The Hengband Screenshots Gallery: Avenged! by kingvictory2003

Sauron, the Sorcerer ('p')/('p'): [(r)ecall, ESC]                              
He has slain 1 of your ancestors, but you have avenged him!                    
Mighty in spells and enchantments, he created the One Ring.  His eyes glow with
power and his gaze seeks to destroy your soul.  He has many servants, and      
rarely fights without them.                                                    
He is normally found at depths of 4900 feet, and moves very quickly.  Killing  
this evil human is worth about 94230.77 points for a 50th level character.  He 
reflects bolt spells.  He is magical, casting spells intelligently which       
produce fire balls, produce nether balls, produce water balls, invoke mana     
storms, invoke darkness storms, invoke the Hand of Doom, psycho-spear, cause   
brain smashing, cause mortal wounds, produce mana bolts, produce plasma bolts, 
produce ice bolts, terrify, blind, confuse, dispel-magic, teleport-self,       
teleport level, cause amnesia, raise dead, summon monsters, summon a demon,    
summon Greater Undead or summon Ancient Dragons; 1 time in 2.  He can          
illuminate the dungeon, open doors, bash down doors and push past weaker       
monsters.  He regenerates quickly.  He resists lightning, fire, cold, poison   
and dark.  He cannot be frightened, confused, slept or teleported.  He is ever 
vigilant for intruders, which he may notice from 1000 feet.  He may carry up to
18 exceptional objects.  He can hit to disenchant with damage 10d12, hit to    
disenchant with damage 10d12, touch to drain charges, and touch to drain       
   Angband   ..###%##                #.#  #.%...#%##.#...%##....%%.#%%....#..# 
        StnSkn Acid Elec Fire Cold Pois Hero            Fast(+21)       4550 ft
I guess Sauron is pretty much universally nasty, but especially so in Hengband. It's always satisfying to get the best of him with a more challenging class (i.e. not Monk, hehe), especially when he killed my predecessor. He dropped the actual One Ring this time, probably the second time out of many kills.

Posted on 21.3.2010 05:29

Related character dump:
Mighty Max, L50 Amberite Mindcrafter


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