The Oangband Screenshots Gallery: Small labyrinth vault by Nick

Shadow Fairy                            #               #.##############      ################# #                
Necromancer   #######              #######%%#%#%#########.######              #>                #                
Commander     #                        #          .............#              ## ###################             
LEVEL     37  # #####            ####  # #%%##%%###^...........#               #      ^                          
NEXT  108849 ## #                   #  # #      M##............#               ########                          
AU     73122    #####               #  # # *%##% ##............#                      #                          
                    %               %  % % %   %  .............#                      #                          
Str:   18/93 %##%%# %               #  # # %   ####............#                      #                          
INT:  18/110      % #%#%       #%#%#%  % % %      #............#                      #                          
WIS:      15      %              #     % % %      #...........@#                      #                          
DEX:   18/40      %#%#%%%%     # %     # % %      ##############                      ###### ####                
CON:  18/115       %#          % #     % # #                                               # #                   
CHR:   18/66       #  ####             # # #                                               # #                   
                   # ##                # # %                   ##########                  # #                   
Cur AC    88       # #######      ###  # # #               #####   p    #####              # #                   
HP   310:310       # #              #  # # #            ####    ###+####    ####           # #                   
SP   123:126       # #              ####'# #          ###   #####TT #  #####   ###         # #                   
                   # #                 +   #         ##  ####TTTT####+#    ####  ##        # #                   
                   # #              #####  #        ## ###TTT#####  # #####   ### ##                             
                #### #                  #  #%%#    %% ##  #### q  #+##  W ####  ## ##                            
                #    ######          ########>%    % ## ###   ##### ###### ^ ### ## #                            
                # ####                        #   %# # ##  ####    ##SSSS####  ## # ##                           
                # #                  ######## %%#%%L## # ###   ######+###SSS### # ## #                           
                # #  ###                    %       # ## ## #### E      ####S## ## # #                           
                # #  #                      %#%%#%# ## # ###   ##########SSS### #^## #                           
                # #  #                            %% # ##  ####   ^## SSS####  ## #                              
              ### #  #                             # ## ###   #####  ##### ^ ### ## ##                           
              # : ####                             %# ##  ####    ####    ####  ## ##                            
              #                                     %% ###   #####    #####   ### ##                             
              ########                               %%  ####    ###### p  ####  ##                              
                                                      %##   #####      #####   ###                               
                                                        %#%%    ########    ####                                 
                                                           ##%%#        #####                                    
Full DTrap                                                                                  2150 ft              
Small labyrinth vault
...containing Shelob. Also a nightmare, which is going to be teleported, and probably a bunch of non-evil stuff. But it's worth a shot.

Posted on 20.10.2008 09:02

Related character dump:
Death L, L45 Shadow Fairy Necromancer


On 20.10.2008 10:20 Nick wrote:
Shelob dropped junk, and the nightmare drained me back to cl36, but I'm still alive, so I'm not complaining.

Seen 1668 times.

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