The Angband Ladder: Harry Buzz IV, High-Elf Assassin by buzzkill

  [Oangband 1.1.0u Character Dump]

 Name    : Harry Buzz IV   Age                   518 STR      18/70
 Sex     : Male            Height                 76 INT      18/10
 Race    : High-Elf        Weight                193 Wis          5        6
 Class   : Assassin        Social Class           93 DEX         18
                                                     CON         17
                                                     CHR         14

 Max Hit Points      246   Level                28   Max SP (Mana)         9
 Cur Hit Points       -7   Experience        79316   Cur SP (Mana)         8
                           Max Exp           83989
        (Fighting)         Exp to Adv.       84500          (Shooting)
 Blows/Round           3   Gold               7669   Shots/Round         1.0
 + to Skill           17   Max Depth            45   + to Skill           16
 Deadliness (%)      117   Base AC/+ To AC  32/ 44
                           Game Turn        318203

 Fighting    : Excellent   Stealth     : Heroic      Disarming   : Excellent
 Bows/Throw  : Excellent   Perception  : Very Good   Magic Device: Excellent
 Saving Throw: Very Good   Searching   : Very Good   Infravision : 30 feet

                            (Character Background)
          You are one of several children of a Teleri Prince.  You
          have light grey eyes, straight black hair, and a fair

  [Resistances and Powers]

      abcdefghijkl@            abcdefghijkl@
  Acid....+.+......  70% Blind:.............
  Elec.............   0% Confu:.............   0%
  Fire......+......  45% Sound:.............   0%
  Cold......+......  45% Shard:......+......  45%
  Pois......+......  45% Nexus:.............   0%
  Fear.............      Nethr:.............   0%
  Lite........+...+  70% Chaos:.............   0%
  Dark........+...+  70% Disen:.............   0%

      abcdefghijkl@            abcdefghijkl@
S.Dig:.............      M-Mas:.............
Feath:......+......      Stea.:.............
PLite:.............      Sear.:.............
Regen:.............      Infra:.............
Telep:.............      Tunn.:.............
Invis:............+      Speed:.............
FrAct:..+..........      Might:.............
HLife:.............      Shots:.............

  [Specialty Abilities]


  [Stat Breakdown]

Stat Intrnl Rce Cls Oth Actual Currnt     abcdefghijkl@
Str:     17   1   2   5  18/70            ..........5..
Int:     15   3   1   0  18/10            .............
Wis:     10  -1  -3   0      6      5     .............
Dex:     13   3   2   0     18            .............
Con:     16   1   0   0     17            .............
Chr:     11   5  -2   0     14            .............

  [Last Messages]

> The Blade of slaughter misses you.
> The Blade of slaughter hits you.
> The Blade of slaughter misses you.
> The Blade of slaughter hits you.
> The Blade of slaughter hits you.
> The Blade of slaughter hits you.
> The Blade of slaughter hits you.
> The Blade of slaughter hits you.
> You die.

  [Character Equipment]

a) a Short Sword of Poisoning (1d7) (+9,+9)
b) a Heavy Crossbow (x4) (+8,+8)
c) an Engagement Ring of Free Action
d) a Platinum Ring of Deadliness (+17)
e) a Silver Amulet of Resist Acid
g) The Augmented Chain Mail of Girient (-1) [16,+20]
h) a Cloak of Protection [1,+9]
i) a Large Leather Shield of Night and Day [6,+5]
j) a Barbut [4,+3]
k) a Set of Leather Gloves of Power (+6,+2) [1,+2] (+5)
l) a Pair of Metal Shod Boots [4,+3]

0) 32 Bolts (1d7) (+3,+1)
1) 28 Bolts (1d7) (+0,+0)
2) 22 Bolts (1d8) (+0,+0)

  [Character Inventory]

a) a Tome of Necromancy [Beginner's Curses] {@m1@b1}
b) a Tome of Necromancy [Blood Novitiate] {@m3@b3}
c) an Amber Potion of Heroism
d) 15 Scrolls titled "gan creturs" of Phase Door
e) 5 Scrolls titled "mung monbat" of Teleport Level
f) 5 Scrolls titled "shucomp rhov" of Word of Recall {25% off}
g) 6 Scrolls titled "bytiv seforg" of Identify
h) a Scroll titled "klis dokzun" of Magic Mapping
i) 4 Scrolls titled "plucre redoe" of Detect Invisible
j) 3 Scrolls titled "anuni ishha" of Monster Confusion
k) a Scroll titled "aus sonelg val" of Dispel Undead
l) a Rhodium Rod of Illumination
m) a Nickel Rod of Light (charging)
n) a Gold Wand of Teleport Away (5 charges)
o) an Oak Staff of Teleportation (5 charges)
p) a Willow Staff of Dungeon Mapping (8 charges) {25% off}
q) a Mallorn Staff of Detection (17 charges)
r) a Brass Amulet of Intelligence (+3)
s) Leather Scale Mail of Resist Fire (-1) [11,+3]

