### 
EXP       10                                                                 ^^^^^^^^  #####  ######  ^                                                  ^^^^^ 
AU       121                               ^^^^^^  ^^^^                        ^^^^    #####  ######  ^                                                        
                                           ^####^  ^##^                        ^##^    #        ####  ^                                                        
STR:      18                               ^####^  ^##^                        ^##^  ###        ####  ^  ^^^^                                        ^^^^^^    
INT:       9                               ######  ####                        ^##^  #            ##  ^  ^##^                                        ^####^    
WIS:      11               ##################################                  ^##^  #            ##  ^  ^##^^^                                    ^^^####^  ^ 
DEX:      14                                      >>        #                  ^^^^  #            ##  ^  ^^^##^                                    ^##^^^^^  ^ 
CON:      13                                      >>        #                ^^^^    #            ##  ^^^^^^##^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^                ^##^    ^^^ 
CHR:      14               ###############################  #                ^##^    ###        ####            ...         <<    ^                ^^^^    ^## 
Cur AC     0               ##########################    #  #          ^^^^^^^##^      #        #  #            ...         <<    ^                        ^## 
HP   19/  19                                        #    #  #          ^##^^##^^^      ###  #####  ^##^^^^^^##^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^  ^                        ^^^ 
SN   10/  10                                        ######  #          ^##^^##^          #  #      ^##^^^^^^##^^^              ^  ^                          ^ 
SP    5/   5                                      ####  ##  #          ^^^####^          ^  ^      ^^^^^##^^####^              ^  ^                          ^ 
Pt       100                                      ####  ##  ##^^^^^^^^^^^^####^^^^^^^^^^^^  ^    ^^^^  ^##^^####^              ^  ^^^                    ^^^^  
                                                ####    ##  ##                          B   ^    ^##^  ^^^^^^^^^^              ^    ^                    ^##^  
                                                ####    ##  ##                              ^    ^##^            ^^^^          ^    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^    ^##^^ 
                                              ####      ##  ##  ^^^^^^    ^^^^^^^^##^^^^^^^^^    ^^^^            ^##^          ^^^                  ^    ^#### 
                                              ####      ##  ##  ^    ^    ^      ^##^                            ^##^            ^                  ^    ^#### 
                           #                ####        ##  ##  ^    ^   a^      ####                            ###^            ^^^^^^^^^##^^^^^^  ^    ^#### 
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                           ###            ####          ##  ##  ^    ^ a  ^      #                                #                      ^^^^    ^  ^    ^^^^^ 
                             #            ####          ##  ##  ^    ^    ^      #                                #                              ^  ^          
                             ###        ####            ##  ##  ^    ^    ^      #                                #                              #  #          
                            ####        ####            ##  ##  ^    ^    ^      #                                #                            ^##  ##^        
                              ############              ##  ##  ^    ^    ^      #                                #                            #      #        
                              ############              ##  ##  ^    ^    ^^^^^  #    L                           #################          ^##      ##^  ^^^ 
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Princess quest in Erebor
Teaser screenshot for the upcoming new version of ToME-SX. All I did was make Princess/FF quests appear in other dungeons too, and it seems the code is already capable of correctly handling Erebor's double-size rooms, which is really nice. :) There's still only one quest per depth though, so if the player e.g. gets a FF quest for 9 sootballs on Old Forest:13 and completes it, Mirkwood:13 will not spawn another quest. And if the player leaves OFr13 without completing it and heads for Mkw13 later it will have the exact same 9 sootballs as a quest, obviously. I'll need to test what happens in the Maze, Heart of the Earth, Halls of Mandos and similar dungeons though... ;)

Posted on 25.1.2016 10:24


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