The Oangband Screenshots Gallery: Quylthulg pit by Nick

Shadow Fairy     #########################   #############           ###############                             
Necromancer                         ^    #   #...........#           #.....#  #    #           %#########        
Dark Master      #                       #   #.#########.#           #.###.#  # ## #           %                 
LEVEL     41     #                       #   #.#       #.#           #.# #.#  # ## #           %                 
Next  188430     #                       #   #.#       #.#           #.# #.#..#.## #######%%##%%          #      
AU    189282     #-                      #   #.#       #.#####       #.# #.#..#.##                        #      
                 #                       #   #@#       #.....#       #.# #.#..#.##########%##%%#          #      
STR:  18/114    ##                       #####.#       #####.#       #.# #.#..#.#      #   #   %          #      
Int:  18/195                                +..#          ##.#########.# #....#.#      # # #   ######### ##      
WIS:      18    ##### ####### ############# #..#          #............# ####.#.#      # # %           # #       
DEX:  18/118          #     # #           # #..#          #+############    #...#  #####   %           # #       
CON!  18/200     #### ####### #############    #          # #               ###.#  #     # %           # #       
CHR!   18/80                             #### ##########  # #                 #.#  # ##### #%%#        # #       
                   ##################### #  # #        #  # #                 #.#  # #        %        # #       
Cur AC    99       #QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ# #### #        #  # #                 #<#  # #        %        # #       
HP   508:508       #QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ#      #        #### #          ##########  # #        %        # #       
SP   142:220       # QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ# #                  #          #      #    # #        #        # #       
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DTrapFast (+6)                                                                               Lev 55              
Quylthulg pit
That's just wrong.

Posted on 22.10.2008 10:50

Related character dump:
Death L, L45 Shadow Fairy Necromancer


On 22.10.2008 11:41 Psi wrote:
No... that's great. Opening the door would be wrong.

On 22.10.2008 12:52 Seany C wrote:
Heh, what you don't want right now is for a Rock Mole or a Gnawing Bug to show up...

On 22.10.2008 13:04 Bandobras wrote:
Come on, you can do it! :D

On 22.10.2008 14:38 Nick wrote:
No, I stayed right away. Next level down I had a 'G' pit, though - and they didn't stay inside if I kept the door shut.

On 23.10.2008 09:34 Antoine wrote:
(Sorry if this is a multiple post) As a matter of interest, in Ironband I gave Master Quythulgs S_KIN. I expect this can rapidly create kinda nutty situations. Never met one in playtesting though.

On 23.10.2008 10:08 Antoine wrote:
LOL, I got curious so I wizard moded down to 2000', summoned a Master Quythulg, and prodded it with my dagger. It looked at me frostily and summoned Master Quythulgs. Lets just say things went downhill from there... A.

Seen 1774 times.

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