The Sil Screenshots Gallery: Ungoliant's Web by HallucinationMushroom

Charge!!!!       #####  #      #  #          ###       #  #  #   #    #     # ########## # # #     #     +              #####    #           #     #        #          
             #####   #  #      #  #         ## ##     ### #  # ###    #############    #     #     #     ######         +               ######     ######## #          
Str        5         #  ########  #         #   #### ##   ## # # #    ##          #    #### ##     #     #    ###############    ##+#####    ###+###      # #          
Dex        2         #            #         #   #  ###     #############          #       # #      #### ##           # #    #    ## # #        # #        # #          
Con        7         #            #         ## ###   #          #      #          #       # #         # #            # #    #    ## # ########## ########## ######     
Gra        3         ###########+##          # # #####     ###  ##     #          #########+###       # #            # #    ####### # ##           +   +         #     
                               # #           # # ##############  ##    #                + # # #       # #            # #          # # ##           #####         #     
Exp    2,381                   % %%#%#       % # #  %  #    % #   %    %          %#%%#%####%#%       # #            # #          # #  #           #   #         #     
                               %     %      %# % ## %% %#%   %# % %    %%#%%##%#+%%     % # # %      #########       # #          # ####  :        #   #         #     
Health 71:71                   %     %%#%##%%  %% ##:###%%%  %# % %#           % #      %#%######%####       #      ## ######    ## ################   #         #     
Voice  34:34                   %>    #     +    %% #  %  %%##%  #  %%          % %      % # # +      +       #      #       #    #       #             #         #     
                               %     %%%%#%%%    % %#%    %#%# %##  #          % %      #%#+%+##%%####       ########       #    #       #             ##### #####     
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             #########                              ######                         ########                           ##%%########################                     
                                                                          900 ft                                                                                       
Ungoliant's Web
The dungeon anomaly in Ungoliant's Web. Shelob is in there too, obviously visiting her mama from college this week. Drauglin is a few doors down the hall from me with a cohort of 4 werewolves while Maeglin is in the northeast corner. There is a greater cold drake toward the north, but other than these, nothing really too nasty. Probably my last words. I think Maeglin drops good stuff so I'm going after him once I tackle Drauglin.

Posted on 27.1.2012 16:27

Related character dump:
Charge!!!!, L20170407 Noldor Fingolfin no-class


On 27.1.2012 19:22 ekolis wrote:
Whoa, that's a big level... didn't realize levels in Sil could get that big! Sometime I need to get below 150ft :P

Seen 930 times.

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