The Oangband Screenshots Gallery: No by Nick

Shadow Fairy                         #####                                                                       
Necromancer                              #                #####################                                  
Dark Master                         #### #                #                   #                                  
LEVEL     44                           # #                #                   #                                  
NEXT  245495                           # #                #                   #                                  
AU    343942                         Dd# #                #                   #                                  
                                   DDDd# #                #                   #                                  
Str:  18/159                     dddddd# #######          #                   #                                  
INT:  18/186                ############       #          #                   #                                  
WIS:   18/46                          ^ d##### #          ###### ############ #     #####                        
Dex:  18/128             # ## ############   # #               #      #     # #     #                  # #       
CON!  18/***                  #              # #  ################### #     # #     # ####             # ####### 
CHR!   18/80            #######   ##### ###  #:#  #$?$..........#   # #     # #     # #                # #       
                          # # #   # # # :U#  # #  #.............#   # #     # #     # #         #: #   # # ##### 
Cur AC   115           #::### #####  ## :##:## #  #.............#   # #     # ##    # #         #  #   #   #     
HP   611:611                          #:  : ## ####.............#####'#     #  #    # #         #  #   #####     
SP   243:250                           :  ####    ...............     #     ## #    #:#         #  #             
[**********]                           :###G## ####.............#####'#      # #    # #         #  #             
[**********]            ...........   : :# D## #  #.............#   # #      # #    # #         ####             
                    #   ...........    ::##### #  #.............#   # #      # #    # #                          
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                   #:   ...........     :##### #  ###############   # #     #  +      #                          
                        .....*.....    : :: ## #                    # #     # #########                          
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                   :    ...*****...     :#####.#  #......................#  # #            #                  ## 
                  : #   ....***....    : :#W##.####......................#### #            #                     
                  #:    ...........   :::#####............................    #            #                  ## 
                ##: :   ...........    : #C# #..###......................######            #                  #  
                # ##    ...........    #######..# #......................#                 #                  #  
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                :####   ...........    # ##U##@.#      #..............#                             # #    # #   
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                #####   ...........    #:#####..#      #..#         #.####                          # #    # #   
                  ::    ...........    : :# ##..# ###############   #....#          ################# ###### #   
                 #:     ...........     # :###  ###             #   ####.########## #                        #   
                 # #:   ...........   : ###p##                  ########\-{....^..# #..                   #### # 
                 ##:                   :# G###  ###                    ##########.###.....................###### 
DTrapFast (+7)                                                                               Lev 65              
The U just through the wall is Gothmog. Directly above him is the Witch-King; directly below is Saruman; I've already killed Harowen on this level; and the green dragon pit is just adding insult to injury. I'm going home now.

Posted on 23.10.2008 13:57

Related character dump:
Death L, L45 Shadow Fairy Necromancer


On 23.10.2008 14:07 Psi wrote:

Genocide the dragons for starters. The Witch King and Gothmog are both trapped (I'm guessing the D near them has passwall to be located there). Saruman is the only danger... lure him out and destruct him if possible otherwise TA and watch out for him coming back.

On 23.10.2008 14:34 Nick wrote:
Good advice, except for the fact that Gothmog tunnels, and that D is standing in the opening he's already made. I would not have minded having a go at the Witch-King while his summons were DL65, but I was not going to do the preliminary dance with Gothmog and Saruman. I'm sure they'll be back.

On 23.10.2008 14:45 Psi wrote:
So did you stop Gothmog tunneling in FA then or is that a later O addition?

On 23.10.2008 21:03 Nick wrote:
Must be an O addition I think. Seems like a good one :)

On 23.10.2008 23:25 Antoine wrote:
But the dragons want to play with you!

On 24.10.2008 07:26 Psi wrote:
I'm not sure about Gothmog tunneling - kind of makes him Morgoth in a red dress (though I've never understood why he and Lungorthin don't and plain Balrogs do).

On 24.10.2008 07:33 Nick wrote:
Well, in early writings he was Morgoth's son, and maybe he wanted a daughter... Might explain a lot, when you think about it.

Seen 1694 times.

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