The Entroband Screenshots Gallery: Don't you hate when this happens? by <>

It breathes fire. Your Staff of Healing (4 charges) (o) was destroyed!                                                
Half-Titan                #..!.............#####...#     ###....~............#                                        
Champion                  #................#   #####       #.................#                                        
LEVEL     30              #................#               #########.#########                                        
EXP    28526              #########'########                       #.#                                                
AU     37065                     ##.#                              #.#                                                
|[ =="![(]]]                  ####..####                           #.#                                                
STR : 18/199                  #   ...  #                   #########'#########                                        
INT :  18/86                ########## #############     ###.................#                                        
WIS :  18/71                #''''''''''''          ####### #.#.............#.#                                        
DEX : 18/141                #'          '#########    ##   #.................#                                        
CON : 18/160                #'          '              < #.#.................#                                        
CHR : 18/131                #''''''''''''################# ..................#                                        
Cur AC   114               ######=# ######          #>######.#.............#.#                                        
HP  565/ 589              ##    ' '  #            ###      ..................#                                        
SP  127/ 135            ### <######>##            #    ###########.#.#########                                        
                        #   ##    ###             # ####        ##.#.#                                                
[----------]            # ###                     # #          ##>...#                                                
               ##########+#######                ##'########## #@#####                                                
               #                #             #### ^           .##                                                    
               #                #     #########  '            .                                                       
Day 32 13:18                    #######         ##           .                                                        
   Castle                       ##                                                                                    
                                ## ###  ##########                                                                    
                              ^ ## # ####        #      P                                                             
                                #  #             #######                                                              
                       ########## ##                                                                                  
                                # #                                                                                   
                                # #                                                                                   
                                                                                                          Stud  Lev 35
Don't you hate when this happens?
My first, and deceased, heal staff on this character. :(

Posted on 12.3.2006 10:51

Related character dump:
Fearless Random, L50 Dwarf Chaos-Warrior


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