  [Home Inventory]

a) a Tome of Necromancy [Mysteries of Angmar]
b) a Shining Potion of Restore Intelligence
c) 15 Scrolls titled "gan creturs" of Phase Door
d) 8 Scrolls titled "mung monbat" of Teleport Level
e) 4 Scrolls titled "shucomp rhov" of Word of Recall {25% off}
f) 5 Scrolls titled "bit pay roval" of Recharging
g) 5 Scrolls titled "solnej trol" of Satisfy Hunger
h) 26 Scrolls titled "anuni ishha" of Monster Confusion
i) a Scroll titled "aus sonelg val" of Dispel Undead
j) a Laurel Staff of Perception (1 charge)
k) a Bastard Sword of Slay Demon (3d4) (+8,+6)
l) a Lead-Filled Mace (Blessed) (4d4) (+6,+11) (+2)
m) a Long Bow (x3) (+7,+7)
n) 5 Bolts (1d7) (+0,+0)
o) 35 Arrows of Hurt Orc (1d6) (+6,+4)
p) 3 Arrows (1d7) (+0,+0)
q) 42 Arrows (1d6) (+0,+0)

Harry Buzz IV the High-Elf Assassin
Began the quest to kill Morgoth on 11/07/2008 at 01:50 PM

|       10|       Town |  1  | Gained the Unlight specialty.
|    24694| Level   3  |  5  | Reached level 5
|    27241|       Town |  5  | Killed Bill Ferny
|    45900| Level   2  |  5  | Killed Lotho Pimple
|    69887| Level  13  | 10  | Reached level 10
|    86637| Level  22  | 15  | Reached level 15
|   119573| Level   6  | 17  | Destroyed Harry Buzz III, the Skeleton
|   129154| Level  12  | 17  | Killed Lagduf, the Snaga
|   140653| Level  30  | 20  | Reached level 20
|   140663| Level  30  | 20  | Gained the Marksman specialty.
|   154238| Level  31  | 21  | Killed Smeagol
|   201064| Level  30  | 25  | Reached level 25
|   212361| Level  31  | 25  | Killed Shagrat, the Orc Captain
|   252821| Level  39  | 27  | Killed Angamaite of Umbar
|   272521| Level  43  | 28  | Killed Bert the Stone Troll
|   292882| Level  45  | 28  | Killed Ibun, Son of Mim
|   315649| Level  45  | 28  | Found The Augmented Chain Mail of Girient
|   318203| Level  45  | 28  | Killed by a Blade of slaughter.
|   318203| Level  45  | 28  | Killed on 11/28/2008 at 11:21 AM.


Score: Peek into object creation                 : no  (score_peek)
Score: Peek into monster creation                : no  (score_hear)
Score: Peek into dungeon creation                : no  (score_room)
Score: Peek into something else                  : no  (score_xtra)
Score: Know complete monster info                : no  (score_know)
Score: Allow player to avoid death               : no  (score_live)

Posted on 19.11.2008 00:47
Last updated on 28.11.2008 17:26

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18. on the Competition No.61 Ladder (of 53)


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On 19.11.2008 00:48 buzzkill wrote:
The Young Blue Dragon dies. Welcome to Level 16. I've found nothing useful yet.

On 19.11.2008 01:27 buzzkill wrote:
The Quylthulg dies. Welcome to Level 17. No major improvement yet. Found a Scimitar (+3,+4) and a Small Metal Shield (+5). Bought a Staff of Object location in town.

On 19.11.2008 04:50 buzzkill wrote:
The Hill Orc dies. Welcome to Level 18. They ran out of Word of Recall in town so I had to take the stairs. Made it to 600' before recalling back to the surface. Didn't improve my kit much and wasted a lot of time, but gold is still a stumbling block and now I have a lot of crap to sell.

