The EyAngband Screenshots Gallery: Gee, thanks guys. by <>

Jade Ring of Speed (+8) 
+8 to speed.  It is vulnerable to damage by electricity.  ##################### 
It was a reward for your exploits on dungeon level 124 
LEVEL     50 #................................................................# 
NEXT ******* #........#####......######.....#####....2#######....########.....# 
AU    236403 #........#####......######.....#####....########....########.....# 
\}=="~(()]]] #........#####......######.....#####....########....########.....# 
STR!   29/29 #........#####......######.....#####....########....#######5.....# 
INT!   32/32 #........###4#......7#####.....###3#....########....########.....# 
WIS!   33/33 #................................................................# 
DEX!   23/23 #.............................>..................................# 
CON!   29/29 #................................................................# 
CHR!   27/27 #................................................................# 
Cur AC    79 #.......#######...#######....########.....#####....#########.....# 
HP 1047/1047 #.......#######...#######....########.....#####....########1.....# 
SP   987/987 #.......#######...#######....########....@0####....#########.....# 
Full                                             Fast (+27)Study (16)    Town   
Gee, thanks guys.
No, really, it's very generous.

Posted on 5.4.2003 01:22

Related character dump:
Mellina, L50 Angel Mystic


On 5.4.2003 20:56 wrote:
Probably ran out of good stuff to give you by now...

On 7.4.2003 22:00 pav wrote:
Still questing that deep?

On 11.4.2003 20:27 wrote:
Yeah, I was hoping I might find the One, either down there or as the reward. I didn't though. I'm pretty sure there were better things they could have given me. I mean, I was finding a few rings of speed with higher plusses than that one each trip into the dungeon at that point in the game. I had received rings of speed as rewards for about 7 or so quests before that one, save one, for which I got an artifact shield. Quests below about 80' seem to just give rings of speed nearly every time, which sucks, especially considering that I had ones with higher plusses than any of the rewards.

On 11.4.2003 20:28 wrote:
Err... I meant dungeon level 80, not 80'... ;)

On 11.4.2003 23:42 wrote:
Well, the moment your equipment becomes so good that the game can no longer roll up better equipment in 100 attempts, it will revert to a fully random prize - which means that the reward will be no better than a scroll of acquisition would give you on that level; so a ring of speed will always be accepted, regardless of its plus.

This will be somewhat rectified in Ey 0.6.0, where item values will be rebalanced, and even more rectified in the version after that, when I shift from fixed artifacts to fully random ones and the quest reward could just create a new one for you. But my current RL constraints mean that 0.6.0 won't be out until late June at the earliest, and I'm not sure when the next version will follow.

On 18.4.2003 00:01 wrote:
Ah, cool. For now I guess I'll just have to remind myself that I probably won't get anything remotely useful for any really deep, hideously nasty quests, and look forward to the end of June... ;)

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