The Hengband Screenshots Gallery: Ignoble Cloning Pits fail by <>

Hobbit       ##################################### #### ### ######  #########################                                                                 
Chaos Hero   #                    '              + +  + +a             '                    #                                                                 
LEVEL     34 #     #              '              + '  + +       a      R~aaa          #     #                                                                 
EXP    99437 #                  ###         ##  R###   a     ###a a               #                                                                 
AU    251966 #   #      ?       #       #       .~#~  ~#~aa      a       #a\            #   #                                                                 
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STR : 18/129 #         ?  ?     #      #      L .~#~  ~#aa a a  a :a~    #aTaaaa            #                                                                 
Int : 18/154 #          #########       P      ..~#~  ~#~..aaaa a  a   a #########          #                                                                 
WIS : 18/147 #        ###                     ..~~#~  ~#~M.a  aa a  aa  aa a     ###        #                                                                 
DEX : 18/181 #+'#######           ## #        .~~##~  ~##~a. a a aa aa aaaaaa      #######'+#                                                                 
CON!: 18/160 #  #|.............................~##~~  ~~##MM.aM,aa.aaaa..aaaaaa..........#                                                                    
CHR :  18/87 #  #~~~~~~~~~G~EG~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~E~#~~    ~~b~~~~~aa~a~~aa~~~~~aaa~~~~~~~~~~#                                                                    
Cur AC    76 #  ##############G##################~ ##l#h~#####b###########################                                                                    
HP  428/ 555 #+'#~~~~~~~~~~llG~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~u#@Mh.~~~~q~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                                                                      
SP   25/ 218 #              G                 u  u uu##hMpdU                                                                                                  
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                                                  Afraid Acid Elec Fire Cold Pois                                                      Fast(+10)  Stud   Quest
Ignoble Cloning Pits fail
I'd say this was 50-50 bad luck/bad play. Bad luck was that Fangorn, Dreadmaster, and an Iron Lich were the random monsters. Bad play was that after I killed the Grendels, I rested in the northwest corner, and so summons got out of hand (including 2 Greater Basilisks). Also, in expectation of having lots of loot to lug back, I didn't bring any ?oWord of Recall. Barely managed to escape with my tail tucked between my legs by running across the south-east chasm until I got into the room. Zapped my Rod of Detection before saying Bye-Bye to Shiva's Boots >_<

Posted on 17.2.2010 17:29

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Sexy Soma, L34 Hobbit Chaos-Warrior


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