The Chengband Screenshots Gallery: Greedy or Stupid? by chris

[**]Target:a Black reaver(Level 71, somewhat damaged) [r, q,t,p,o,+,-,<dir>]                                          
Kobold       ~#~~#### ~####~#~##~#~~# ###~#~~##~#'##~~#####~#~~~~~##~~#<#~#x#x~~~~~~~~x~~~~~x~~~~x##~~#>~~#x#~~~xxxx~~
Mindmaster   ~#~##~##~###~~~~~#########~#~###~###~~~###~#~~####~#~~#~#~#~~#############+#########'#~~###~##########+##
LEVEL     50  ###~~##+###~~.~:#~~##~##~#~~~###~##~~#####~~###~##~#~~##~#####~~####xxxx#~#####xx##~~#####~~~~#xxxxx#~#x
EXP  5250776  ~~.+~~~~~###~.~~~~%%~####~#~#~~#~~~~#~~##~##~###~~~#~~#~~#~#~#~#~~~#xxx##~~~#~##x#~~~###~#~####xxxxx#~#x
AU    191682 ~~~~~~~~~#~~~~#%#~%#~%#~%#~~~~~~#~##  ~  ~~~~~##~~~~~~~~~~~#~#~##~#######~~#~##~####x~~~#####~########~#x
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STR!: 18/*** #~~##.~~~~% ~% ~ %% ~#~###%%~%#~~~###~~~ #~##~~#~~~~~~~~~##~#~~~~~#~~~####'####x######~#~~##############~
Int : 18/118 #~~##~~~~%~~%#~#  ~~# #~#~~#%~%#~ ##~~~~~~~#~##~~~#~~#~###~#~~##~~~x~~~~~xx~~~x~~x~x~~~~~~~~~#~#xxxxxx##~
WIS : 18/199 #~###~~~ ## ## %~%####%#%~~ #%%~~ # ~#~#~~~#~#~~~~##~~#~####~~#~~~~x~~xx~x~~~~~~~~x~x#'#####+~~###xxxx#~.
DEX : 18/209 ~~#~#~~~%##  ~#%~~~  %## % % %%#%##%~#~#~~~~~~#~#~~~~~#~~##~~#~#xx~x~~~~xxxx~~x~~xxx~~~'~~~'~'~~~#xxxx##.
CON!: 18/*** #~~##~%#~   ## %# #%%% ~%#%%#~ %##%##~#~~~~#~~#~#~#~~~~###~#~~#~~~~~~~x~~~~x~xxxx~x~~#+#~~##+###~#######.
CHR :  18/40 ~~~ %%~~~# ~##~  %##~%  #~#%%##~# % # ## ###~~##~##~##~#~~~#~~~#~~x~~x~~~x~xxx~~~~x~~~x#####~~##~~xx~xx#~
Cur AC   167 #~~~~~## %% ##~%~ ~~##~~%% ~ ~    #~##%~~#~~####~##~##~####~##~##~~~~x~##~~~~#~#####~#x#xxx#x#########x#~
HP  359/ 945 #~~ %~% ~~%   ## %~#~   ~ %%  #~ ## ~##  #~~~#~########~#~~~~#~~##~~#~~#~#~~##~######~~##xx#~#xxxxxxx#x##
SP  248/ 358 % ~% % #%%~#  ## # #%## #%~~# ~~  %~%%%#% ######      ######~#~####~#~####~x~~xxx~x###~~####x#xxxxxxx#x#x
             %# ~~   ~#%##% ~# %%~#%%## ~%    % ~~%%%  ##              x######~###~#~#~~#~#####x~##~###~#~###xxxxx#x#x
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Nasty cut    %#%~~%~~~####  ..##%%#~#~#%#%%% %#%#~~#~~ %###            xxx#~#####~~##~~~~x~~###~##~~~#x#~~###xxxxx#x#x
             ## % #~~%%#  .#%~%...~~##~~~~ %%# ~~% # #  ~~#            xx##~#~##~#~#~xxx~~~####x##~~####~x#xxxxxxx#~#x
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              ##%~%%~~#  %%%/#..~~..~%~%%~%#%#~~~%~%%#% %~+   ~~ ~#~~+~~~~~x~~~x~~~#x~x~~~~~~~~~#~#x##~~##########x###
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                            StnSkn Acid Elec Fire Cold Pois Hero                               Fast(+33)        Lev 94
Greedy or Stupid?
Cantoras is really hard to kill, since he pulls you out into the open and surrounds you with high undead. I was down to 500hp and bleeding fast, but I couldn't resist taking another round of attacks! Dumb, but I survived and the reavers held back on their mana storms.

Posted on 19.5.2012 02:14

Related character dump:
Pious Galdabosh, L50 Kobold Mindcrafter


On 19.5.2012 02:16 chris wrote:
Ah, just one reaver. Seemed like more in my terror!

On 19.5.2012 15:59 Arjen wrote:
Maybe greedy and stupid? ;)

Seen 1273 times.

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