The PosChengband Screenshots Gallery: Curveball by debo

Death-Sword  xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx                   ^^^.^^^^^^^^^.^^           ^^^
Monster      xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx   ^^^             ^...^  ^    ..^        ^^^^^  
LEVEL     28 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx^^^^>^^^   ^^^^^^ ^^.^^^  ^.^^^^.^      ^^^  ^  ^
EXP    11301 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx      ^^^^^....^^^...^   ^..^ ^.^   ^^^^      ^^
AU      4447 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx^^^^^     ..#.#.#.#.#######.###.####^^.^.^>^^^^ 
/            xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx    ^^^^^^^#.......,...............?^:...^^^    
STR :  18/69 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx    ^^^~.^#.##########.##########.#..^^^^      
INT :      6 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ^^^...~^#.#........#.#        #..^^^         
WIS :      3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ^...^^..#.#........#.#       .#.#^           
DEX :  18/28 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.^^.^^^^^!..#.########.#.^......#.#            
CON :     17 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx....^   ^^#.#..P................#.#            
CHR :      7 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx^^^^^     #.#.########.#........#.#            
Cur AC    58 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx      #.#./......#.# .     .#.#            
HP  191/ 293 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx     #.#........#.#  .     #.#            
SP    0/   0 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx    #.##########.##########.#            
             xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx   #..        ...        ..#           x
[**********] xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx^### ##################.##         xxx
             xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx  ^ ^                ^ ^         xxxx
Stun         xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx^^x  ^               ^^ ^       xxxxxx
             xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx^^^^               ^  ^      xxxxxxx
             xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx             ^^ ^^   xxxxxxxxxx
Day 10 14:08 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx          ^  ^ xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Giant's Hall xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx   x^x^^xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
                                                        Fast(+3)         Lev 30

Posted on 24.7.2014 12:48

Related character dump:
GLASS /, L29 Death-Sword Monster


On 24.7.2014 12:49 debo wrote:
From where I'm standing: "The Fire Giant throws a large rock. You are stunned."


Do they throw it at the empty square to my NW and then use the splash like a ball spell?

On 24.7.2014 12:49 debo wrote:
If rocks are basically ball spells, maybe we should change that line to "The Fire Giant throws a Metsu Hadoken"

On 24.7.2014 19:11 krazyhades wrote:
This is even more powerful than the vanilla knight's move trick.

On 25.7.2014 04:44 HugoTheGreat2011 wrote:
The worst is when you're hiding in behind a small area and some monster like Habu the Champion of Chaos breathes Chaos or casts a Mana storm!!

Seen 777 times.

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