The Angband Ladder: Troldana, Half-Troll Wizard by <>

  [sCthangband 1.0.16 Character Dump]

 Name        : Troldana         Age                 18       STR:     16
 Sex         : Female           Height              75       INT:  18/20
 Race        : Half-Troll       Weight             227       WIS:     12
 Template    : Wizard           Social Class        13       DEX:     11
 Exp. factor : 137              Birthday         3 Nov       CON:  18/10
                                                             CHR:      6

   Melee                      Missile               Hit Points:        17/19
 + To Hit            9      + To Hit            0   Spell Points:        4/6
 + To Damage        14      + To Damage         0   Chi Points:          2/2
 Attack/Round     1,30      Attack/Round      0,0
 Damage/Round     32,3      Damage/Round      0,0   Gold:                879
                                                    Experience:         4139
            (Miscellaneous Abilities)
 Fighting    : Superb       Perception  : Fair      + To AC:               0
 Bows/Throw  : Excellent    Searching   : Poor      Base AC:               5
 Saving Throw: Good         Disarming   : Bad
 Stealth     : Poor         Magic Device: Very Good Infra-Vision:    30 feet

       Everyman Skills         Specialist Skills        Hermetic Skills
       ===============         =================        ===============

     Close Combat:    31%     Martial Arts:    3%     Thaumaturgy:     10%
     Slashing Weaps:  26%                             Necromancy:      3%
     Stabbing Weaps:  26%     Mindcrafting:    3%     Conjuration:     8%
     Crushing Weaps:  30%     Chi Balance:     3%     Sorcery:         10%
     Missile:         25%
                              Spirit Lore:     3%     Magice Corporis: 3%
     Toughness:       6%                              Magice Vis:      0%
                              Hedge Magic:     3%     Magice Naturae:  3%
     Devices:         34%                             Magice Animae:   3%
     Resistance:      30%     Innate Powers:   0%
                                                      Mana Channeling: 7%
     Perception:      26%
     Searching:       24%
     Item Sensing:    6%

     Disarming:       11%
     Stealth:         22%

                             (Character Background)
           A Demon Lord of Chaos decided to have some fun, and so he
           created you.  You have green reptilian eyes, dirty albino
                         fur, and the hooves of a goat.

  [Miscellaneous information]

 Ironman Shops:      OFF
 Maximise Mode:      ON
 Preserve Mode:      ON
 Autoscum:           ON
 Small Levels:       ON
 Arena Levels:       ON
 Long Stairs:        ON
 Stupid Monsters:    OFF
 Recall:             Level 1 (50') in the Sewers under Inganok

 You have defeated 376 enemies.

  [Chaos Features]

 You can feel the strength of the magics affecting you.

  [Character Equipment]

a) the Flail 'Abyss' (2d6) (+6,+11) (+2) {uncursed}
     It trains your Crushing Weapons skill.
     It was conjured out of thin air at 50' in the Sewers under Inganok.
b) (nothing)
c) (nothing)
d) (nothing)
e) (nothing)
f) the Star Essence of Polaris (1d1) (+1) {uncursed}
     It provides light (radius 3) forever.
     It was conjured out of thin air at 50' in the Sewers under Inganok.
g) Soft Leather Armour [4] {uncursed}
h) a Cloak [1,+0] {uncursed}
     It can be harmed by acid and fire.
     It was found at 50' in the Sewers under Inganok.
i) (nothing)
j) (nothing)
k) (nothing)
l) (nothing)
m) a Lump of Sulphur (1d1)
     It was bought from a Magic Shop in the industrious town of Inganok.
n) a Crystal (1d1)
     It was bought from a Magic Shop at 50' in the Sewers under Inganok.
o) a Fly Agaric Toadstool (1d1)
     It was bought from a Magic Shop at 50' in the Sewers under Inganok.
p) a Silver Unicorn Horn (1d1)
     It was dropped by a Kobold at 50' in the Sewers under Inganok.
q) (nothing)
r) (nothing)

  [Character Inventory]

a) a Sorcery Book [Beginner's Handbook] (1d1) {25% off}
     It can be harmed by fire.
     It was bought from a Bookstore in the industrious town of Inganok.
b) a Conjuration Book [Minor Conjurings] (1d1)
c) a Necromancy Book [Black Prayers] (1d1) {25% off}
     It can be harmed by fire.
     It was bought from a Bookstore in the industrious town of Inganok.
d) a Thaumaturgy Book [Sign of Chaos] (1d1)
     It can be harmed by fire.
     It was found somewhere in the Sewers under Inganok.
e) 16 Rations of Food
     It cannot be harmed by the elements.
     They were bought from a General Store at 50' in the Sewers under Inganok.
f) a Flask of oil (2d6)
     It was found at 50' in the Sewers under Inganok.
g) 2 Disgusting Yellow Potions of Speed (1d1)
     They were found at 50' in the Sewers under Inganok.
h) 2 Light Blue Potions of Heroism (1d1)
     They were found on the floor somewhere in the Sewers under Inganok.
i) a Dark Blue Potion of Cure Light Wounds (1d1)
     It was found on the floor at 50' in the Sewers under Inganok.
j) 2 Scrolls titled "pore vlydan bjor" of Identify
     They were found at 50' in the Sewers under Inganok.
k) a Scroll titled "re gar shuer wed" of Blessing
     It was found at 50' in the Sewers under Inganok.
l) a Long Wand of Light (1d1)
     You have a 94.2% chance of successfully using it at present.
     It was found at 50' in the Sewers under Inganok.

  [Last Ten Messages]

You feel a change coming over you...
You turn into a Half-Troll!
$!Re-load preference files for new race (y/n)?[y/n] y
Error "no such option" in line 367 of file 'Huing.prf'.
Parsing 'Z:autosave_l:no'
ERROR: Invalid keypress <2x>
Error "no such option" in line 367 of file 'Huing.prf'.
Parsing 'Z:autosave_l:no'
Done. <2x>

Posted on 24.1.2007 03:45

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On 24.1.2007 03:45 wrote:
So, do I own the Half-Troll Wizard list or what?

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