The Angband Ladder: Tattersail, Human Istar by <>

  [TomeNET 4.4.0e @ Character Dump]

 Name        : Tattersail       Age                 18       STR: 18/***       
 Sex         : Female           Height              28       INT: 18/***       
 Race        : Human            Weight             150       WIS: 18/***       
 Class       : Istar            Social Class         1       DEX: 18/***       
 Body        : Player                                        CON: 18/***       
 Mode        : Unworldly (one life)                          CHR: 18/***       
 +To MHit          -17      Level             73    Max Hit Points      1443   
 +To MDamage        -3      Experience 115360432    Cur Hit Points      1443   
 +To RHit            2      Max Exp    115360432    Max SP (Mana)       1649   
 +To RDamage         0      Exp to Adv.120000000    Cur SP (Mana)       1649   
 + To AC            90      Gold          457179    Cur Sanity         Sound   
   Base AC          13                                                         
                         (Miscellaneous Abilities)                             
 Fighting    : Very Bad     Perception  : Superb       Blows/Round:  1         
 Bows/Throw  : Poor         Searching   : Good         Shots/Round:  1         
 Saving Throw: Legendary    Disarming   : Excellent    Spells/Round: 1         
 Stealth     : Legendary    Magic Device: Heroic       Infra-Vision: 1330 feet 
 You are at 0ft of (32, 32).                                                   
                         (Character Background)                                
          You are one of several children of a Yeoman.  You are the            
          black sheep of the family.  You have blue eyes, straight             
          red hair, and an average complexion.                                 

Skills (points left: 0)
 - Combat                                         00.000 [0.300]
     . Weaponmastery                              00.000 [0.150]
     . Interception                               01.000 [0.150]
 - Magic                                          50.000 [1.000]
     . Magic-device                               17.800 [1.200]
     . Spell-power                                50.000 [0.600]
     . Sorcery                                    00.000 [0.205]
     . Mana                                       50.000 [1.900]
     . Fire                                       50.000 [1.600]
     . Water                                      00.000 [1.600]
     . Air                                        00.000 [1.600]
     . Earth                                      32.000 [1.600]
     . Meta                                       50.000 [1.600]
     . Conveyance                                 50.000 [1.600]
     . Divination                                 50.000 [1.600]
     . Temporal                                   50.000 [1.600]
     . Mind                                       00.000 [1.600]
     . Nature                                     00.000 [1.600]
     . Udun                                       50.000 [1.600]
 - Sneakiness                                     05.970 [0.700]
     . Stealth                                    08.400 [0.600]
     . Dodging                                    00.000 [0.500]
     . Calmness                                   00.000 [0.800]
 - Necromancy                                     00.000 [1.000]
     . Traumaturgy                                00.000 [1.000]
     . Aura of Fear                               00.000 [1.000]
     . Shivering Aura                             00.000 [1.000]
     . Aura of Death                              00.000 [1.000]
 - Health                                         00.000 [0.800]
     . Swimming                                   01.000 [0.600]
     . Climbing                                   00.000 [0.030]

  [Character Equipment]

a) Mage Staff of Wizardry {+,48}(1d4)(-19,-16)(+10){!k!d!v!s!= @w0@Ox}
b) (nothing)
c) small wooden Boomerang 'Celon' {+,27}(1d4)(+0,+0)(+5){!k!d!v!s!= @w0}
d) Indestructible Tortoise Shell Ring Speed {+,43}(+15){!k!d!v!s!= @w0}
e) Indestructible Tortoise Shell Ring Speed {+,46}(+15){!k!d!v!s!= @w0}
f) a Mithril Amulet of Trickery {+,34} (+4) {!k!d!v!s!= @w0}
g) an Everburning Torch of the Magi {+,0} (+3) {!k!d!v!s!= @w0@Ox}
h) The Frock of Orome {+,52} [2,+12] (+3) {!k!d!v!s!= @w0}
i) Elven Cloak of the Batman {+,28}(-4,-10)[4,+25](+3)(+4){!k!d!v!s!= @w0}
j) The Massive Iron Crown of Morgothian Curse {+,45} [0,+0] (+125)
k) Set of Cesti of Rumil {+,49}(+6,+3)[5,+24](+8){!k!d!v!s!= @w0}
l) Pair of Soft Leather Boots of Speeding Ticket {+,28}[2,+15](+10){!k!d!v!s!=
m) (nothing)
n) a Device of Theft Prevention System {+,26} {!k!d!v!s!= @w0}

