The Entroband Screenshots Gallery: Chlvl 40 - Wand Arsenal by <>

(*=List, ESC=exit) Use which power?                                                                                                                    
                            Charges Fail                            Charges Fail                                                                       
a) Heal Monster               8/ 8   3% s) Fire Bolts                94/94   3%                                                                        
b) Haste Monster             22/22   3% t) Frost Bolts               60/60   3%                                                                        
c) Clone Monster             19/19   3% u) Acid Balls                 8/ 8   3%                                                                        
d) Teleport Other            63/63   3% v) Lightning Balls           85/85   3%                                                                        
e) Disarming                 38/38   3% w) Fire Balls                 4/ 4   3%                                                                        
f) Trap/Door Destruction     58/58   3% x) Cold Balls                43/43   3%                                                                        
g) Stone to Mud              99/99   3% y) Wonder                    73/73   3%                                                                        
h) Light                     39/39   3%                                                                                                                
i) Sleep Monster             78/78   3%                                                                                                                
j) Slow Monster              23/23   3%                                                                                                                
k) Confuse Monster           57/57   3%                                                                                                                
l) Scare Monster             12/12   3% 3) Rockets                   11/11  51%                                                                        
m) Drain Life                25/25   3% 4) Striking                  11/11  28%                                                                        
n) Polymorph                 40/40   3%                                                                                                                
o) Stinking Cloud            61/61   3%                                                                                                                
p) Magic Missile             73/73   3%                                                                                                                
q) Acid Bolts                55/55   3%                                                                                                                
r) Tame Monster              22/22   3%                                                                                                                
Full         .#####.###...##.#.##..####..####...##..###...#######.#..........5####.#.#.#....##.#.####.######.##..#########..#################.##.#.####
Day654  9:17 .#.###.#..##.#.##########..###.#.##..###.#.##...####.###.#.###.######.####..####...###.###..#.##...####.################+########.#####..#
   Angwil    .###...###.#.##..#.####..#######.#####..##.#.###########4###.#.########.#..###.......###..##.#.#.###..###..###..#.#.#.##.##..###..##.#.##.
                                                                                                                                Fast(+11)         Surf.
Chlvl 40 - Wand Arsenal
Ditto for the Wand Screenshot. He has Rockets and Striking though the % failure rates are high. Time to do the Royal Crypt methinks.

Posted on 23.9.2009 05:03

Related character dump:
Mighty Lord Alkaline, L50 Dunadan Magic-Eater


On 23.9.2009 15:02 wrote:
Nice rockets! Was that from one super charged wand or two?

Seen 1104 times.

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