On 20.11.2008 17:42 buzzkill wrote:
The Blink Dog dies. Welcome to Level 20. Currently 16 on the ladder. Blink Dogs are an easy 50 XP each. I chose the Marksman specialty since my Sling is still my primary weapon. I had a couple of un-ID'd scrolls, up in town, so I read them, rather than ID them. The first was Acquirement (doogh), but it still gave me Hard Leather of Resist Fire, which was better than what I had. The second was Teleport Level (down, doogh). It took me forever to find the stairs back to the surface. Gold is still a problem, and the town has run out of Scrolls of Teleportation, so I'm relying heavily on Phase Door and luck :(

On 20.11.2008 23:29 buzzkill wrote:
The Energy Hound dies. Welcome to Level 21. Currently 13 on the ladder. Well, I've been having quite a bit of trouble surviving down here at 1550'. Therefore, my dives haven't been long enough for the town to restock itself. So, I'm now wandering around 1550' with no Teleportation, only Phase Door, and Recall. Haven't come up with Free Action yet either. A Shield of Day and Night is my latest find. I resist fire, lite, and dark at 70%, that's about it. I'm doomed aren't I?

On 21.11.2008 00:35 buzzkill wrote:
The Young Multi-Hued Dragon dies. Welcome to Level 22. Currently 12 on the ladder. A moderately successful dive. Although my recall placed me just outside of some type of vault, and I was almost immediately set upon by hounds I managed to survive (avoiding the vault, though I may go back for it). Big finds on this trip are some Lead Shots of Freezing and a Ring of Deadliness (+17). More importantly, this dive has lasted long enough (I think) for some new item to appear in town. I hope I make it back there someday.

On 21.11.2008 00:55 buzzkill wrote:
Here's something I never knew. * Edge of detect trap region! * is actually outside of the detect trap region. BEWARE!!!

On 21.11.2008 01:26 buzzkill wrote:
So I again encountered a Dark Elven Lord. He killed one of my previous Harrys, so I was naturally cautious. He was fast. I Phased and read Recall, as I retreated he blinded me and then he started moving faster. I slammed shut the door between us but, unknown to me, he was already on the other side. He struck me from behind. I quaffed CCW and the first thing I saw was flames. He hit me with a fire bolt and brought me down to 50%, but it cost him nearly all his mana. There would be no more casting from him. I Phased away, landed in a lit room, and hit him with a Shot from my sling. He closed and I Phased again. Another Shot from my Sling and he was on the run. A moment later he lie dead, dropping a Ring and a Staff just 30' from me. I thought briefly about reading a second recall, canceling the first. I did have a spare. But without any means of Teleportation I was somewhat eager to get back to town. I approached the Ring as quickly as I could as it lie on the floor. Just 20' to go, then 10, then I was upon it. As a reached down for the ring I felt myself yanked upwards, missing it by mere inches! Doogh!

On 21.11.2008 01:49 buzzkill wrote:
So, there are still no Scrolls of Teleportation available in town. I had a choice, either a Staff of Teleportation or Gloves of Free Action. I chose the gloves. Dead broke, once again, I'll recall to the depths in search of treasure.

On 22.11.2008 01:49 Nick wrote:
The way the trap detect works is this: when the player moves to a new grid, it checks every grid around the new grid. If it finds one that isn't detected, *and* if the old grid the player was on was detected, it gives the warning. So you should never step onto a new grid that isn't detected without getting a warning; this also explains why you often get multiple warnings.

On 22.11.2008 03:24 buzzkill wrote:
When I hit the trap, I thought it was unusual. I wasn't quite sure if I was in the * edge of * warning zone or not. So I stepped back and forth over the threshold several times. It's my recollection that the undetected trap was in the * warning area *, thus the post. Of course, I've been wrong before.

On 22.11.2008 17:34 buzzkill wrote:
The Ogre Shaman dies. Welcome to Level 23. Currently 12 on the ladder (up from 14). No real improvements to my kit, but several un-ID'd item in my pack. Lack or Recall, lack of Teleport, and most recently, lack of Phase Door in town, is hampering my progress. I don't really know what I going to do if this situation persists.

On 22.11.2008 18:37 buzzkill wrote:
The White Wraith dies. Welcome to Level 24. Despite pretty much non-stop slaying, still 12 on the ladder. Found stuff to sell, but nothing useful (except of the Wand of Shrapnel, maybe). Unless I get into trouble, I'm probably going to stick around here for a while. There are a lot of large caverns just packed full of evil creatures.

On 22.11.2008 20:30 buzzkill wrote:
My cavern clearing frenzy was put to an end when an Ogre Shaman summoned a Mage. Not wanting press my luck any longer I read my last Recall. The Mage died without incident. So did the Shaman. I amassed over 4000 GP on this dive, the most I've ever had. Not much to buy in town, but I did manage to buy a few Recalls and Teleport Levels.

On 25.11.2008 00:07 buzzkill wrote:
Crashed again while shopping in town. I made up the progress but it still sucks.

On 25.11.2008 04:11 buzzkill wrote:
All this amnesia is driving me crazy. My kit sucks. I'll be dead soon if things don't change.

