The FAangband Screenshots Gallery: Welcome to Angband by Nick

Dark-Elf                   ###############    #   ######## #############%%%........'.+         #       *          #.############ ########         
High Thief                                    #####      # #            % ..%###################      *           #.############ ####             
Rogue                                          ################################################################   #.##              #             
LEVEL     38                                   #           + #         %   # # ^-# #|'^]-# TT,# %\+^g #       #  %%.##              #########     
NXT     6053                  ###              # ######### #^# #####%% #^^^# #'### # ##'## #### %%%^^^#  ##   #  #....                      #     
AU    300213                    #              # #] ?'^  # #+# #^^^+]# +^+##       ###            %%+### # ?  #  %%%.#                      #     
/}==" (()]]]                    #              # #^^ %^ |# #|# #+##### %##|# #####     + ++ +++ + %^^^^' ##'  #    %.#                      #     
STR:  18/122                    %              # %+%%%%%*# %## #  #   ^  ### ' #\# #+#  ++ +++  + #[  ^# '^^  ####%%.*                      #     
INT!  18/130                                   # %^^%          #  # #%##     #^' # #?# +  +...++  #\| ## ###  ##...'..              #########     
WIS:   18/94                                   # # ,% %#%%%#%% ##+# # ^### . #]### ### ++ ...++ + #####       ##.##%%%#%%%###### ####             
DEX!  18/150                     %##           # +\ % %$$$$$$#      # ^' # . ###       +   ...          ###   ##?'.'.'...     '   #               
CON:  18/157                       %           # %%%% %$%++%$% *%% ##'####       #####   +++    + ### ###-#   ##.###d#%#%#%%##### #               
CHR!   18/60                     % #%%%#%%     #      %$%  %$% +># #^^^#   #+#   # | # + + ++ + + # + #^     ###.# #.#*         # #               
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Cur AC    94                        ##%% %     # {^###+++^^+++     %##+# # +^+}# #^#^% %%+% ###  ##+# # !   #U##.# # #   %        #               
HP  524/ 533                           % #* ####! ^+ +         %#%       ####### +?# ' %q # #?#  #^^# #### #]=##.### #   #        #####           
SP   95/  95                                % ######## #+# %%%%% %% %%##         ##%%% %+## #+## #  #     B#  ##...# #####            #           
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             Angband 60                      Full Study (7) Hero AttFire DTrap                                                                    
Welcome to Angband
First time entry to Angband, and look what I find. Note that this is with a character which trades on stealth, and *everything* is awake.

Posted on 31.12.2013 05:54

Related character dump:
Saegwath, L39 Dark-Elf Rogue


On 31.12.2013 08:02 HugoTheGreat2011 wrote:
PosChengband could use ideas from this, and vice-versa. :)

Seen 945 times.

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