The T.o.M.E. Screenshots Gallery: Orc Town by <>

Half-Elf                     O   OOo           o o       oOo                    
Swordmaster                  O   O             o oO      ooo                    
Baron                                  oo     o o   O    oOOo                   
LEVEL     40                          oo o    ooo        oooo                   
EXP   345385                o   o       ooo   oooo  O    oOoOo                  
AU    125454                o   o   oo oo o   ooo        o ooo                  
                          oo         oo  oo  o o ooO     ooOooo                 
Str:      37                         ooooo oo Oo       OoooO oo                 
INT:       9                   OO OO     oo o OO    o     ooOooO                
WIS:       5                OO O oOOOO  oo #+#   O         ooooo                
DEX:      27                              ##.##                                 
CON:      23                              +.@.+                                 
CHR:      10                              ##.##                                 
Cur AC    93             oo oo       O OO  #+#  OOO       o oo                  
HP  593/ 593             o oo o       OOO       OOO        ooooo                
SN  165/ 165                                                                    
SP   18/  18                                                                    
                                       O OOOOOOO O                              
                                OOO  OOOOOOOOoOOOOOO  OO                        
                                 oo  OOOoooOoO ooOOOO OO                        
                                  o  OOOOOOO OOOOOOOO OO                        
                                    OOOOOO OOOO O OO                            
Full                                             Fast (+2)             Orc Town 
Orc Town
Here's where I found the stone of lore...

Posted on 4.5.2002 01:40

Related character dump:
Nlogh, L40 Half-Elf Swordmaster


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