  [Character Inventory]

a) a Tome of Magical Energy {+,18} {!*@m0}
b) a Tome of the Eternal Flame {+,17} {!*@m3}
c) a Tome of the Impenetrable Earth {+,18} {!*@m7}
d) a Fireproof Tome of Translocation {+,25} {!*@m6@R}
e) a Fireproof Tome of Knowledge {+,32} {!*@m5}
f) a Fireproof Tome of the Time {+,21} {!*@m4}
g) 2 Unholy Tomes of the Hellflame {+,17} {!*@m8}
h) 81 Light Blue Potions of Healing {+,15} {!*@q0}
i) 5 Smoky Potions of Resistance {+,9} {on sale}
j) 76 Red Speckled Potions of Restore Mana {+,0} {!*@q1}
k) 76 Scrolls "mur for" of Teleportation {+,1} {!*@r0@r2}
l) 14 Scrolls "petsta ion" of Satisfy Hunger {+,1} {!k!= @r3}
m) a Mithril Rod of Restoration of the Istari {+,37} {!*@z8@z9@z0}
n) 2 Sycamore Staffs of *Destruction* {+,19} (4 charges) {!*@u0}

  [Last Messages]

Keymap has been reinitialized.
Server Note: Make sure to regularly visit the forum on
Server Note:  and the bulletin board (press !).
Server Note: Parrying now enabled. It's a passive automatic ability.
Server Note: Warning: *Destruction* now causes knockout on everyone.
Server Note: Cloaking mode now available to rogues via 'V' key.
Server Note: 4.4.0e client has been released to fix some bugs.
Server Note: Dodging has been reworked. Allows more armour. See guide.
Server Note: Shield blocking enabled. Combat stances now available to
Server Note:  fighter classes, see guide for more information.
[Illusionate:Tattersail] moo!
You successfully cast the spell Wraithform.
You successfully cast the spell Elemental Shield.
You feel resistant to fire!
You feel resistant to cold!
You feel resistant to electricity!
You feel resistant to acid!
You successfully cast the spell Disruption Shield.
A purple shimmering shield forms around your body!
You successfully cast the spell Essence of Speed.
You feel yourself moving faster!
You successfully cast the spell Vision.
You successfully cast the spell Sense Hidden.
Your eyes feel very sensitive!
You successfully cast the spell Sense Monsters.
You sense the absence of creatures.
Your mind expands !
Keymap has been reinitialized.

Posted on 6.8.2006 00:56
Last updated on 9.4.2008 08:00

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8. on the TomeNET Ladder (of 499)


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On 6.8.2006 12:25 wrote:

On 7.8.2006 01:50 wrote:
sup, abernus?

On 8.8.2006 00:36 wrote:
I was hoping for this char to win.

On 6.9.2006 17:24 wrote:
Body armour gives acid imm, Vilya elec imm, Nenya cold imm, and Fire school gives fire immunity. Just bought that +4 +4 elven batty cloak, too. Will wear once I get a magi lamp....
+2+3+4+5 (14) luck in total!

On 8.9.2006 01:15 wrote:
(Morgoth attempt death). Tele'd to the pack of undeads he summoned previously, didn't notice DS were off and quaffed manas instead of heals.

Looking closer at the log shows that the death was inevitable anyway. No teleport scrolls left.

On 11.3.2007 23:28 wrote:
personal best :P

On 17.3.2007 02:39 wrote:
aw. sorry, lealin ^^"

On 18.5.2007 13:30 wrote:
Looted Eve for the ring. Thanks mate.

On 21.5.2007 23:58 wrote:
*cough* you did not just loot my ring you bastard =D

On 22.5.2007 02:46 wrote:
Only wearing your gloves and cloak because they have better AC. Thanks for those too I guess :)

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