The Entroband Screenshots Gallery: Weapon comparison between Werewindle and ego holy avenger by <>

Based on your current abilities, here is what your weapons will do                                                    
  The Long Sword 'Werewindle'           a Lochaber Axe (Holy Avenger)                                                 
  Number of Blows: 7                    Number of Blows: 6                                                            
  To Hit:  0  50 100 150 200 (AC)       To Hit:  0  50 100 150 200 (AC)                                               
          95  88  76  64  52 (%)                95  85  70  54  39 (%)                                                
(Only highest damage applies per monster. Special damage not cumulative.)                                             
  Possible Damage:                      Possible Damage:                                                              
   One Strike: 69-77 damage              One Strike: 73-94 damage                                                     
   One Attack: 483-539 damage            One Attack: 438-564 damage                                                   
  Evil:   Attack: 497-609 damage        Evil:   Attack: 456-708 damage                                                
  Demons: Attack: 511-679 damage        Undead: Attack: 474-852 damage                                                
  Elec:   Attack: 504-644 damage        Demons: Attack: 474-852 damage                                                
 ESC) Exit building                                  Gold Remaining:  1426671                                         
Weapon comparison between Werewindle and ego holy avenger
What the title says. I'm just putting this up to show a friend. If/when beating the game gets trivial, I might do some kinda fun version of the game for myself where my character can't use a single standard artifact. Though randarts are fair game obviously, even if this is just an ego weapon.

Posted on 26.3.2006 05:42

Related character dump:
Combat Sylvia, L42 Archon Mindcrafter


On 26.3.2006 06:24 Mat wrote:
There is a problem with this: Entroband doesn't offer the no Artefacts option

Seen 1619 times.

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