The PosChengband Screenshots Gallery: Gothmog sandwich by Sose

The Sky Drake breathes light at Gothmog, the High Captain of Balrogs.                                                                    
Possessor                             # ###            ###    #             #       #     #       #    ######### # #####                 
Monster                               # +####        ####  #%##             #                     #            ### #                     
LEVEL     50                          # ## ####    #### # ##                ####### ###############              # #                     
Exp ********                        ### #  # ###  ## ##  ##                       # #                            # #                     
AU    115849                        *   ## ####    ###+#####  ####              ### #                            # #                     
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INT!: 18/***              #  #     #*##  #=            ?%+##%# #   ##         ###+#####                               ## ##              
WIS!: 18/160              %###+###########|]   }*]|   )(#%%###%     %#%#%%#####    #  #####     #######################   ##             
DEX!: 18/180                            +########### ####    :        +                   #     #               $          #             
CON!: 18/210              #*###      ######'#   #+### #%##*%%%#     %%%  %#####+#+# #####+##    # ###########       :##    #             
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Cur AC   147                +  # ############   #  # ## ##     %%%%#   % % ####### ####### ###### #                 #    #               
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Day 12  0:04     #      ###### ## + # ###             ##             ~~                     # ##   q  #       #..    ###+###      #      
   Angband       ## #  ##    # ## #+# #              ## ##           ~~                   ###.################Z..  #+#     #+#    #      
                  +#####     # #  # # ######       ### ##            ~~     %%           ## ..#              ##Z.  # #     # #    #      
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[**********]                 ###  ######## # #####~#############%%##%.##......#% ~~ ####   ##.#################.#....#.....#....# #      
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                               #                                             #....................#           #                   #      
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                 ###############                                             #####*###%*##########.#                                     
                                        Acid Elec Fire Cold Pois DTrap                                            Fast(+40)        Lev 98
Gothmog sandwich
A lone Sky Drake decided to help me kill Gothmog.. Okay. Just don't summon GWoPs and breathe gravity at me next, ok?

Posted on 14.1.2015 14:32

Related character dump:
Chris$oul 9004, L50 Possessor Monster


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