The Entroband Screenshots Gallery: Chlvl 43 kit rejig by <>

Equipment: carrying 209.4 pounds (116% of capacity). Command:                                                                                          
a) | Wielding      : The Katana 'Zantetsuken' (10d4) (+17,+21) (+2) {StDxDg|S, @w1@t1,Ishikawa-DL 60-Chlvl 43,!k!s!d!v}                         12.0 lb
b) [ On arm        : a Dragon Shield [8,+11] {PoShCa, @w3@t3,King in Yellow-DL 48-Chlvl 39,!k!s!d!v}                                            10.0 lb
c) } Shooting      : The Light Crossbow of Brand (x4) (+10,+14) (+10 to speed) {Sp;Fi;Xm~Good, @A1,!!,Black Reaver-Royal Crypt Quest-Chlvl 41,! 11.0 lb
d) = On right hand : a Ring of Damage and Accuracy (+4,+16) {DL 60-Chlvl 42,!k!s!d!v}                                                            0.2 lb
e) = On left hand  : a Ring of Disenchantment Resistance {!k!s!d!v}                                                                              0.2 lb
f) " Around neck   : The Pendant of Gogo (+4) {InWiDx;SiLu, DL 60-Chlvl 42,!k!s!d!v}                                                             0.2 lb
g) ! Light source  : The Phial of Galadriel (+1 to searching) {Sr;Dk, @A2,!!,Dark Elven Lord's Quest Reward-Chlvl 22,!k!s!d!v}                   1.0 lb
h) [ On body       : The Augmented Chain Mail of Caspanion (-2) [16,+20] (+3) {InWiCn;AcPoLiCf, @A3,!!,Storm Wyrm-DL 56-Chlvl 40,!k!s!d!v}      27.0 lb
i) ( About body    : The Cloak 'Colluin' [1,+15] {AcElFiCoPo, @A4,!!,Black Reaver-Royal Crypt Quest-Chlvl 21,!k!s!d!v}                           1.0 lb
j) ] On head       : The Hard Leather Cap of Thranduil [2,+10] (+2) {InWi;BlNt~Tele, @w5@t5,Cloning Pits-Chlvl 37,!k!s!d!v}                      1.5 lb
k) ] On hands      : a Set of Leather Gloves of Power (+1,+5) [1,+7] (+3) {St;Bl, BM Outpost-Chlvl 32,!k!s!d!v}                                  0.5 lb
l) ] On feet       : The Pair of Soft Leather Boots of Shiva's Avatar (+5,+5) [4,+16] (+4 to speed) {SpDx;Nx;FaLv(Dx, Cloning Pits Reward-Chlvl  2.0 lb
HP  665/ 665    #     #####.................######..............#####%.......%      #.....................#    # #      #     ############xxxxx#       
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Day667  7:01   ##     # ##      #  #        #                           % #                         #.#                 # #     # ####xxxxxxxxxx       
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                                                                                                                                Fast(+14)        Lev 37
Chlvl 43 kit rejig
Screenshot of kit reshuffle.... Well worth it to accomodate Zantetsuken for my little Magic-Eater. Downsides - Stealth sux and hps are down as well as having a res hole at sound. Upside - Who cares about stealth when you can see stuff coming (Thranduil) and be prepared in advance to cut them up with Z. Int is also way up with this kit (Caspanion, Thranduil & Gogo) which makes a huge difference to some key spells like Healing (from 17% to 8% failure). Time to see what Angband 38 and 44 hold in store for Lord Alkaline...

Posted on 24.9.2009 02:00

Related character dump:
Mighty Lord Alkaline, L50 Dunadan Magic-Eater


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