On 26.11.2008 19:16 drchung wrote:
I wouldn't despair yet. Oangband is hard, I think the key is to figure out what monsters are worth killing, and the much larger list of monsters that are too lethal to even be on the same level with. Do you mind stair-scumming? Especially with a _oObjDet or resting to use the detect magic spell, you can get a look at some decent -ish items. Do you have the basic resists and FA? If so, you only really need a decent ego weapon (say a branded weapon) to go troll hunting.

On 27.11.2008 05:49 buzzkill wrote:
I'm actually playing (all my competition characters) with dis-connected stairs and no auto-scum. I despise stair scumming. I consider it cheating (esp. in competition play). I have a branded weapon, but NO artifacts yet. The Umbar brothers blanked my memory and the town is out of all forms of ID. My bow is my best friend, but it's nothing special. I'm surviving without too much trouble, but it seems like I'm wasting a lot of time lately. Trolls are good XP, so are undead, and dragons.

On 27.11.2008 18:48 buzzkill wrote:
CL28, DL45. This is great. I just came back from a nice long dive and now, and though it refreshed, the town still out of all forms of ID, and they are out of stock on all forms of healing as well. My home is about to overflow with un-ID'd items. Killed Ibun, and he dropped a 'normal' body shield. I'm beginning to wonder what the point to all this is.

On 27.11.2008 20:44 Psi wrote:
You're not the only one! I can see why Nick decided to write FA...

On 27.11.2008 22:00 Nick wrote:
Well, there are some annoyances, but there's lots to like about O, combat system and specialties, for example. I actually decided to make FA, then chose O to fork from because the basics are right. My feeling is that most of the annoyances are superficial - but then I do like most variants.

On 28.11.2008 07:49 Psi wrote:
Sorry, I probably wasn't very clear! The underlying stuff is great, but it just takes so much effort! However it actually feels like O has got worse in that respect since FA forked from it.

On 28.11.2008 16:53 buzzkill wrote:
Well, I ran into a Gnomish Wizard on DL44. He has some nasty spells, but I didn't think him too tough as he lie dead. A while later I noticed XP were yellow. BEWARE THE GNOMISH WIZARD!! Apparently, that ball of raw chaos he hit me with drained 12,000 XP. That's 15% of my total. Although the town was now stocked with ID, they have no Restore Life.

On 28.11.2008 16:57 buzzkill wrote:
Almost forgot, still no Healing in town, and I'm completely out. Not even a CLW. I'm going to recall to DL44 and try to find some up stairways. Maybe hang out around DL30 or so for a while. This could be the end...

On 28.11.2008 17:50 buzzkill wrote:
RIP Harry (sob). Upon recall I immediately detected a Gnomish Wizard. Wanting revenge and also wanting to try out my new (3 blow) Short Sword of Poisoning, I crept up on him. He was alone, asleep, and two turns later dead. No problem. Just to the north I ID'd a Staff of Detection, which was handy. I detected lots of stuff, but no stairs up. Moving along the top of the map, I found a room full of rubble where I dropped a pack of Impact Hounds. Surrounded by rubble is a great place to fight these guys and the XP's pretty good too. I rested up and headed south toward an un-ID'd ring and amulet. The ring was INT, the amulet guarded by a Spirit Naga, it's powers unknown to me. It was a longish room so I backed away and hit it with my Rod of Light. I was going to pelt it with arrows from my Heavy Crossbow, but then 3 things happened at once. 1st, the Naga tried to confuse and blind me, both failed. 2nd, a Blade of Slaughter suddenly appeared right next to me. 3rd, I made a really bad choice. You know that moment when you know that everything about to fall apart and and you stick around for just one more attack hoping for some really good luck. Yep, that's what I did.

Knowing nothing of this, so-called, Blade of Slaughter, I figured I'd take a wack at it and maybe kill it in a single blow. We'll I knocked 1 or 2 points off it's health, and then it hit me about 6 times. Then the Naga confused me. I thought something like this might happen so I grabbed my trusty Staff of Teleportation and... failed to use it properly. Repeat, and die.

I knew the Naga could confuse me after the first round. I knew that using the Staff would be harder when confused. I knew that a failed teleport or two would probably leave me dead. And yet, knowing all these things, I decided to stick around and duke it out with 2 unknown enemies and no healing potions whatsoever. STUPID STUPID STUPID.

To my credit, I located zero up stairways in the half of the map I did explore, so at least I didn't pass one up to die on this level.

On 28.11.2008 17:52 buzzkill wrote:
I see that the ladder give you credit for the highest XP total you have attained, not what you actually had at time of death/post. Thanks PAV.

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